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Superstitious Dave

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  1. Because she stayed at spontaneous daves house the night before?
  2. [quote user="Gingerpele"]You two are both idiots.....Sorry, i didn''t want to result to name calling, but you are, simple as.[/quote] Say it to my face.....oh yeah you can''t cyaaaaaa
  3. I was sitting behind Chris Martins dad at a game away last season and heard him many times say "Chris you''re f*****g s**t"! So even his own dad don''t rate him
  4. On rumour mill it says henry is homesick and misses his grans epic cup of tea
  5. His gran lives in Norwich so he got a place to stay
  6. Applies to Joey Barton. Personally I think the bloke''s an attention seeking w****r
  7. Can''t see why people slate crofts when him and tierney are the engine of the team, they never stop running. For me crofts and wes would be more effective in the middle but that''s my opinion.
  8. Why is everyone raving about him? I can''t see what he does that''s effective, he''s not great at free kicks and wes creates more! Also why has Russell Martin not been given a chance yet
  9. One going spare face value £47 contact me on 07891117460 if interested preferably by text. thanks
  10. [quote user="Canaries Utd"]A real danger of loosing our back to back record too :([/quote] The back to back record is only league only.
  11. new fans forum, check it out www.canarycage.co.uk
  12. If it''s down to money we''ll lose out, if Barry fry and the chairman bloke stop being asses about it and accept our bid I think he would choose us! Fingers crossed!
  13. I think it''s wrong what he did no time for racism and agree what the club did. But how did mark bright see the original tweet In the first place? Surely he would of had to been following Luke or the person he tweeted too?
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