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south stand corner terrace

Chase Protests

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As much as I feel people have the right to protest, I hope things dont get as ugly as the chase protests about ten years ago.

People were just as fired up then or maybe even more, and the thought of police horses storming down carrow road to move people doesnt do much for me.

I was there last time and people decided to sit down on carrow road, then the police horses came storming down the road,  having one of those bad boys close up is not a nice experience.  Police Dogs were also used and I witnesses quite a few dogs having there afternoon meal on someones leg.  People were also getting arrested left right and centre.

So protestors please dont let things get out of hand...................

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yes kneelo.. I was there to Chase him out. and really wouldn''t want to see anything like that. As one of the organisers of the protest. we have continually stressed the importance of keeping it trouble free peaceable but vocal, decency in what is chanted. this is centred on one thing and one thing only..  A Message to the board.... Not the players ...Not Nigel Worthington personality. just we feel he has had ample time to turn thing round. 

We are liasing with the police and will carry on stressing that our points..already mentioned. anyone causing a  disturbance amongst this group will be asked to remember what we are about, if they persist they will be pointed out to the police, and asked to leave.

So much so have we taken this seriously, several people have gone on record as stating they are bringing their children, we also know that the age ranges from at least 14 to 78 years old, disabled people, able bodied people a reall cross section of City fan base.

We are at a loss to explain Mr Skipper''s words.. and need to hark back to years gone by, when no-one we have spoken with or heard from has given any indication of this being anything other than a family protest.  In his sad attempt to draw attention away from the fans and possibly stir up public opinion agaisnt this, he has succeeded in getting people''s anger up.

We have had hundreds of e-mails many offering support mixed with some I wouldn''t want to show my wife. Also amongst these have been threats to myself and family,  I won''t pass comment on that publicly 

  I personally feel it is sad that people have to resort to such cyber abuse, when we have offered our forum for anyone to come on a debate in a friendly manner, without the need to get abusive. After all we are fellow humans, fellow City supporters ..we simply disagree. is that the end of the world......or the need to start an internet war.




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i agree, we are a family club and we must remember that whilst adults may feel intimidated by horses and dogs, for children it can be a terrible experience. That said, I seem to remember that Chase was many things both in and out of CR, especially chairman of the police authority. Policing football has changed a lot over the last few years, the police are definately aware of how things can get out of hand using heavy tactics or even the worng tactics.

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the police lost control of the situation in 1995....

 its worth noting that at the time football grounds were policed by "specials".. i know because next doors son used to do it.... im not sure if they still are, i believe they are policed in the proper way.

anyway, a bunch of specials i dont think will have the training to deal with a large football protest or whatever. back in 1995 it needed the real police there first to keep control.

and if 1995 was policed by the real police then they should publically apologise for losing control of the incident... something they could of handled far FAR better at the time.

jas :)

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