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  1. Found this on Wiki although probably old news: In July 2007, Bowyer was linked with a move to ambitious English Championship side Norwich City. Bowyer is interested in picking up his life and career out of the spotlight and London and sees the Canaries as the ideal opportunity to do so. His relationship with present Norwich manager and ex-West Ham coach, Peter Grant is believed to be behind his interest in Norwich''s bid, thought to be in the region of £2.5 million. The London Evening Standard reported on June 29 that Bowyer would be in talks with Norwich on July 3rd or 4th.
  2. Remember he also has to do the work of two when Dickson goes missing.
  3. Class CC........absolute class........in fact go to the top thereof!?!?!? I think last year was the dreaded hangover from the premiership season, I think mistakes were make and confidence was lacking.  I know that Worthy and the board make mistakes, nevertheless they appear to have made a number of good decisions for which in my opinion should be applauded.   They didnt get rid of Nigel when it was the easy option and some supporters advocated this course of action (which is their choice).  They toughed it out took stock and made a change in the coaching staff. Whether or not Steve Foley has been made a scape goat (only some supporters have made this supposition) he has left and a new coach has come in and we are playing better. Excellent I hear you all cry...........but no!!!! nothing more than a wholesale clearout including the board and all of the coaching staff was necessary. Well I for one am pleased they didn''t get rid of him, one of the reasons I don''t sing his name is due to the supposide divided supporters.  There are meant to be so many people who want him out I have been made to feel in the minority and I must say those people have been more verbally aggressive and abusive to anyone with a different view. ahem (clears throat)...............   WORTHINGTONS GREEN AND YELLOW ARMY WORTHINGTONS GREEN AND YELLOW ARMY WORTHINGTONS GREEN AND YELLOW ARMY WORTHINGTONS GREEN AND YELLOW ARMY AND DAM PROUD OF IT!!!!!
  4. And just look at all those high flying teams who have signed players so far......... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/gossip_and_transfers/4751347.stm The only one I can see is Ballack to Chelsea. Sorry CJF but your negative stance on everything NCFC at the moment is seriously undermining your credability imho.  I appreciate that you want Worthy out but please stay in the realms of reality, there''s lots of talk but no one seems to be buying quite just yet.  And before everyone has a go, only the people inside the club know what is going on with transfers, whether it be coaches or players, not the fans, we know the clubs policy on transfers and in previous years the majority have agreed with their approach.  Reality....biggest thing on TV at the moment!!!!  
  5. We hadnt gone up into the premiership, that seems to be when all the problems started and everybody started argueing.  I understand why people are unhappy but I think its going to be a sad day tomorrow to see a group of Norwich supporters walking in protest to the club, to then stand outside the players changing room and voice their displeasure.  I thought those days had gone along with Robert Chase. If I were a player sitting in that changing room tomorrow and I heard and saw that (even if it is directed at Nigel Worthington) I''m not sure what I would think or how motivated I would feel. Its a sad day in my opinion but for those of you that feel this in the long run, will improve our club then go ahead it is a free country and you are all entitled to do what you believe is right. Maybe if this is what a year in the premiership brings none of the players will want to achieve that with Norwich again.  I just think its sad to have come to this already. United we stand, divided we fall.
  6. Agreed Cornish, with you all the way.
  7. Agreed, that will be the test....plays offs....reality? no...I don''t think so. Would love it to happen but can''t see it.
  8. Paul, Paul, Paul I despair, what are we going to do with you,  Your reply was positive for a total of eight words when you could have gone on to wax lyrical about the obvious growing understanding thats developing between the new players and the rest of the team.  How fantastic it was to see Hucks back to scaring rightbacks and doing what he does best, a solid performance from the back five and even Andy Hughes (choke) looking a lot better before he had to go off. But instead you reverted to type and turned it into another negative worthy out thread. I''m so glad I don''t inhabit the dark negative world in which you reside. I know it was only Derby and Brighton, but our team and especially the manager (like him or loathe him) can only grow in confidence from the two results, I agree it was foolish to have a go at Hucks for doing what he does best, but I should think he is scared that he''s going to lose his job (before everyone posts "to right, get rid of him", I respect your views however we have to see how all this pans out over time, because right or wrong for the time being nothing is going to happen) and to win 1 - 0 means a reprieve for another week and hopefully for him less flak and less people shouting "Worthy out". Oh... and Alex... thanks for the advice.  
  9. Paul, Just a polite message to point out that I''ve noticed on a couple of threads here today you''ve started to try and pour scorn on Robert Earnshaw and a single error that he has made. I''ll also add that he took one of Leon foot aswell as Thornes head so that could be seen as two errors or someone hungary to score Can I please respectfully ask you to go forth and speculate somewhere else because your divisive views and desperate need to find yet another person to blame are starting to where thin and in fact rather tiresome. And for the record I think selling Ashton for good money and buying Earnshaw has been good business for us and I expect with some additions Earnshaw will score a lot of goals for us.  He has provided good touches and passes to hold up or open out play and I also feel that our team spirit is better now that he is here and Ashton has gone. Get Leon, Earnshaw, Huckerby and WLY/ JJ2 playing well together and we will again start to look like a half decent side. So Paul if you''re looking for someone else to have a go at and blame for things, have a go at me because I''m overjoyed to have Earnshaw here. Oh and please please dont ever make a mistake because you may have someone ready to give you the same treatment that you give to others. United we stand, divided we fall....however always have an opinion.  
  10. CONGRATULATIONS CHICKEN!!!!!!!!! That is without any doubt the most reasoned and realistic post I have read on this message board for about four months. Viking   Reality...... its the biggest thing on TV!  
  11. Thank you A1 as with many other posters I agree with what you have posted.  I dont post on here very often but read most days and have to say that I have found it all quite depressing, we seem to have gone from a group of supporters who were all together with the football club to a broken and divided bunch. I  look at this site most days hoping that after five wins on the bounce and a manager of the month award may have people a little more united again, but it doesnt seem to happen.  I do however think that the response to this post proves that there are more people out there who whether begrudgingly or not support NW, the board and the players in what has so far been a disappointing season. Reality its the biggest thing on TV these days!  
  12. Although Worthy has already stated he''s not interested (maybe he''s being cagey) in Chris Sutton I do think that if he''s available for £300,000 from Celtic he would be a great addition to the squad.  Family ties to the area and a house in Roughton. He''s got to be worth a look at that money.
  13. You put your Worthy in!!, your Worthy out!!, do the okey Cokey and you turn around. Thats what its all about.... repeat to fade only 28 replies Wiz, you''re slipping mate!!!!!! 
  14. Step up to the plate.......Ian Henderson.  You want to see us win games, play him in the proper place alongside Ashton. Not on the wing. I think he is the most technically gifted footballer we have at the club at the moment.  He strikes a ball brilliantly.  He has never been a winger and therefore I think he now deserves his chance up front.   He has more experience than Jarvis and is also quicker. Saw him play up front for England U19 in the summer up front on his own and looked really good. Give the boy a go, he may just be the one to turn our season around.     "Where have all the Vikings gone"?
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