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  1. I''ve got to agree with you Rudolph, I thought Zak apart from the goal looked pretty assured and helped the defence look less panicky than normal. Also for someone who has hardly played for ages he did very very well. Fox as well was excellent helped dictate tempo so well.
  2. I agree that he could be a pretty useful addition in the long term for us. Anyone have any idea when his contract''s up at Utd? If its not long wonder if this could be a loan to perm deal maybe even Jan.. Would of given us an opportunity to look at him in more detail in the prem rather than the champ at pompey and then make the deal permanent
  3. or one of the current loans gets turned into a perm thus freeing up a slot.. wonder if that was to happen who the''ve would sort a deal for..
  4. [quote user="The Voice Of Reason"]I don''t know Lmbert personally, just read that ''Pitfalls'' article and reading between the lines. He is very specific with mentioning Danny and Henry, and the prices in Jan. I don''t know, maybe I''ve read it wrong.[/quote] Just read it, can certainly see what you mean it really does seem to indicate that. I do find the bit about work is already under way to strengthen for Jan and that all his previous targets have been people he has known. Makes you wonder if we will going back in for someone or if there someone else on Lambert''s list that he hasn''t been available till now...
  5. Barclay hero, I thought you might be able to have 1 or 3 month loans as well, is it just two loans full stop then?
  6. Which interview did you see that in? I would be interested in reading that. As we''ve got two season long loans already I guess we would be only taking about say a 3 month loan unless I''ve misunderstood the loan rules. Will be very interesting to see who he goes for, or will it just be cover for any injuries that occur
  7. I have to agree about relegation battles should always be on our minds. Yesterday to me proved you really cant take any game for granted as on their day anybody really can beat anyone in the PL. At all costs we have to make sure we don''t get complacent against any team. What did please me yesterday tho was that although we had luck with the deflection and the pen we are not getting rolled over and are still fighting for everything. This will be sorely needed over the season and if you fight for it you put yourself in those positions where you might actually get the luck
  8. Top report as normal Ricardo, got to agree with your first paragraph massive point and a handy reality check
  9. [quote user="smiley"]Before the training started the whole squad was set targets to lower their weight and to maintain their fitness during close season. A Couple of players turned up with out meeting these targets, Holt was one of these and Lambert bullocked him for this and since then Holt has gone away and lost his weight and improved fitness.[/quote] do you know what I had heard that rumour but thought it was just that, where did you hear that from?
  10. [quote user="City1st"]Another player with a bit of pace. As good as a signing rather than a short term, stop gap loan. He also seems to fit the ''young hungry, something to prove/achieve'' model rather than ''proven Premier League'' player. Thankfully he is here in time to join Lamberts German huddle, when they go off to have the Lambert way ''knocked into them''. Bit by bit it all seems to be falling into place.[/quote] I would echo all of that, seems like a good signing that will also add to the squad rather than be coming in and be a shoe in for a starting place. Keeps everyone on their toes knowing that there will be a decent youngster waiting to take their place
  11. Did anyone else think martin looked a bit ''chunky'' warming up at the coventry game? I think he has a future for sure, but wonder how long it will take him to get back up to proper match fitness, although with Lambert''s Germany training camps i''m sure that he will be the right place to do it I would of thought though he wont be starting the first game of the season..
  12. Did he give you any ideas about what sort style it was going to be? i.e. collar, v-neck etc.  
  13. [quote user="Yorkshire Canary"]Not seen the story confirmed anywhere else at the moment[/quote] Thats what is concerning me at the moment, hoping someone pinkun/SSN etc. helps to shed some light either way!
  14. well I cant beat that.. but if you are able to meet in the city I''m up for buying it. If not i''ve got no hard feelings if you give it to white van man!
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