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Everything posted by Aggy

  1. Probably a wise tactic. Wait for the question where you can reel off a nice para from wiki and not have to risk engaging your brain again.
  2. Should I take the quick change of subject to mean you’re not sure if you’re a racist then, or just that your last post wasn’t very well thought through and perhaps you’d be better off sticking to copying and pasting from the internet after all? As to Mothin Ali, fairly sure all I’ve said is that the Green Party should investigate and take appropriate action.
  3. So you’re saying you and NC aren’t sure if you’re racist or not?
  4. Lol, what? Aren’t all racists, by definition, selective? If you just hate everyone, you’re not really racist are you…
  5. Slightly disappointed to see the new ‘not relevant, start a new thread’ stock response. I’d have put money on ‘immigrants park in disabled spaces too’.
  6. Why so touchy? I don’t recall any of the ‘left wing extremists’ or ‘uk-hating apologists for islamism’ getting so worked up when you and your best mate were throwing those terms around. For legal reasons, I won’t call anybody a snowflake.
  7. You’d also need to prove you weren’t racist before it would be libellous. How are you doing that?
  8. I’m not even sure it’s that clear cut technically / legally - is the cyclist really in control and not riding dangerously? Not looking at the road and has one hand taken up with a water bottle while approaching a junction on a corner, has a little wobble while looking down at his cup holder, makes no attempt to slow down approaching the corner/junction and even makes a couple of peddles to speed up.
  9. If a car smashed into another while the driver was having a drink and then looking down at the cup holder rather than the road while approaching a junction though…
  10. If it was a bus lane, would the mini have checked again? I was going to say ‘and turned even more slowly’ - but if he’d turned more slowly, the cyclist would have just hit his front door instead of the rear…
  11. Not helped by the fact there is a sign saying the cycle lane ends and then another suggesting it has started again almost immediately after? I’d agree probably both got to take some blame here although I’m not really sure what the mini could have done differently. The mini isn’t going at pace and the cars on the cyclists side of the road have clearly stopped to let the mini across. He can’t have seen the cyclist coming as the road layout is poor and the turn is on a corner. If he sees the cycle lane sign on the road, then perhaps needs to double check? The cyclist though is oblivious - doesn’t brake or even try to swerve and even seems to start peddling into the car … because he’s having a drink and then looking down at his drink holder. Edit: looking again the cyclist hits the rear passenger side door, almost as far back as the rear wheel. Got to think if he’s paying attention he easily breaks and avoids a collision.
  12. What are you expecting - they have both outright refused, even when specifically asked, to say anything negative about the two Reform candidates kicked out because of racist comments about black people and Muslims. NC has never tried to hide his racist views in fairness (although never actually admits it) but LYB has let it slip a few times over a few different threads recently.
  13. I was quoting you and changing the wording slightly to show how hypocritical you are. That you replied “funny man” previously had suggested to me you understood that, but clearly I was being too generous.
  14. Quite right too - I’m still the only person on the thread who has said the Greens should investigate and take necessary action.
  15. How is that related to the post you’ve quoted? I was suggesting LYB could figure out the significance of the quotation marks and you think that means I can’t accept two people are racist wind up merchants? Logical arguments really aren’t strong points for either of you.
  16. I know you can’t just look that up on wiki, but I’m sure if you think really hard about it for a little while you’ll be able to figure it out.
  17. The only people who have ever mentioned quotation marks to me are, strangely ….. you and NC. Coincidence I’m sure!
  18. Any chance of Cameron doing a “Douglas-Home”?
  19. How do you know LYB doesn’t know who you are?
  20. I’m not surprised by that at all. But you and LYB do seem to have the same problem of struggling to read posts. I merely asked if LYB has asked you to post that. Which bit of that suggests I thought you were the same person?
  21. No, clearly not. You though seem to pop up only when LYB is making a fool of himself.
  22. I said you couldn’t string together a coherent argument when you weren’t able to just copy and paste from Wikipedia. Which bit of that implies citing from Wikipedia is something to mock? The quoted post does rather support the idea you struggle to make any sense when not just copying and pasting from the internet.
  23. At least you have stopped even denying being a wind up merchant now.
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