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paul moy

Death to Pathetic trolls

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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2385693/Close-Ask-fm-Parents-charities-demand-vile-website-shut-children-trolled-death.htmlEvery poster IMO should be validated and use their true identity.  This would then ensure that they were respectful of other people and realise that there will be consequences if they are not. Trolls are cowards as they hide behind anonymity to insult and denigrate genuine posters. They are ruining the internet, and even worse,  sensitive young people''s lives !!!!!


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[quote user="paul moy"]Every poster IMO should be validated and use their true identity. [/quote]Don''t worry Paul the relevant mechanisms are being put into place as are the justifications.

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Define "true identity"

Would Cher be Cher or Cherilyn Lapierre? Would Elton John be Reginald Dwight, Sir Reginald Dwight, or Elton John? Hulk Hogan? Michael Caine? Paul Moy?

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The internet is a horrible place sometimes, as I have discovered. If you can''t handle it then get off.

Seriously, it is just a simple matter of closing the browser and moving on from harmful comments. Why parents keep letting their children view them confuses the hell out of me.

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Is there much a parent can do? If a kid wants to get on these sites they will find a way. Not that I understand why some keep going back even when they are getting grief. To us it is a simple case of turning off and doing something else instead. A teenager on the other hand?!God knows what''s going on in their heads.

The good thing is that some big advertisers are pulling out. Hit them where it hurts.

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[quote user="Bws Cat "]The internet is a horrible place sometimes, as I have discovered. If you can''t handle it then get off.

Seriously, it is just a simple matter of closing the browser and moving on from harmful comments. Why parents keep letting their children view them confuses the hell out of me.[/quote]I do avoid posting when the personal abuse gets too much which on this BB is quite often. People may have noticed that I never revisit or post again on ''trolled'' threads once I have left........... I ignore them for ever. That is my sanity-saving mechanism but the best mechanism would be a method to remove all trolls from the internet by removing the ability to have anonymous identities. People generally will respect eachother if they knew there may be consequences, but in general most people respect eachother anyway. Trolls are the ignorant, ill-educated minority, thankfully.

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Martin Rowson just about has it right with this cartoon. Trolls are ubiquitous on BB''s and forums. far from getting into the nitty gritty they are disruptive and usually try to be personal. Ignoring them is the only way to go. Responding in kind is like pouring petrol on the fire.http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cartoon/2013/aug/08/martin-rowson-silly-season

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[quote user="nevermind"]Martin Rowson just about has it right with this cartoon. Trolls are ubiquitous on BB''s and forums. far from getting into the nitty gritty they are disruptive and usually try to be personal. Ignoring them is the only way to go. Responding in kind is like pouring petrol on the fire.http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cartoon/2013/aug/08/martin-rowson-silly-season[/quote]

Exactly ,ignore them "don''t feed the trolls" as they say ,the worst thing a lot of these feminists did was make a big fuss ,they have made themselves a target for every nutter out there ,the best thing to do is ignore it ,if you feel threatened go to the Police ,don''t go to the press .

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Another action that can work is to warn newcomers to blogs, actually telling them why x or y are to be ignored and not fed, it works cause I''ve done it. Do we have to feel sorry for these trolls, cause half of them are addicted to the internet and can''t do without, eventually, ignored and frowned upon, they might actually do themselves harm,rather than harming and harassing others, given enough time.

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