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No 9 - Bly<P><FONT size=1>Its better to have loved a short girl, than never loved a tall.<FONT><P>

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  1. I have played cricket against Chris Sutton on several occassions. Good hard hitting batsmen for Sherringham.
  2. I was born in 61 so didn''t quite make it. However   1. Terry Bly is my uncle (hence the user name) 2. I know all the words to "The ballard of Crossen and Bly" and once sang it in a bar in Cork
  3. This board has gone downhil, faster then Leeds Utd.As far as I can see there are 4 types of post:-   1. Find an obscure fact (more staff, Ipswich back from hols early) and use it to whinge about City 2. Post a football related item (We''ve drawn barnet at home) and watch everyone else post negative and or whinging replies 3. Think of something that might happen and get your whinge in before you have anything to moan about 4. Kick the board   Does anyone here actually support the club
  4. The Ballard of Crossen & Bly   I remember if today It was nineteen fifty nine We’d just heard the score, It was the end of the line And with mud caked on my knees And a duffle bag full of dreams And a tear in my eye, for what should have been My mum she said “Don’t worry boy another season they’ll be there” But third division hero’s they don’t come every year The canaries they’d been singing But tonight you could hear them cry For what should have been the year….Of Crossen and Bly     They never saw him coming That crew cut down the wing Like a flash of gold in the floodlit air, they never saw a thing He’d float that ball over Young Terry ‘d make his run And like a bullet out of nowhere, the farmers boy ’d shoot home There was Brennan, Hill and Alcock Ashy playing the captains game Thurlow, Crowe, McCrohen, with Nethercart injured Kenyon came And big Barry was in the middle Fighting for every ball He gave his heart for this old city, a legend to us all They played in yellow and green From Norfolk down to Wales Got mustard in their boots, got the Broads wind in their sails They put the skids underneath the Busby Babes Beat the Blades second time around Then they went and they plucked the Spurs, all that was left was Luton Town What a battle, what a fight That return at St Andrews ground Fifty thousand cried for glory between the City and the Town And then Bingham stuck one home You could feel the City die In what should have been the year…Of Crossen and Bly     You can keep your four two four, Your lying deep, your sponsored gear Your million pound prima donnas, with fancy shorts and puffed up hair They get a thousand quid a week No wonder the games gone wrong Who’d take his kid to stand in a cage where a load of thugs belong And you can keep you coloured playback Your electric scores and digital time I’ll just have my memories of nineteen fifty nine And that yellow and green army Reaching for the sky In what will always be the year…Of Crossen and Bly  
  5. [quote user="BB FOOTBALL FIRST"][quote user="Mazy Run"]I don''t understand the objection some people have to off-field activities. If they make money that goes back into the club, what''s the problem? Clubs have had shops selling replica kits etc for decades - what''s the difference? Where''s the evidence that they are coming ahead of the football? And don''t say "because Roger Munby admitted it", because what he actually said was that some people accused the board of being obsessed - now those same people have leapt on that quote, taken it out of context and throw it around as though it''s a fact.   [/quote] This covers trust and off the pitch ok. In the summer of 2000 I asked Delia on radio 5 if the board would sell Bellamy to balance the books and she said no. That summer the club put between £1 and £2 mill into refurbishing the restaurant in the Barclay and restructuring the entrance to the upper Barclay for the new restaurant. Then before the season started the board asked the league to play the first game away from home because the restaurant was not finished, this the league approved. After the first game of the new season which was away the board sold Bellamy to Coventry, so we never saw him play a competitive game at Carrow Rd again after Delia denied he was going. That''s trust gone out of the window for one. The team at the time was in need of new quality players but the money went on the restaurant or Bellamy''s money paid for it ether way it was used off pitch when it should have been put into to the squad. Football suffering because of off pitch projects. That is why I will never trust this board again to do their best for Football at Carrow Rd. FOOTBALL MUST COME FIRST [/quote] Surley you are not that naive BBFF. Did you really expect any other answer but no. Even if they were desperate to sell Bellamy to balance the books they would hardly admit it otherwise bang goes any barganing power they might have. A couple of other points:- 1. Bellamy has admitted that he was despeperate to leave NCFC 2. The fact that he was sold around the same time that the resturant was refurbished proves nothing, its all just circumstantial eveidence 3. How do you know that the restaurant hasn''t made more than enough profit to cover what was spent on it, it''s certainly expensive enough to have done so .    
  6. [quote user="Sons of Boadicea"] Leeds United have superb away support but languish at the bottom of the league, how do you explain that one away? Just a cheap dig at fellow posters. [/quote] I disagree SoB. Leeds have a LARGE away support but they are far too quick to get on the players backs and to start on the manager and chairmen, thus negating any positive effect on the teams play
  7. [quote user="Mr.Carrow"][quote user="No 9 - Bly"] Last night at Luton I witnessed a show of support that would put Smudger et al to shame.   We all now that we are currently not good enough but the way the supporters got behind the team must have been a contributory factor in the win. After both Luton goals, goals, which were scored due to some extremely, suspect defending, there were a few moans and groans BUT the majority of the fans were straight into “On The Ball City”. The Luton fans didn’t even get a chance to give it the “You’re not singing anymore”… because we were, and we continued to do so.Pride of place goes to the group of lads of about 16 who sang for 90 mins, and the lad of a simlar age who turned on the moaning old git and told him to get behind the team. That’s how to support your team, and for once we got exactly what our support deserved.   [/quote] If you put some pressure on the board to stop being "obsessed with off-field projects" (quote:R.Munby) and to put the same effort and cash into the squad, you may just find that our fantastic support gets what it deserves more than just "for once". [/quote] People keep talking about "off - field Projects" but no one will tell me what they mean by this, or give an example, or explain why they are a bad thing. Can you help Mr C
  8. Last night at Luton I witnessed a show of support that would put Smudger et al to shame.   We all now that we are currently not good enough but the way the supporters got behind the team must have been a contributory factor in the win. After both Luton goals, goals, which were scored due to some extremely, suspect defending, there were a few moans and groans BUT the majority of the fans were straight into “On The Ball City”. The Luton fans didn’t even get a chance to give it the “You’re not singing anymore”… because we were, and we continued to do so.Pride of place goes to the group of lads of about 16 who sang for 90 mins, and the lad of a simlar age who turned on the moaning old git and told him to get behind the team. That’s how to support your team, and for once we got exactly what our support deserved.  
  9. The offside rule states that you are offside if you are in front of the ball at the moment the ball is played forward by a teammate and there are not two opposition players closer to the goal line. The Arsenal player was not offside because he was behind the ball.  
  10. [quote user="BB FOOTBALL FIRST"] [quote user="Say Hello To The Angels"]there will always be cases of failures such as our own and liverpool''s but there are sucess stories too what about southampton? they''ve had theo walcott and gareth bale come through? [/quote] Walcott was sold, did Southampton spend the money on the pitch? on new players? If Martin proves to be a good player NCPLC would sell him at the drop of a hat just to finance their off the pitch ambitions. Remember FOOTBALL will never come first at Carrow Rd while NCPLC runs our club.   FOOTBALL must come first [/quote] What ARE you talking about. Who do you mean by NCPLC and what off field activities have taken money from the club?    
  11. [quote user="lurd"]You havent answered the question though, how are you going to sack people who own a club? How can you sack a board if there is no one take on the mantel? [:^)] [/quote] Lurd Smudger dosn''t do"answering questions". He prefers to keep chipping away in his own "logic and common sense"-free style
  12. [quote user="alex_ncfc"][quote user="No 9 - Bly"] [quote user="Smudger"][quote user="No 9 - Bly"][quote user="Smudger"]   A couple of others on here saw me... Maybe you should be looking for an ugly old man with cheese hanginging out of his pockets and a dog that has done a runner???  [:P] I went to see what the feeling was like around the ground and hurl a few insults at Delia & Co...  they have had none of my money since October 2005 and will not be getting any more either... The final nail has already been banged in to their coffin...  they are just waiting for the sleepy crematorium guy (you lot) to stoke up the furnace!!! [/quote] Smudger       Are you relly telling us that all this abuse and bile you continually spout on here is not based on going to the games. HOW DARE YOU spread this poison about the club we love without once seeing for yourself what''s happening on the pitch. YOU SAD SAD boy [/quote] It doesn''t take a genius to know that nothing has changed since October 2005 does it?  Infact things have got a hell of a lot worse!!! [/quote]   Fact remains that your opinions are irrelavent. How can you produce so much negativity and garbage when youv''e never seen Earnshaw, Dublin, Brown or Marshall play AND HAVE NEVER SEEN A MATCH IN WHICH PETER GRANT HAS BEEN MANAGER May I suggest that you keep your gob shut until you actually watch a game [/quote] And may I suggest you shut yours and stop trying to tell people what to do or how to support the club? Smudger is as entitled to an opinion as the rest of us. I didn''t goto a game for YEARS - does that mean I have to "shut my gob" too? If that''s what you believe, then I stick 2 fingers upto you.   [/quote] Alex I agree that anyone is entitled to an opinion and that yours is no more or less valid because of the number of games you attend (I myself only see 10 or so a year because I manage a team on a saturday). Other live far away or work etc, thats fine. Smudger claims to have been at the ground on saturday but not inside, so these are not valid excuses However the volume of abuse from Smudger aimed at the board, team, fans, anyone connected with the club is completely disproportionate and when it comes from someone who claims all sorts of insider knowledge but has never seen half the team play then I stick by my original comment that it is irrelevent .  
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