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Branston Pickle

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Everything posted by Branston Pickle

  1. Tbf there has been a little bit from Hungary, but bizarrely so little from Scotland
  2. I’m not across the Groups - what does Germany losing mean for England, if anything? Edit: never mind, not losing now!,
  3. Bit like the Krul challenge at Burnley, but more crowded and their striker came off quite badly it seems.
  4. Looks like a oretty long delay - both Gunn and a Hungary striker getting extended treatment…
  5. Tickets are on sale from tomorrow, or on the day (away ticket office next to club shop) according to the club website. I’ll probably be there with my son, see what sort of impact Hoff can make in a week! —— The Canaries begin pre-season with a trip to the Lamex Stadium where they will face Stevenage FC on Tuesday, July 9 (KO 7.45pm). Tickets are priced as follows: £15 Adults£12 Concessions*£10 Under-18s£2 Under-12s Edit - there’s no organised travel to this one, but there is to Northampton. Ground looks close enough (c1.5m?) to the station so not too bad.
  6. Poor old Lukaku - is that now 3 goals he’s had disallowed by var? Rom have missed some fantastic chances, it’s far from over while it stays 1-0.
  7. Just one quick q: can’t itv afford chairs for their pundits?
  8. Worth every penny, though….but Tesco red onion chutney is great for a treat 🙂!
  9. I’ve never ‘ignored’ anyone, can’t really see the point - just don’t read if you don’t want to…surely everyone has something interesting to say, however occasionally?! I’d hope no one has bothered to ‘ignore’ me - I don’t suppose I’d know, but nor would I lose a lot of sleep over it.
  10. Binner (Or whatever the Watford equivalent would be!) 🙂! The issue is that comparing season ticket prices just isn’t a simple as looking at the lead prices, odd as that seems. I’m sure clubs look at plenty of variables to come up with selling the ‘right’ number for their capacity, and prices are set accordingly. Oddly enough, my youngest is 17 and was on the waiting list (and could have had one last season). We decided we’d do it this year, and it appeared to show tickets from £110 or thereabouts, but I couldn’t see where (presumably family area with an adult); the overriding price was £210 for Barclay/River End etc, and at a little over £9 a game that didn’t actually feel too bad - not that it is cheap, mind.
  11. It did look an awful surface but that can’t come close to excusing the poor tactics and performance levels.
  12. Indeed - Rail seating is what it is in those areas, all spaces still have a seat. People need to realise it is quite different to old-style terracing.
  13. Well, no, that does includes a lot of presumptions. For example, we tend to have the same price for all seats in the Barclay/River End, other clubs have various blocks/prices but the lowest may only be for a really small area. All I and Sheff are saying is that it isn’t straightforward, but clearly makes a good story. Edit: I don’t think I’d go so far as to say we not go so far as to say we are midtable in pricing, but the point is that we just can’t say.
  14. Well, yes and no. It makes a good headline/story, but as with all things to do with data you need to know a lot more before you can make any informed statements. I’ve no idea how things work elsewhere but the cheapest tickets could just be for one small block with a crap view, with the main lead price being quite similar to us…also, what concession prices are there/what is the age profile. And more importantly, do they have a ground with excess capacity (we don’t, many others do). I’d be far more interested in the actual yield. I think we all accept that our tickets aren’t among the cheapest, but these things aren’t necessarily straightforward.
  15. It’s horribly flawed if they have just averaged the prices (as is likely) rather than compared how many are at each price.
  16. My main concern here is whether this is a fair comparison in terms of tickets/availbility - these things often aren’t as they seem. But I think we already knew there are cheaper clubs to watch.
  17. It’s what they do these days - if the shot is on target, it doesn’t seem to matter how big the deflection is. This one was a perfect example of where that feels utterly daft - keeper had a fairly easy save to make, the ‘deflection’ made it go to the opposite corner! Meanwhile, I’ve been quite impressed by the refs so far in not showing cards all over the place - that was until this game where there seems to have been several given for nothing.
  18. Don’t care whether it is male or female, the option for ‘no’ commentary would be nice.
  19. It would be nice to be able to watch just with the crowd noise - it’s odd that it isn’t an option given technology and all the channels available these days.
  20. Well there you go - that does rather take my comments somewhat out of context. I wonder whether your (imo unfair) opinion of me clouded how you read what I was meaning. It definitely wasn’t intended as a ‘dig’. My point was not to make a huge deal out of it, as it makes it too ‘memorable’ a thing and the focus should be on other things. There are far bigger issues as a parent than overhearing a bit of swearing. Sad thing is that you seem to have attributed things to me that I never said or suggested - I largely agree with your final paragraph but could do without the suggestion that it’s beyond me.
  21. Wow. What a totally over the top response. No one was having a dig at anyone. My comment was talking generally and thought yours did too - I’m not psyichic and have no idea whether you have children. not that it matters. My opinion remains the same that (sadly) ugly language can be encountered all over these days. But I never remotely suggested that abuse at a pre season friendly (or anywhere come to that) was “ok” - you appear to have attributed someone else’s comment as mine. As for the other, it was nothing more than a misinderstanding and several years ago. I apologised for it at the time. But you miss no opportunity to dig at it like some sneaky little grass. I’ve posted here over 20 years and am not measured by one misunderstood post. Feel free to ignore me, you’ll clearly be happier.
  22. Coo, it only took two days for yours, good quick thinking and a stupid response to a perfectly reasonable one. Why bother?
  23. You could hear that word in many places these days. If you’ve got any sense you just say it is nasty word that only adults use, not to be repeated; that’s plenty enough for a 5 year-old. Tbh if you have a 5 year-old and don’t know how to deal with such things then god help you with everything else.
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