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fen canary

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  1. Can one of you cunning linguists settle an argument for me. Is it pronounced Sty permann ( as in pig sty ) Or is it pronounced Stee permann. I think it is the latter, but whichever it is we have found a real gem.
  2. We were also in The Torch. £5 for a pint of Stella but worth every penny for the singing, dancing on the tables outside and the craic. If Carlsberg did play offs they could not better the day we had from start to finish.
  3. Our club owes a lot to Grant Holt, his goals took us from the despair of the 7-1 all the way to the Premiership. His leadership, his tenacity, his constant winding up of the opposition defenders and his workrate are things that we have missed since his departure. My stand out moment was the goal at Anfield when he creamed two defenders and the goalkeeper such was his determination to head the ball into the net in front of the Kop. So it was with trepidation that I took my seat Yesterday. Would he come back to haunt us, would he give our defenders a torrid time, how would I feel if he scored. In the end it was a perfect afternoon. We won convincingly, we saw the odd glimpse of the old Grant in an otherwise poor Huddersfield side and we got to say goodbye. Who knows if we will see Grant at Carrow Road again, so thank you for the memories and this fan will never forget you.
  4. [quote user="Buh"]OP has small man syndrome making up stories Tell us one about morisons wife and Tierney, binner.[/quote] I know I should not rise to your puerile attempt at sarcasm but there are some sensible people that care about our club.
  5. My point was the reaction of the players, although I disagree that BJ was right to shoot.
  6. Make of this as you will and no I am not a binner. I have heard from a "Friend" of someone connected to the club that all is not well in the camp. The players are baffled by selections and formations and are going just going through the motions knowing that ultimately the manager will carry the can. Not picking on BJ but on Saturday when we were 3 on 1 and he elected to shoot from distance, the other 2 did not remonstrate ( I would have been well p****d off ) and BJ just seemed to shrug his shoulders as if it did not matter even though it would have probably sealed the 3 points. I am only passing on what I have heard.
  7. He was non existant yesterday . I know it was only one game but personally I am glad we did not waste a shed load of money on Graham as he does not look any better than what we have.
  8. In my opinion you cannot be a football supporter and a racist. Your favourite team whether you watch them live or on the tv will have black/foreign players so you really would have to be some sort of pond life to racially abuse the opposition and think that your own players would not be affected.
  9. My 17 yr old lad is finished with colts football and is joining an adult team which unfortunately play on a Saturday. He really does not want to give up his season ticket but I cannot afford to pay for him for 19 matches when he will only be able to go to the odd game which is on a Sunday, midweek or over Christmas. He has suggested that maybe someone would " buy " the Saturday games and he goes to the others. Apart from the logistics would this be acceptable to the club or should I just cancel.
  10. For the last few weekends the A14 has been closed at Huntingdon for bridge repairs. The diversion although not much longer in miles adds about 30mins in time. I would check if this is happening again this weekend
  11. No first post after lurking for a few years.
  12. A thick Spurs fan was removed from the Jarrold because the halfwit stood up and cheered when they scored their first goal. There was also another Spurs fan at the front who also cheered their goals but it looked like he had Downs Syndrome so the stewards let him stay and to be fair to the fans around him they did not make a fuss.
  13. I have been told that Pilks has fallen out with PL over his drinking and social life. No idea if it is true or not
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