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  1. Look forward to reading any books with a Norwich City theme - my second book is a novel with a Norwich City theme which some of you may be interested in: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Memorabilia-Nick-Richards/sim/1907652922/2
  2. My thoughts and observations on tonight''s match from my seat in the Jarrold Stand: http://nick-sportsjunkie.blogspot.com/2011/09/norwich-2-sunderland-1-ten-things-we.html
  3. Thanks for everyone who read and commented so positively on my blog post after the Stoke game. Just back from Stamford Bridge - here''s my ten things we now know from this afternoon. http://nick-sportsjunkie.blogspot.com/2011/08/chelsea-3-norwich-1-ten-things-we-now.html
  4. Check out my new blog after every Norwich City game I go to this season - not just a boring match report, but ten observations that I made during today''s game. Let me know what you think and be sure to follow me on Twitter @nicksportjunkie http://nick-sportsjunkie.blogspot.com/2011/08/norwich-1-stoke-1-ten-things-we-now.html
  5. Paul - I''m in Bury too and up for away games in the coming season. Follow me on Twitter if yr on there: @nicksportjunkie
  6. Francomb played right back in the first half and got forward loads down the right. I thought it was Russell Martin at first, he did exactly what Russell does week in week out. Looked strong on the ball. Adeyemi was busy in midfield early on, good to see him in a City shirt again and he had a couple of shots. Didn''t take much notice of Brindley but Dawkin did well down the left in the second half and put in some great crosses. One of them from the left hit the post/bar though I think it was meant as a cross. Not sure which of them will make the 25 man squad, though I suspect there may be a place for Francomb.
  7. I thought he was the best player on show in the second half. He''s got a bit of midfield steel in the Huddlestone/Essien mould. He was taking pot shots every time he got on the ball. Of all the new signings he stood out. I know it''s only one game and against Gorleston but didn''t think much of Morison. Bennett looks like he''s got plenty of pace and De Laet didn''t have much to do. Vaughan looked bright when he came on, but Johnson looks like being more than just a squad player. I can see us playing Fox and Johnson as holding midfielders in away games, particularly against the bigger clubs.
  8. Thank you for your reply my friend, will try and get some before the big match. Will be great to see City in action again - seems like ages since Coventry at Carrow Road!
  9. Apologies if this has already been posted - does anyone know how to get them? Had a look online and is it really just two shops in Gorleston that are selling them? Does anyone know if you can pay on the gate or get them some other way?
  10. I got my shirt yesterday, generally happy with it - I''ve put a detailed review and some pics of it on my blog for anyone who hasn''t got it yet and wants to know a bit more about it! http://nick-sportsjunkie.blogspot.com/2011/07/ive-got-new-errea-norwich-city-home.html
  11. [quote user="Good Evening Neil"]If (or when) Grant scores this season, he will have scored in the main 4 leagues in consecutive seasons (League 2 - Prem). There can''t be many players who have done that? [/quote] You beat me to it! I was writing a blog post about the rise of Jackson and Holt and their incredible rise. Amazing to think that if the pair appear against every one fo the 19 Premier League teams this season they could have faced around 85% of the teams in the league in just four seasons. If any picture sums up their incredible rise it''s this one on my blog: http://nick-sportsjunkie.blogspot.com/2011/06/remarkable-rise-of-grant-holt-and.html
  12. I''ve looked at the history of our opening day fixtures on my blog and history says it''ll be a trip to Goodison Park. Click the link for our full record on the opening day in the top flight - we''ve actually won more than we''ve lost! http://tinyurl.com/66xdnwe  
  13. [quote user="Beauseant"]Enjoy it mate. I was fortunate enough to go to Man Utd V Benfica at Wembley in 68, which was sensational, and then Ajax v Panathanaikos, which wasn''t a great game, but showcased Cruyff in his pomp. Tickets were a bit cheaper though![/quote] Beauseant - can you remember how you got tickets for those games? Just curious as to how it worked back then.
  14. [quote user="jas the barclay king"]Yes.. the "champions" league.. a competition you can enter by not being a champion, where the scummiest of all Egnlish football teams are going gto be in the final, The competition thats putting the death knell into the game in this country as the premier league do what they can to ensure it remains a closed shop. if the final was say, in Belgium, how many of you would have gone? B*****ks to the champions league and manchester united.. im a norwich city fan and dont care who wins in Europe... what do we, as a club, get out of it? [/quote]   Funny you mention Belgium, I started this season watching Anderlecht the week before we played Watford. I personally love the Champions League as a bit of escapism from watching Norwich, I doubt we''ll ever get to play in it, but the chance to watch two of Europe''s best teams at Wembley is something I''m up for seeing as it might not come back to this country for another 10-15 years or so. Norwich are always first for me, but I love European football and try and fit in a couple of games on the continent every season. But I couldn''t give a stuff about England and wouldn''t be bothered if I didn''t ever watch them play again. We don''t get anything out of it but as Fulham, Stoke and Birmingham have proved in recent seasons it is possible for us to get into the Europa League and I for one would go to every single away game if we did.
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