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Why can`t the moderaters .....

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...... work out   some sort of  shift , wherein  all posts   can  be looked at and  passed  during  the evening  up to  , say , 2200 hours  ?   is that asking too much ? 

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i have to agree, this forum gets so backlagged.

stuff from 3 days ago sometime doesnt make the baord till 3 days later.......

buckle up web team!

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Yep, i don''t see the roblem really, if you monitored the registration to the site closely (having proper registration to prevent Ipswich supporter etc. signing up) then you won''t get any dodgy posts.

Other sites do it without 24 hour moderation and it increases the activity around the place. Why not tought for moderation on here? there are plenty who appear to be here for 20 hours a day cough/ DD / cough so why not get them to moderate?

If you use vBulletin it makes all of this soooo much easier.

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I agree, I visit a couple of boards, and a moderator on one of them and there isn''t too much of a problem with dodgy posts on any of them, any which do appear are quickly removed my the mods which are on the site at the time.

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[quote]Yep, i don''t see the roblem really, if you monitored the registration to the site closely (having proper registration to prevent Ipswich supporter etc. signing up) then you won''t get any dodgy posts. ...[/quote]

Big A you took the words right out of my mouth.  On several other forums they have posters who are ''moderators''.  Could we not have the same here?  It would lighten the load for the good people at Archant and hopefully keep the boards more up to date.  I and I''m sure several others would be more than happy to volunteer

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[quote]after reading some of the wiz''s posts, your''d not want him a mod. he would only allow 2nd class supporters on![/quote]

Too damn right Ronbol!. 

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Morning all,

1. Shift system - we do try, but we can only have one person on duty at the weekend, starting at about 10am. Running through to 10pm would make a 12 hour shift - which I don''t agree with, and would mean we would lose that person even more during the week. (We just get time off in the week for working a weekend, there is no overtime payment). There just aren''t enough of us to cover more.

2. Forum moderators - don''t think our lawyers or libel insurers would like that.

3. Unmoderated forums - I am thinking about it. But I don''t see how we could block Ipswich supporters automatically so they would be bound to get through.

4. ''Stuff from 3 days ago sometime doesnt make the board till 3 days later'' - we cover every day - even Christmas day - so I can''t see that happening.

I''d better get started on this morning''s moderating!



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[quote]Morning all, 1. Shift system - we do try, but we can only have one person on duty at the weekend, starting at about 10am. Running through to 10pm would make a 12 hour shift - which I don''t agree with...[/quote]

Fair enough Celia.  You guys do a fantastic job.  An unmoderated forum would be great but it would be hard to keep the idiots out.  Keep up the good work

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[quote]Fair enough Celia. You guys do a fantastic job. An unmoderated forum would be great but it would be hard to keep the idiots out. Keep up the good work[/quote]

agreed, cant really complain about the forum, its a nice community!

ill be able to help out for a week or two when im on work experiance!

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