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Football Faith - And What It Really Means

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This will be my last input on this thread because, quite frankly, I tire from the emotional, moaning liberals who, despite claiming what wonderful supporters they are, fail to grasp what the word "SUPPORT" really means. Follow the lead, if you can, of susie b. She is staying on the high ground. DD is wilting and he seems to be inviting, on another thread, that cityangel wilts with him. He claims to always speak the truth, but unfortunately, his truth is always changing. Part of the problem is that he has so many opinions that sometimes one questions what his core values are. He can be forgiven for that because he is young and will only get better with age. No such latitude can be granted to 1st Wizard, who may have been a wonderful supporter for so many years, who may have been instrumental in helping get rid of the "Chase" regime. Whatever his virtues, there is no excuse for his behaviour upon our return to the Premiership, none, in initiating a premature level of negativity on this message board towards this current Norwich board at the end of August. What could his motivation have possibly been? Think about it, please. Surely no "SUPPORTER" could have claimed after two or three games that it was necessary to "accuse the board". Therefore, his motivation had to be driven by something else. Either a cynicism he cannot eradicate, or self-acknowledged distrust of ownership in general, or a desire to be a popular poster on this message board with controversial subject matter. Whatever the reason, given the significant improvement that has taken place in our club in many respects, over the past few seasons, Wizard’s message was unjustified at the end of August. FatMan is in a world of his own, witnessed by his need not only to put down the owners but also Nigel Worthington. FMF has started yet another discourse on how close he is to some in senior management at NCFC. If he, indeed, has those "senior contacts", he then uses information he gleans to spread poison on this forum directed toward those in charge at Carrow Road. These are not the actions of a "SUPPORTER". Quite frankly, they are considered the actions of a spy and a traitor in other circles. He then goes on to say, on another current thread, that we are rapidly losing touch with those teams immediately above us. Wrong again, and this one isn’t even difficult to figure out, even for FatMan. Gazza is straddling the fence, even though she does not see it that way. She appears to admire Nigel for some things but not for others. She thinks Delia is a wonderful person but it is the accountants who are calling the shots. Gazza, you do not strike me as being that naive.

Of course you are all entitled to your opinions. You are also entitled to your delusions, but make no mistake, when each and every one of you who believe that your words are what causes the club to take decisions, you are deluding yourself. You worked yourselves up into a frenzy last Christmas, and you are well on the way to repeating the same folly this Christmas. The club did not see the right opportunity in the summer to serve our needs and so did not make the deal we all hope for. If any of you think there has not been significant activity taking place by management since then you have very little faith. There will be action in January and it will have nothing, I repeat nothing, to do with your words on here, so don’t build yourselves up to a point of trying to claim glory all over again.

Now, a few comments on our performance on the field. I am the one who has said, on other threads, why I think we will be relegated. I am perceived as the negative one in terms of how I arrived at that conclusion. I hope, beyond hope, that I am completely wrong in my assessment and will be very happy to be chastised for this position. I have to say, however, that I feel more positive than

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Hurrah!! The one across the sea will make no more posts on this thread

However, his last post, as ever, was inaccurate - according to the deluded one, Doherty started against Everton - I always knew he was on a different planet

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[quote]This will be my last input on this thread because, quite frankly, I tire from the emotional, moaning liberals who, despite claiming what wonderful supporters they are, fail to grasp what the word "SUP...[/quote]


i feel sorry for you mate, that you seem only able to criticise people and not see just how passionately all of us support our club

to answer your accusations towards me, fence sitting is not my style, the world, and ncfc is not black and white, but many different shades, i don''t hate anyone enough to say they are completely wrong about anything, because life is not like that.  Yes, IMO worthy does a lot wrong, what i admire about him is his brilliant playing with the powers that be, still (after all these years) obsessed with money and the lack of it!  None of us on here really knows what money there is, but there has got to be more than 1.5m available.  Come on, it must be somewhere, and if doomcaster and the others think good luck and being a nice family club will help us survive, they are in for a rough ride post january - and yes, the accountants do call the shots, delia has said that herself, on many public occasions!  I fear your long distance love affair with our club only gives you info the club want you to hear!  It is no good reading stuff from official sources for everything you have always wanted to know about NCFC but been afraid to ask

I am not saying that flinging 5m at a player is the answer, but the board are naive in the extreme thinking 1.5m will make everything alright.  I think a lot of our current troubles are simply adjusting to a different style (and class) of football, for which the board cannot be held to blame, that is nigel''s department, but if the manager knows he only has a pitiance to spend, we do have to ask, as we have done in the past, where is the money, and is the best being done to make sure we are going to be a premiership club next year,  I fear that on both counts only negativity and lack of foresight from the board are to be addresssed and discussed on what is (at present) the best tool for supporters to do so. 

Don''t you dare try and tell me, wiz, city angel, FMF or DD how to support our club.  I sugggest as you like analysing our posts so much you trawl back to last december.  That was support mate.  All of the accused on this thread support the team (have done for years) both home and away and pour money into the club each year.  Support.  Yes, we know how to do it thanks.  OTBC

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Sorry  about repeating  myself here ,  I have posted my opinion before  , that money doesn`t automatically  guarantee  success ! ........  a fact that the manager of the team we face today now knows only too well .....  he  only blew £50.000.000  on " quality " players   and , really, you can say that only SRP  is worth whats been payed for him ......... 


As I look back at  the matches we have played in the prem so far ,  it emerges that the deciding factor into why we are loitering in the cellar  is   not our ability to get the ball into scoring positions ,  its our  inability to score from very definate goal scoring opportunities !!! .........  and THAT is  a failure on the part of our strikers  [ excluding Hux ]   not Nige , not Delia , not the board  ,  our strikers just have to  stop pratting about during training sessions  ..... and draw sweat practicing shooting at the goal from all angles  , and whilst being tackled .......  and carry on doing this  until  getting the ball in the net  becomes easier than lofting it  over the bar   ........ its called professionalism .......

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[quote]This will be my last input on this thread because, quite frankly, I tire from the emotional, moaning liberals who, despite claiming what wonderful supporters they are, fail to grasp what the word "SUP...[/quote]

Wow!. YC''s called me 1st Wizard!.

And if you''re a true supporter, should you say ''we going to be relegated''?, hell, even I ain''t said that!.

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[quote]Wow!. YC''s called me 1st Wizard!. And if you''re a true supporter, should you say ''we going to be relegated''?, hell, even I ain''t said that!.[/quote]

PS. I should have added to my last post, that I have said, if ''Nigel Boy'' does''nt get more cash, then we MAY well get relegated.

But thats not the same as saying we will for sure!. 


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I thought this was a forum to discuss Norwich City - it even says it is the best forum for discussing Norwich City FC when you log in.   YC this kind of garbage doesn''t deserve to be in this forum, it is completely unrelated to Norwich City FC.   If you want to attack other posters opinions (with a NEW topic)  go to off topic or something.

I suggest sending YC to Coventry imeadiately.

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All this talk about "Football Faith" (and what it really means!) What it really means, is that YC is either agnostic, or an atheist ......... Personally, I just cannot for the life of me, see any purpose or point in this thread. Now is the time to pull together, and not to start sniping and bitching etc...etc... Totally a waste of forum space....Must be something to do with the current US election campaign  and the behaviour of the candidates! 

Opinions, thoughts, suggestions and disagreements, coupled with humorous banter, is what makes this forum attractive to me, my fellow supporters and the occasional guests. But, on the rare and odd occasion, a pus ridden boil, will blemish the complexion of this threadboard...  Just let Yankee get on with it, reply or react if you do so wish, or choose to ignore it and hopefully it will fade away to obscurity. (Only to be reactivated by YC trawling through the past methinks)... Controversy is his way of saying, "Hey I''m still here y''all, and I want to be noticed!"

I don''t mind Yankee, he can generate good debate and produces good topics. But, on this occasion, I think he''s sawing his foot off to remove a verruca. "Chill out" man, and drop the hard-nosed facade. I''m sure there''s a sense of humour in you somewhere...Personal attacks towards me, are water under the Novi Sadd (if thats how it''s spelt) bridge. Some folk give as good as they get, others may take it personally and get really upset by it. So lay off the personal attacks eh?  Anyway, off to donate blood  and then down to the boozer tonight to watch our first victory THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT! THE FUTURE IS YELLOW!  OTBC ;~) 

Oh, and "Keep the Filth!!!" sorry..Faith           

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[quote]All this talk about "Football Faith" (and what it really means!) What it really means, is that YC is either agnostic, or an atheist ......... Personally, I just cannot for the life of me, see any pur...[/quote]

                                YANKEE CANARY (final part)

A pus ridden boil, Mello?, excellent description my friend!.

Now where''s old Yankee gone?. Yankee? Yankee?..........   

                                        The Charge:

That he (Yankee Canary) did try the poster''s patience, caused widespread upset and was insulting to fellow respected posters.

                                       The Verdict.

Guilty as hell!

                                   The Punishment

Henceforth I rename you'' Yanky Panky'', because from now on, that''s how serious I shall be treating your threads and posts mate!.

You brought my total disrespect for your title and post''s on yourself, and by your own hand, with your utterly pointless, and at times, nasty little thread.

No, its no good bleating and wingeing about it now!.

Those who live by the sword, etc etc. 

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YC, please think about what effect your post has on wee timorous beasty posters such as myself. I feel intimidated to think that my posts will be analysed so closely. Mind you, my posting tally is only about 10 so I probably pass under your radar. Lighten up dude, it''s not worth it.

(I''m going to get myself ready for tonight now (3-4 did someone say?)



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