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Laurie Sheffield

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  1. Is the Pink Un website still available in its old (pre-27 January) format. That is full of content and free to view. If not I (and I expect thousands of others) will not be forced to subscribe via the site itself or any other Archant title link. Hope I''m wrong- what a shame if I''m right!
  2. I had the pleasure of playing a few NCFC ''all star'' friendlies with Ronnie - his ability (or lack of it!) was the stuff of legends- his personality the mark of a great man. RIP Brooksy
  3. To te tune of Blue Moon Wesley, its just like watching Messi It''s just like watching Messi He''s even better -Wesley We love you little Wesley
  4. A forceful, stylish and driving left midfield player with a great shot. Cannot think of a modern day player but he was worth 10 goals a year plus. I was at Highbury when he scored a hatrick against Arsenal in the League Cup. Also a very nice bloke as I had the opportunity to meet him a few times sociallly. Budgie will be sadly missed.
  5. Tactically the thing to do is to get marked first, thus making the marker feel his job is done and then move towards a pass that is directed into the space around you. Ideally your first movement is away from where the ball will be placed, creating more space as the marker follows you. Easy??!! Perhaps we''ve not yet got past stage 1- get marked.
  6. Be realistic??? Your started it with these three!!! What do you expect...
  7. These type of comments would be better if the person writing them had any idea about football tactics and techniques. Croft''s change of role from wide man in a 4-4-2 to  wide man in a 4-3-3 is totally different. The first sees him in an ''out to in'' position (allowing lots of crosses, cutting inside for shots etc) and the second in an ''in to out'' position (supporting main striker and in a much ''narrower'' position where crosses are much more difficult, they become in effect diagonal passes. Here endeth the lesson from a person who has played over 500 games at a high stadnard for teams such as Wroxham and Lowestoft and is a qualified FA coach.. 
  8. I had the pleasure of meeting Justin when he was a raw-boned apprentice. Like many of his ''not well off'' youth team mates he used to finish training and go to CEYMS, a social club, in the city (above where Pilch Sports used to be) for a soft drink, a hot pie and a game of snooker. He was unfailingly polite and well mannered, indeed he used to go and see my Mum and Dad who had stalls on the market most midweek days and always offered to get them a cup of tea or offer to help with any heavy lifting. Justin was catapulted ino the limelight, as a model and football star. He was never (in my opinion) truly at ease but ''Fash'' certainly lived the part. His brother Jon was on  soccer coaching course I attended and he''s another source of stories and anacdotes. Justin -RIP    
  9. Jurgen Colin had  amore than satisfactory game against Newcastle. The difference was that he had cover in front of him.
  10. Let''s give Ernie and CCFC some respect. A love of your first team should be encouraged.
  11. I know this is before your time but ask folk about Ron Davies. Superb in the air, genuinely two-footed and great at holding the ball up. I also agree with those who said less than flattering things about Laurtie Sheffiled BUT I was there when he scored a hatrick against Derby on his home debut (I think). In fact I pre-date the Barclay when we were the South Stand Choir!  
  12. Proven record at our curent level (read that as you will!). Could be good value. Views? Anyone making the tenuous connection with the Sky pundit should not bother to attampt any humerous reply! OTBC
  13. We are short (excuse the pun) in midfield- Yousef is away for 4 weeks- Dennis Wise is available- worth a loan at least?
  14. From across the Wash in Skegness- Roy (and Neil Adams) are the perfect link to a Canary soccer Saturday. Get well soon- we miss you.  
  15. Poor positional play- mistimed and ineffective tackles and passing that ranges from the ridiculous to the very ridiculous. Nothing personal- he''ll be a valuable squad member and OK when we need to stiffen up away from home. With Hucks and Marney out wide we need quality from our central two.
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