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Everything posted by Hook's-Walk-Canary

  1. The 2020 election was stolen and history will prove it.
  2. He likes to present strawman arguments so I don't think he will.
  3. Proving yet again if you want a serious answer to a valid question don't ask Herman.
  4. It's the perspex screens in supermarkets that saved us πŸ™ƒ
  5. Look at Blinken behind sh***ing himself scared of what sleepy might come out with πŸ™ƒ
  6. Conspiracy theory? I thought it was common knowledge that 'nevermind, neoliberalism has had it' is Craig Murray... He uses the above username as an alter on his own blog.
  7. I'm just pleased the powers that be made us sit down in restaurants before we took our masks off otherwise there would have been carnage πŸ™ƒ
  8. Just forget it's Russel Brand and think about the content.
  9. Most of the crass reactions to my op were totally expected. I lost a relation during the pandemic and it was put down to the coronavirus which I believe was influenza. Others I know had and survived coronavirus and all of them likened it to flu symptoms that they'd had in previous years. I myself tested positive for covid five times during the lockdowns - I didn't even have so much as a common cold each time I tested positive. The one time I got really ill towards the end of the lockdowns I tested negative several times. I was off my feet for nigh on two weeks -- I had the flu. Like the manmade climate change and Net Zero science - it all leads to money and lots of it...
  10. β€œThe vaccine was not brought in for COVID, COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realise that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
  11. We don't miss midfielders, we miss a solid defence, of which we've been lacking for several years.. Build from the back will forever hold true.
  12. Which took 400 years of evolution. Right or wrong - 400 years.
  13. He spoke out about the atrocities of Hamas yesterday, but he knows his core base and how they must be appeased.. Same old Labour.
  14. Two wars on Biden's watch now... What's next, Taiwan? Well done, Joe...
  15. Just like you Pink'Un commies, Biden and his handlers are habitual hypocrites of the highest order: https://time.com/6320907/border-wall-biden-migrant-surge/ Let's hazard a guess at the Lefty reaction to the above: 'Trump wall bad, Biden wall good...' πŸ™ƒ
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