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  1. [quote user="CambridgeCanary"]There are several around me im M block jarrold but mostly it is banter. Except for................ The guy in row HH who just shouts "Wakey wakey" all game long. Clearly traumatised by Billy Cotton as a child ( joke for over 50s), I am starting a collection to buy him a thesaurus for Christmas [/quote] Yeah i heard him and his mates, they''re the ones who managed to skillfully fly a paper plane onto the pitch from row HH a couple of seasons ago, when we had those A3 sized yellow and green thingys to hold up.
  2. I know some will have a legit reason, but 75mins played people were streaming out of the Jarrold and river end. y? we had a rare oportunity 2nite 2 celebrate, we played well and dominated against the top team in or league.
  3. [quote user="Neil_MacLeod"] [quote user="city-till-i-die"]i passed my big bike test last monday...and now going for a ride to take my eyes of this bloody pc screen hoping for some news...160mph here we come[/quote]   No i thinks its Norwich and Norfolk you may end up in..Pr@t [/quote] I thinks its Norfolk and Norwich :p
  4. [quote user="Houston Canary"] I hate to say it, but Cureton seems to be somewhat of a liability.  OK, he scored around 20 for us last year, but there seems to be a concensus (sp?) that he missed at least as many what were considered easy goals. [/quote] Agreed, He scored a grand total of 12 League goals from 102 shots, with only 52 of them on target! not good enough by far, and nothings changed this season by the looks of it. A decent stiker would of easily made 20+ league goals from that and what a different season we could of had! More strange stats found here http://norwichcity.wordpress.com/2008/05/18/norwich-city-200708-the-season-in-numbers/
  5. ffs what is this forum about these days? just thought i''d put up a post of what i thought was an interesting conversation with Blackpool fans, considering this ALLEGED £8k wage cap, they brought up the conversation not me.  
  6. Talking to Blackpool fans after game said Hoolahan''s is aparently on £12k per week, this is according to Hoolahan''s cousin who they were friends with.
  7. Well how do other clubs manage, it wasn''t just us who lost The television money. Every team lost the money, so why is it a problem for us and not them? How anyone can blame the fans is beyond me. I always like the comment made by the announcer as the players come out for 2nd half, where he say''s "Come on Canary fans, lets get behind the Team" maybe excluding 1 or 2 players they should change it to "Come on Canary Players, lets get behind the fans" IMO Cuerton''s efforts last year go along way as to where we finished not that its just one persons fault. As we saw yesturday he just is not upto the Job, I am a fan of Roeders but i must question some of his substitutions yesturday. Pattison was on the pitch far to long, Lupoli taken off instead of Cuerton and Koroma should have been given more than 4mins(when he came on from the little i saw, he looked like he could hold the ball up)
  8. The sausage Rolls in the Jarrold have inproved and as my mate says are the best he''s ever tasted
  9. [quote user="JC"]I cant understand your point here.  If you have not heard of them then they are no good despite Harry Rednapp and Glen Roeder being involved?  I trust them over you anyday. [quote user="1st Wizard"] Thats right, crap, cheap, give-away, kiddies, loanee players, in other words, players that no other teams wants, or as I call them runts of the litter. I will excempt Hoolihan from that list, but he''s the only one! Before the barrage of taunts come hurling my way, think on this..........Not one of you have advocated signing the players that we have signed, again Wes H excepted. Most of the runts didn''t even register on your rader in view of possible new signings, so ask yourself just why that is? Gorks, Eastwood, Rasik, Misfud and even the crock Ameobi where wanted by you, you even speculated that our budget was in the range of 2-3-4 million pounds...........so far the outlay hasn''t topped 400 grand, I know, don''t tell me, theyre all bargains! Even our alledged small bid for Howard has been turned down by Leicester, Taylor all over again no doubt, or doing it on the bloody cheap Part 5. Now Roeder is a saying the new striker he''s after is a fantastric young player who, wait for it, no one has heard of yet, you couldn''t make it up could you? Now you might swallow all this and keep it disguised under ''the loyal supporter'' claptrap that you Percy''s are so fond of quoting when reality bites you in the arse....... but some of us ''other loyal fans'' see it exactly for what it is................Bulls*it! [/quote][/quote] So how is a player ever supposed to make a name for himself if nobody buys/Loans him? If your opinion is, that unless a player is a household name then he shouldn''t be bought/Loaned by a club then what will happen in 20Years time, When all the household names of today have retired? Well according to your theory All teams will have no Players, as they wouldn''t have signed any new ones unless they had a famous surname!
  10. Starts off slow "Lupa Lupoli, Lupa Lupoli, Lupa Lupoli, Arturo Lupoli"
  11. [quote user="Seat0123"][quote user="jdungos"] Old shuck i noticed it straight away and it is as it reads, its another attempt for Delia to just drop her name into things again and flew her bingo wings. Technically Norwich is hers, but ethically NCFC is ours, all of ours and always will be. Just a small point bunny although i didn''t go to the Sheffield Wed game and i know it was announced on the Radio, but i think you''ll find that Gibbs actually didnt go, he was rewarded by Arsene Wenger with a place on the Arsenal bench against Sunderland. [/quote] you''re right about the gibbs on the arsenal bench thing but wrong in my opinion about being so hateful of delia. still thats the nature of message boards i guess, those without all the facts able to spout off as if they know them all. Who knows, maybe if i held all the key info on the goings on at the club then i would want her out too. From what has been made public and reading between the lines to the same extent as everyone else, I think the biggest fact here is that no one got a letter offering them some money. Making Delia a scapegoat is a stupid thing for our club becasue like it or not, we need to make her feel loved between now and august 31st. [/quote] I never said i wanted her out! all im getting at is that ridiculous comments like that in a press release isn''t going to do her any favours is it?
  12. [quote user="Seat0123"][quote user="jdungos"] Old shuck i noticed it straight away and it is as it reads, its another attempt for Delia to just drop her name into things again and flew her bingo wings. Technically Norwich is hers, but ethically NCFC is ours, all of ours and always will be. Just a small point bunny although i didn''t go to the Sheffield Wed game and i know it was announced on the Radio, but i think you''ll find that Gibbs actually didnt go, he was rewarded by Arsene Wenger with a place on the Arsenal bench against Sunderland. [/quote] you''re right about the gibbs on the arsenal bench thing but wrong in my opinion about being so hateful of delia. still thats the nature of message boards i guess, those without all the facts able to spout off as if they know them all. Who knows, maybe if i held all the key info on the goings on at the club then i would want her out too. From what has been made public and reading between the lines to the same extent as everyone else, I think the biggest fact here is that no one got a letter offering them some money. Making Delia a scapegoat is a stupid thing for our club becasue like it or not, we need to make her feel loved between now and august 31st. [/quote]   I never said i wanted her out, all im getting it is that it was an un-nessasry statment to have been made, or put into a press release at this particular moment in time
  13. [quote user="Seat0123"][quote user="jdungos"] Old shuck i noticed it straight away and it is as it reads, its another attempt for Delia to just drop her name into things again and flew her bingo wings. Technically Norwich is hers, but ethically NCFC is ours, all of ours and always will be. Just a small point bunny although i didn''t go to the Sheffield Wed game and i know it was announced on the Radio, but i think you''ll find that Gibbs actually didnt go, he was rewarded by Arsene Wenger with a place on the Arsenal bench against Sunderland. [/quote] you''re right about the gibbs on the arsenal bench thing but wrong in my opinion about being so hateful of delia. still thats the nature of message boards i guess, those without all the facts able to spout off as if they know them all. Who knows, maybe if i held all the key info on the goings on at the club then i would want her out too. From what has been made public and reading between the lines to the same extent as everyone else, I think the biggest fact here is that no one got a letter offering them some money. Making Delia a scapegoat is a stupid thing for our club becasue like it or not, we need to make her feel loved between now and august 31st. [/quote]   I never said i wanted her out, all im getting it is that it was an un-nessasry statment to have been made, or put into a press release at this particular moment in time
  14. [quote user="Seat0123"][quote user="jdungos"] Old shuck i noticed it straight away and it is as it reads, its another attempt for Delia to just drop her name into things again and flew her bingo wings. Technically Norwich is hers, but ethically NCFC is ours, all of ours and always will be. Just a small point bunny although i didn''t go to the Sheffield Wed game and i know it was announced on the Radio, but i think you''ll find that Gibbs actually didnt go, he was rewarded by Arsene Wenger with a place on the Arsenal bench against Sunderland. [/quote] you''re right about the gibbs on the arsenal bench thing but wrong in my opinion about being so hateful of delia. still thats the nature of message boards i guess, those without all the facts able to spout off as if they know them all. Who knows, maybe if i held all the key info on the goings on at the club then i would want her out too. From what has been made public and reading between the lines to the same extent as everyone else, I think the biggest fact here is that no one got a letter offering them some money. Making Delia a scapegoat is a stupid thing for our club becasue like it or not, we need to make her feel loved between now and august 31st. [/quote]   I never said i wanted her out, all im getting it is that it was an un-nessasry statment to have been made, or put into a press release at this particular moment in time
  15. Old shuck i noticed it straight away and it is as it reads, its another attempt for Delia to just drop her name into things again and flew her bingo wings. Technically Norwich is hers, but ethically NCFC is ours, all of ours and always will be. Just a small point bunny although i didn''t go to the Sheffield Wed game and i know it was announced on the Radio, but i think you''ll find that Gibbs actually didnt go, he was rewarded by Arsene Wenger with a place on the Arsenal bench against Sunderland.
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