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True Grit

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Everything posted by True Grit

  1. To all laughing at Jez''s expense, this mobile unit was actually his idea. Another thing to add to his legacy. He was pushed It was a set up
  2. Just wanted to say a big thanks to all who took part in the March today, you were brilliant. There was a total of around 70 of us in the end. Also want to apologise I was slightly late, I badly burned the roof of my mouth on some cannelloni from Frankie and Bennys and had to seek medical attention.
  3. Great support guys - at this rate Jez will be reinstated by the Newcastle game
  4. I have gathered evidence which suggests Jez didn''t leave of his own accord, he was forced out of the club under duress. Him and Babette are now having to live in hiding. I cant dedicate more time to the investigation, thus I will be setting up a just giving page - crowd funding to raise the finances needed for a private dick to conclude the case. What I will be doing is boycotting the Forrest game. 2pm match day I will be marching from Frankie and Bennies to the ground, with a banner: "Justice for Jez" Spread the word and join the movement. Bring your friends, family, work colleagues - get involved with your own banners, print t-shirts, what ever it is you need to do to get the message across to the board that we as fans wont accept a dictatorship. The truth is out there. Best, TG
  5. [quote user="Icecream Snow"][quote user="lappinitup"]Who is Jake Humphrey?[/quote]Someone I went to school with :P I can only remember him being as dumb as rocks.[/quote] He was a 5* student and the natural successor to Mr Wren - But obviously went on to bigger things. Jake will undoubtedly be on the board in the future - I''d personally like to see him as CEO.
  6. Tip for the interviewer - if you''re going to turn up with food for someone like Jake put some thought into it. He''s a nice guy and didn''t make a big deal out of it, but I can tell you he wasn''t impressed with you presenting him a plastic bag of low-grade produce from tesco - at the very least you should have gone to the deli at Waitrose and asked them to prepare you a hamper. However, what''s most concerning is that the raspberries were not cleansed before consumption, putting Jake at risk of illness. Please be more professional in the future- other than that, a solid interveiw.
  7. What I like about Jake is his eye for contemporary style - The guys immaculate. I can see he''s gone for the high end Orange County decor/Wimpy show home look. No pictures on the walls or clutter - akin to his mind - it''s pure focus and direction. This is a man who knows what he wants in life and how to get it. Future CEO in the making and in my eyes the only person who could bring the club up to where it would have been with Jez on the controls.
  8. im currently in deep Norfolk, dug in - im witnessing a clandestine meeting of sorts. Cant say much more than that at the moment, but my investigation has become much broader after assessing the evidence ive gathered thus far. Theres much more to this than i could have ever imagined.
  9. The investigation is having me mobilise around Norfolk extensively. I feel like I''m in a never-ending feedback-loop/episode of Love joy. I''m unearthing more and more clues as to what''s been going on, but I fear I''ve only scratched the surface. This is big.
  10. [quote user="Nuff Said"]If you''re going off-grid, will you still be able to keep lines of communication open with us TG? Wouldn''t want to compromise your safety, or become compromised myself. Any warning signs we should be looking out for?[/quote] I can''t say. Need to keep moving. Be vigilant - expect the unexpected.
  11. The further I get into this, the more things aren''t adding. My investigations are being hindered by certain individuals linked to the club. I can''t go into detail, but there have been some odd goings on since I started to unearth some of the facts, which have led me onto further lines of enquiry. I''ve moved temporarily to an undisclosed location where I can continue my work, Dussindale has become compromised. The truth is out there. TG
  12. [quote user="lake district canary"]Might be as simple as family reasons and not being able to settle. [/quote] . That''s not the case - him and Babette loved it here, could.often be seen strolling down Whitlingham and using the ski slope.
  13. ...since he ''stepped down''. I''ve got some information that ive gleaned from my contacts within the game - I need to keep it on my chest for now, but I assure you it''s not wholesome. Rest assured, I shall work tirelessly until I get to the bottom of this. The truth is out there. TG
  14. I''m going to the club tomorrow to demand some answers
  15. sorry, i mean digging - not thinking straight - shock to the system.
  16. im in bits. gonna have to sleep on it. With do some gigging tomorrow
  17. To my fellow men and women of the PinkUn, It is with great regret that im writing this. As you''ve probably heard Jez has stepped down from his role as CEO. this isn''t just a sad day for the club - its the day it died. Jeremy Derek Moxey was the last bastion of hope for City to become an established premier league side, such as Stoke or West Brom. The man is an immaculate operator and i cannot believe this has happened. I would like to use this thread for members of the forum to reflect on Jez''s time at the club, pay respects, well wishes and share memories. I will be liaising with all my contacts within the game to get to the bottom of this situation and will update you all accordingly, but for now im truly lost for words and need some time to reflect - my heads all over the place. With sorrow and regret, TG
  18. I''ll tell you now Jez is old school and isnt one for posting petty prose on social media. The guys immaculate. Any written comms will be carried out with a mont blanc pen, ink well and note pad.
  19. If you want this to be done properly and eliminate players from dangerous exposure to bacteria I suggest you let Jez Get on with his job. The guy is immaculate and will be there in his bio-suit and purple gloves facilitating the whole operation.
  20. [quote user="......and Smith must score."][quote user="True Grit"]Hey Everybody, Another superb performance at the fortress that Carrow Road has once again become. We could easily have slipped up against Birmingham, a bogey team of recent years - But we Lemsip MAX strength''d them off the park. No cold or flu today for Moxeys platoon of yellow insignia''d, green blooded assassins. A performance of true determination and grit. And as i dig into my own trench for the night (My 3 bed semi in Dussindale, with garage.) I doth my cap to our very own Churchill and commander and chief, Jez Moxey. We salute you. Best, TG[/quote]Make that an '' I '' if you don''t mind please.[/quote] I speak for all in the Duffield Animal Feeds corp box that i was in today, along with the lads from pips skips. Thats a definitive ''We''
  21. Hey Everybody, Another superb performance at the fortress that Carrow Road has once again become. We could easily have slipped up against Birmingham, a bogey team of recent years - But we Lemsip MAX strength''d them off the park. No cold or flu today for Moxeys platoon of yellow insignia''d, green blooded assassins. A performance of true determination and grit. And as i dig into my own trench for the night (My 3 bed semi in Dussindale, with garage.) I doth my cap to our very own Churchill and commander and chief, Jez Moxey. We salute you. Best, TG
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