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mystic megson

Hucks would rather hang up his boots . . .

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. . . than play for anyone except Norwich!  (See today''s article.)

I''m a cynical old bastard as you know, but I think I''m going to cry.

He''s a Supreme Being.  It''s official.

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The question is though will we be able to keep him when his contract runs out?

This coming season is the last year for parachute payments and I doubt we can keep him if we fail to get promoted...

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[quote user="Jimaldinho"]The question is though will we be able to keep him when his contract runs out? This coming season is the last year for parachute payments and I doubt we can keep him if we fail to get promoted...[/quote]

I`m pretty sure Hucks wouldn`t be here without Delia`s  influence [ knows nothing about football eh ? ]  ,  and he`s  shown  massive integrity  and charactor , he`s a one off  , both in style of football   and  his approach to the game .....

He should be made captain  next season , AND , for crisake  DON`T  stick him on the left wing !!    put him upfront with  shorty ,   the neanderthals will think twice  about  kicking the legs from  under him  whilst he`s near the box ,  he wont have so far to make his runs  ,  and they will crap bricks   when he gets the ball  in the penalty area !  

I don`t think making him a manager  when he hangs his boots up  is a good idea  ,  chances are he  would  go the way of so many managers  , down the pan , its a job  thats  a real minefield  , even for , so called , experts !   I feel he will want to be part of the NCFC  set-up  , and Foley`s job   seems to fit the bill  .

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What a lovely fellow! I thought these couple of quotes from today''s EDP were worth repeating: "But I like it here - I have had successes at other clubs, but I feel like I have a real bond with the fans, a real bond with the city, so I don''t see any point in me leaving that." In another quote he said: "I am very happy here and I intend to live here when I have finished playing, so my life is geared up around Norwich"

The biggest surprise of all for me, was hearing that Hucks even turned down Celtic, as well as 10 Premiership clubs since he came here to City. What a star!

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[quote user="Jimaldinho"]The question is though will we be able to keep him when his contract runs out? This coming season is the last year for parachute payments and I doubt we can keep him if we fail to get promoted...[/quote]

If it comes to that, WE will pay his wages!

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[quote user="blahblahblah"]Well, if he can get behind the club with all its problems, why can''t all the fans ?[/quote]Exactly.I remember Hucks looking genuinely perplexed when sections of so-called fans were cheering opposition goals/booing victories towards the end of last season.Take a leaf out of Darren''s book whingers. Take the rough with the smooth, accept that no one has a god given right to success and work hard for your team. Show committment, don''t throw your toys out when things aren''t going well (ala Deano)I''m not a Worthington supporter. I''m not even a Huckerby supporter. I''m a Norwich City supporter.

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Although in the interest of balance, I should add that several grand a week probably helps :)However, I''ve watched football long enough to know a committed player when I see one.

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[quote user="stephen nobbs"]

What a lovely fellow! I thought these couple of quotes from today''s EDP were worth repeating: "But I like it here - I have had successes at other clubs, but I feel like I have a real bond with the fans, a real bond with the city, so I don''t see any point in me leaving that." In another quote he said: "I am very happy here and I intend to live here when I have finished playing, so my life is geared up around Norwich"

The biggest surprise of all for me, was hearing that Hucks even turned down Celtic, as well as 10 Premiership clubs since he came here to City. What a star!


Nobbsy , have you ever been to the Clifton  estate  Hucks [ and I ! ]   grew up in ?   I`m not sayings its tough ,  but there`s so many boarded up houses  , the window cleaner uses a sander  instead of  a leather !   and kids  school football matches   consist of  parents  beating the ref up for blowing the whistle on their little delinquent sons , I just don`t want to describe  Friday and Saturday nights at the pubs  !   Dodge city...........  [6]

Too right Hucks likes it here ! 

Why should you be surprised that Hucks  is wanted by prem clubs ?  that talent of his , when surrounded by quality players , and given the right  position  , makes him  a  a potential  matchwinner !   all too often  he`s left  to do it all on his tod , its time fingers were pulled out !

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Huckerby is one of a kind. Not many players show loyalty to ''smaller'' cluns nowadays, How many players are their that would have rejected 15 clubs, (10 prem + celtic to stay with a club like us.) Huckerby is God, he''s the best player Norwich have had for years, better than earnshaw, ashton, safri, mcveigh, roberts and even bellamy and eadie.

Huckerby was robbed of Player of the year when we went up, deservedly got it in the prem year and was robbed again last season. Our defence was crap, so it was a scandal that doherty took it ahead of hucks.

If huckerby plays as well this year, as he did last year and 70% as well as he did when we went up i certainly wont be complaining. He is the only creative player we''ve got, totally irreplaceable. I hope he has a good season because a Huckerbyless norwich doesnt bare thinking about and i so hope that the NCFC team sheet in 2007/08 includes the name Huckerby.

It will be a sad moment when Huckerby plays his last game for the club, there arent many like him and we''ve been privaleged to have him.

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Shedded, I thought my writing was usually reasonably clear and concise, but obviously not, as you misunderstood what I was saying. Please read my post again. The point I was making was NOT that big clubs consider Hucks good enough to sign, this should be obvious to even the most obtuse and myopic football spectator  - no, my SURPRISE was the fact that Hucks should turn down big clubs in order to stay at Norwich. Do you understand me now?

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[quote user="stephen nobbs"]Shedded, I thought my writing was usually reasonably clear and concise, but obviously not, as you misunderstood what I was saying. Please read my post again. The point I was making was NOT that big clubs consider Hucks good enough to sign, this should be obvious to even the most obtuse and myopic football spectator  - no, my SURPRISE was the fact that Hucks should turn down big clubs in order to stay at Norwich. Do you understand me now?[/quote]

Yup !  it was a misread .

In the same vein , it  was no big surprise to  me !   Hucks has played  for the big clubs , and , by and large ,  he was treated  shabbily ,  particularly at Mancity  , with [ spit ] keegan in charge ,a tw*t  who valued him at 750K !  the ultimate insult  from a complete loser of a manager , who couldn`t manage a kids tea party in Harrods toy dept ............

To her credit , womans intuition ? Delia  saw the potential in Hucks  , and the rest is history .


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