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Everything posted by horsefly

  1. So according to Jools if they're white and carrying guns they're fine (we won't forget Jools' praise for the "proud boys" and the murderer Rittenhouse a couple of weeks ago). More racist bigotry from the Gammon-in-Chief.
  2. Isn't that Boris's default reply when he's accused of infidelity?
  3. Jools clearly not paying attention at his special needs art classes
  4. I can see him now on Runway 1 at Heathrow
  5. Even this Government could hardly be clearer about the point of the lockdown. It is fundamentally about preventing the NHS being overwhelmed and unable to function.
  6. No need for a wrecking-ball, Homeland Security will do just fine. Can't wait to see them march Trump out in handcuffs (sadly he's too much of a wimp to attempt any such thing as he showed today by going off to play golf rather than hang around with his supporters- he loves them that much)
  7. Not very long ago Jools was behaving like a sc*mbag supporting the murderer Kyle Rittenhouse. Yet again he displays his shameful hypocracy.
  8. How clever, supporting the utterly discredited Barrington Bollox. Gupta said in May that most of the UK was probably already immune and that the virus was already on the way out. Only a retar*ded buffon like Jools and his ilk could support this against all the evidence currently available. I wonder if the residents of his factory farm care homes are aware of his support for the sort of herd-immunity that wiped out thousands of them out in the first wave
  9. The more you post this ludicrous BS the stupider you look, and the more laughs you give us. If this was meant to be satire it would be brilliant. Sadly it's just sauce for gammons.
  10. Oh dear! fancy posting something from Fox news. You have obvoiusly not kept up with Donald's change of view about Fox have you. Fool!
  11. And this from a Trump supporting paper: https://www.reviewjournal.com/investigations/voter-fraud-unproven-in-nevada-despite-multiple-trump-campaign-claims-2181421/
  12. This is typical of the ridiculous and desperate voter fraud claims of loser Republicans:
  13. Thick gullible Jools strikes again. If that's a million people then the Biden celebrations in Washington DC were attended by 20 million. Hilarious! I guess it was Shaun Spicer doing the counting again.
  14. Happy days! Let's hope he puts him in charge of defending all the future criminal prosecutions too. Then he can put him in charge of the cell cleaning rota.
  15. Remind you of anyone? https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/new-alabama-senator-struggles-with-basic-wwii-history-and-says-us-fought-socialism-and-communism/ar-BB1aZVR5?ocid=msedgntp New Alabama senator struggles with basic WWII history and says US fought ‘socialism and communism’ Tommy Tuberville, the incoming Republican senator from Alabama, doubled down on his erroneous grasp of World War II history in comments on Thursday, telling a news site his father, a US soldier, fought to “free Europe of socialism.” Though the full name of the Nazis was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, they were fascists, not socialists. And the Soviet Union, a US ally during the war, was communist.
  16. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/republican-martha-mcsally-finally-concedes-arizona-senate-race-a-week-after-election/ar-BB1aZBix?ocid=msedgntp Republican Martha McSally finally concedes Arizona Senate race a week after election
  17. Thanks Ron. He was indeed exceptionally talented and very clever.
  18. Perhaps we could persuade him to keep walking until he reaches the white cliffs of Dover. Then we could crank up some Vera Lynn and get him to take a few steps more.
  19. Bit of a c*ck-up on the staying alive front!
  20. Future Prediction: Boris Returns Triumphant from Brussels:
  21. And Trump's lawyers in Pennsylvania now withdraw their lawsuit: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/law-firm-drops-trump-s-pennsylvania-lawsuit-days-after-legal-team-in-arizona-did-the-same/ar-BB1aZesp?ocid=msedgdhp
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