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I'm not a nasty person BUT

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i really wanted to poke someone in the face a minute ago,ahead of the game this afternoon i popped up the local shop to grab nibbles and drinks for me and the young un,whilst in the shop two blokes about late 40''s early 50''s stood near the tills discussing todays big game,the long and the short of it was they both said that we''re not going to win today and that the team will blow it as usual,noticing my City shirt one asked "wha you reckon boy" (i''m 34) to which i replied 3 points today, no worries,i then asked where the gentlemen sat and guess what? yup, neither had been to a game for ages,overpriced and lack of effort was their main reasons for not going,i shook my head ans left the shop in complete shock that even now,3 games left and with a second promotion in two seasons on the cards that fans of the team still have no faith and just love to find fault where theres no fault to find!!! Any how i''m off to Carrow road with my very excited 6 year old where i intend to watch Norwich thump Derby.

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there are people like that everywhere.don''t worry about it!!! some people just like to have a moan,that is the only enjoyment they get in their sad little lives ,is the misery of others,I stopped watching England play in my local pub for the same reason,they cheer on england but secretly want them to lose so they can have a good winge about it "I told you,I told you they would lose etc"

and then they have the cheek to celebrate when we win!!! gits!!!

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Sound like awesome fans.. Canarycall regulars perhaps? Probably have two teams with Man U being the one they support in front of non-canaries lol. Plenty of people like this at every club so no big suprise.

Hope you enjoy the game fella and the lads score plenty of goals for your little dude to cheer on, OTBC

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people like that Pee me off! the annoying thing is i bet they will be the first to complain when they cant get a season ticket next season!

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If they think that tickets are overpriced I doubt they''ll go for a season ticket..they''ll just stick to MOTD next season if we go up and then say they ''watched the game'' lol

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[quote user="Duncan Edwards"]Sounds a bit young for the Butler so it must have been Cluck and Bly


[quote user="barclaystand"]Fools like them should be hung. Or make it even worse for them, send them to live in 1p5wich!




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[quote user="nutty nigel"]

[quote user="Duncan Edwards"]Sounds a bit young for the Butler so it must have been Cluck and Bly


[quote user="barclaystand"]Fools like them should be hung. Or make it even worse for them, send them to live in 1p5wich!






Hanging? Bit harsh...

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[quote user="Duncan Edwards"][quote user="nutty nigel"]

[quote user="Duncan Edwards"]Sounds a bit young for the Butler so it must have been Cluck and Bly


[quote user="barclaystand"]Fools like them should be hung. Or make it even worse for them, send them to live in 1p5wich!






Hanging? Bit harsh...



Better than the alternative[:^)]


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