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Everything posted by Monty13

  1. Not sure if it’s a ploy, but if he’s staying I can see him being a good choice for a new captain. It’s not just his on field ability. Just take the way he’s gone from speaking virtually no English on arrival to where he was later last season while playing every game, speaks volumes about his character.
  2. Sorenson at CB when there’s basically half a dozen on the bench is interesting too.
  3. Don’t want to read too much into it but it’s hard not to when he keeps giving him the armband during preseason.
  4. The difference between a striker who gets you 20 and 15-16 might be as much as 8-10 points across the season though. Fine margins in football.
  5. I get what you’re saying but i think it could be important for this year and also not urgent. I don’t think any of us are aware of what Norwich’s current cash in hand/cash flow situation is. It could even be we have already borrowed from Attanasio against an expected future sale.
  6. While it's a fair question is that not the point of Attanasio's backing? If Cordoba was presumably seen as the No1 target, which considering we haven't bought anyone else and it's nearly August seems he might have been, would we really have lost out to Rangers because we hadn't sold anyone yet? That doesn't seem like how the Atanasio era will operate.
  7. Going to have to disagree Harry, I've liked the look of him too but no way I want to see a lad his age benchwarming personally, either hes first choice or get him on loan somewhere where he will be.
  8. If Doyle is still coming and intended to play LB not sure how much incentive there is for another PL youth player to come and fight for the same position so we can loan out Montoia to get minutes, something doesnt quite add up.
  9. So you are suggesting we will only sell any players this year to fund new expenditure and that there is no shortfall to be made up in the current playing budget?
  10. Thanks @shefcanary. Not sure I understand the source of disagreement to be honest, the bit in bold seems to be pretty clear, people seem to just be arguing over the numbers involved which we don’t, can’t and won’t know right now.
  11. https://x.com/norwichcityfc/status/1816020497886285938?s=46&t=3Axhj2X2NX40rKNDX6ZHbw and it’s released
  12. Just changed profile on Twitter to this.
  13. Probably not as suicidal as selling your only fully fit experienced striker without a replacement in the building.
  14. Yea thats all it is in action, and the tribes get more polarised as you have to agree with the tribe or you're out. Then you have no tribe and our primal brain knows that being tribeless is basically death so doesnt want to. Then you realise you're screwed and either have to pretend you agree with Joey Barton or your friends hate you lol, what a time to be alive for all these lonely people.
  15. I was going to say, I've read far worse said about posters on here. Unless there's some other tweet i'm missing i'm honestly confused what the charge is based on. Generally being a tw*t isnt a crime yet as far as I'm aware, i'm also of the opinion we should definitely let such people let that be known publically, wouldn't want them hiding the fact.
  16. Yea thats my assumption too but i guess we never know, he was quite adament his job is to get the most out of the players he has so he may surprise us i guess.
  17. I like the fact there’s expat representation. Not everyone that grows up a Norwich supporter is in easy access of Carrow Road either abroad or in this country, doesn’t make them less passionate.
  18. Yea I can’t see an improvement. People’s Idah expectations have always seemed overblown to me. Only the clubs above us last year had arguably a better second striker and his stats proved that. I can understand if he’s frustrated with game time though. He’s definitely been held back in his career with limited minutes/starts for a good few years now and then last year being behind Barnes.
  19. While you’re not wrong I think he has a point about him as a lone striker. I’d be really surprised if we see Thorup starting Barnes as a 10 when fit, in which case I’m not sure what role he plays other than impact sub.
  20. Would need to be a significant replacement available for that to make sense. I’m not sure how Barnes even fits in. I assume we’ll be going with one striker from Thorup’s desire to retain possession and what we’ve seen in preseason so far. I’m not convinced Aboh is ready to step up so a choice between an injured Sargent, an aged/injured Barnes and an inexperienced Aboh is quite some headache to sort. I wonder if they had a replacement in mind they could get if Idah would be gone already. I really hope he stays, never been a better season for him to show what he can do and take some pressure of Sargents shoulders and injury.
  21. Kind of catches the mood I suppose, although you’re right maybe a bit too much. You don’t need to (and can’t) know the exact financial situation, but we do know we’ve lost parachute payments, cloth has to continue to be cut. I don’t think we’ll learn much about how this is going for a while, has the same hallmarks as the first Farke season and Knapper already said it will take multiple transfer windows. Yet I can’t help feeling optimistic personally. It’s a fresh start, Knapper seems to be going quietly and methodically about his business and we have the backing of Attanasio’s group to reduce any urgent financial concerns.
  22. Most of its just good old fashioned tribalism. Problem is once you’ve chosen your tribe good luck either leaving it or getting accepted by another.
  23. I can’t stand Barton and what he said was pretty horrible but reading them I’m baffled why it’s a criminal matter.
  24. Let’s not even contemplate this please. I can take them being promoted, I can take them spending money like water when they get there in a way we never have…but watching Skipp run out for them in the PL would somehow just be an extra notch of irritation that’s hard to ignore.
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