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Unlucky Fried Kitten

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Everything posted by Unlucky Fried Kitten

  1. I haven''t decided yet. I don''t particularly want to waste 20 plus pounds on some of Worthy''s more workmanlike football - if I knew the team was going to play with skill and flair there would be no question about it.
  2. Does anybody have any idea of how many people will turn up on Thursday? I''m thinking of going along out of curiosity, but fear I may be killed in the crush (don''t take that literally, of course). Will it be a case of 1st come 1st served, or will there be plenty of room for all who wish to attend?
  3. Castle Mill?? Chapersfield?? We do seem to be having some difficulty with the names of our shopping centres, don''t we.
  4. You have to admire the imagination and genius of some of the budding Shakespeares on this board, to come up with such sparkling gems as: UNYET (and yet?), BENILE (launch a boat into The Nile?), and last but not least DEFAMATE (defame?). Has anybody else spotted any new words today or on any other day that they like the timbre of ? I think we should keep a daily watch and award a prize for the best new word of the week. My vote this week goes to BENILE (what ever it may mean).
  5. I didn''t go to the match last night because I''m sick and tired of unentertaining rubbish football, but I just wondered if the attendance was noticeably down on what we have been used to? I don''t know if people are starting to vote with their feet by staying away and doing something more interesting, and far less stressful, instead.
  6. Worthy''s had plenty of chances (and money) to put things right and he''s failed miserably, so it''s time to swing the axe NOW!
  7. Squit, you are guilty here of what you are constantly accusing others of doing, and that is not reading properly. I think the title stated quite clearly, "look away now Keep the Faithers". So why didn''t you? I think we need to be told, especially as you''re obviously a man of such exacting and high moral standards.
  8. I take it "brother" Kan Ye is either a fellow monk in the monastery as you, or he''s your doppelganger?
  9. [quote user="A load of squit"] Why do you think this is ''excellent'', I think its just another rant by someone who''s let thier emotions get the better of them.   [/quote] I was waiting for your usual piece of tomfoolery, Squit. You never let us down do you? You''ll probably still be spouting the same tired old rubbish when Worthless is finally dragged kicking and screaming through the fortress exit.
  10. So how do YOU spell PLAGIARIST, Squit? Please refer to one of your other posts to review your mistake. Your spelling was close, I suppose (PLAGERIST)
  11. I think it''s just an unfortunate choice of words, Wiz. At least I hope so anyway. I have checked the dictionary definition of infinite and it gives this: Having no boundaries or limits, unlimited. So who ever said that last night must have not realised the full import of the word - heaven help us if they did!Unlimited patience with the manager, where could that ultimately take us? 4th division? Conference? I should have thought that every football club''s board of directors has FINITE patience with their manager
  12. Welcome back, Captain Jack. I hope you enjoy a fair wind on your short voyage
  13. Thanks for that link, Vince. An interesting read that, and in my humble opinion Rick made several valid points in his piece
  14. Surely this lack of transfer activity could be a good omen, couldn''t it?  It might indicate that the board are beginning to doubt Worthless''s ability both in the transfer market and as manager of the football club. I can only hope that they''ve decided to withhold all major funding to the Worthless one while they decide whether to replace him or not. Worthy out
  15. I wonder if anybody would be kind enough to give me this Waghorn quote, in which he refers to message board posters? Thank you in advance
  16. no need for any more strikers. iwan has not had a fair crack of the whip this season to show us what he''s still capable of. i dont know where this idea that he''s only able to play for 10 minutes or so, here and there, 1st came from,but it''s certainly taken root. for my money given enough match practice,he''s as good as peter crouch.
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