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King Juan of Spain

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  1. [quote user="Old Boy"]Hang on one gosh-darned minute, camul - we''re the best fans in the world. We know that because we''ve told ourselves that we are - often. We''ve also told ourselves that we deserve to be a Premier League club, that we deserve to have a billionaire owner who can throw money at us until we''ve got that Premier League status, that a mere millionaire who invests a sizeable chunk of her money in a business that makes Northern Rock look like Fort Knox is beneath contempt, that we must sign every footballers that''s available (and quite a few that aren''t), and that whenever the team loses or plays badly the manager''s a f***ing st*p*d c*** who should be lynched. But we''ve paid our money so we can be as pig-ignorantly divisive as we want, and who cares if the Club suffers - it''s us fans that matter, cos we''re the best! [/quote]   That is quite simply the best post ever. It should be used as an automatic reply every time the idiots pull another negative out of the magic hat. And good on yer for bringing it up in the first place, camul. Spot on.
  2. [quote user="tribes"][quote user="King Juan of Spain"][quote user="1st Wizard"][quote user="jewish"] chelmsfordyellow I agree with majority of your comments and I too wish them all the very best in the future in finding jobs elsewhere - from what i understand and what we have just seen football is a very cut throat business and it comes as part of the package I''m just trying to restabilize this thread to talk about the subject matter and I think football is a game of opinions and I would like to air mine as having a friends son pass through the academy which for one reason or not has not produced much assets which we as a club used to survive on I do have some opinions and GR thinks its time for a change which lets try and be positive will ultimately move the club forward - its far to early to tell [/quote] I here your wise words jewish, but I expressed an opinion on here this morning and was promply told to F'' off!.[:S] [/quote] That''s because you don''t seek to debate, you crave attention. Anyway. It''s been the talk for quite some time that the Academy isn''t working so any new broom is surely a good thing? Even Fergie ruthlessly moves people on and is well known for being a dictator at Man Utd. What''s difficult to understand is how people cry out for a strong manager then moan when we get one. Sure, there''s a difference between Grant''s ''you''re all rubbish'' and Roeder''s way of doing things, but he''s being proactive instead of letting things stagnate like Worthy did. The same board resided over both managers, so they should at least get some credit for allowing Roeder to mould the club into his way of thinking - with the same philosophy from first team down to under 10s. That''s how they do it at Chelsea, Man Utd and Arsenal, and it brings success. So could we at least just wait and see what happens before passing blind judgement?   [/quote]The contentious issue is the sacking of Neil Adams. He was the U14''s coach. Are you saying that he was responsible for the failure of the Academy. He is the only coach to be dismissed, all the rest are still there.[/quote]   Maybe he is - but how would any of us know? If you run a company, you need people on board who think like you.
  3. [quote user="1st Wizard"][quote user="jewish"] chelmsfordyellow I agree with majority of your comments and I too wish them all the very best in the future in finding jobs elsewhere - from what i understand and what we have just seen football is a very cut throat business and it comes as part of the package I''m just trying to restabilize this thread to talk about the subject matter and I think football is a game of opinions and I would like to air mine as having a friends son pass through the academy which for one reason or not has not produced much assets which we as a club used to survive on I do have some opinions and GR thinks its time for a change which lets try and be positive will ultimately move the club forward - its far to early to tell [/quote] I here your wise words jewish, but I expressed an opinion on here this morning and was promply told to F'' off!.[:S] [/quote] That''s because you don''t seek to debate, you crave attention. Anyway. It''s been the talk for quite some time that the Academy isn''t working so any new broom is surely a good thing? Even Fergie ruthlessly moves people on and is well known for being a dictator at Man Utd. What''s difficult to understand is how people cry out for a strong manager then moan when we get one. Sure, there''s a difference between Grant''s ''you''re all rubbish'' and Roeder''s way of doing things, but he''s being proactive instead of letting things stagnate like Worthy did. The same board resided over both managers, so they should at least get some credit for allowing Roeder to mould the club into his way of thinking - with the same philosophy from first team down to under 10s. That''s how they do it at Chelsea, Man Utd and Arsenal, and it brings success. So could we at least just wait and see what happens before passing blind judgement?  
  4. [quote user="1st Wizard"][quote user="King Juan of Spain"][quote user="Duffman"][quote user="1st Wizard"] [quote user="King Juan of Spain"] All you buffoons do is bang on about how everything that happens must mean we''re going down the swanny. Well why don''t you f*ck off and support someone else, you attention-seeking non-entities. We don''t need you. [/quote] You need urgent therapy pal.............or anger managagement..............hopefully both!. [/quote] That was a bit strong.   Calm down Calm down. [/quote]   No reason to be calm when cretins like Wiz and Jas fill the boards with rubbish. They are not true supporters of this club. No one who truly wants the best for this club would spend so much time and energy writing the nonsense that they do. They''re just sad, lonely, bored bumpkins who are desperate for attention. [/quote] Nonsence eh? Facts, stats and history say otherwise oh deluded one!.[:|] [/quote]   FACT: Roeder making a much needed overhaul of the backroom staff can only be a good thing - in fact, something most people - including your myopic self - have been calling for for years.   There''s a season ticket at Birmingham waiting for you. You deserve it.
  5. [quote user="Duffman"][quote user="1st Wizard"] [quote user="King Juan of Spain"] All you buffoons do is bang on about how everything that happens must mean we''re going down the swanny. Well why don''t you f*ck off and support someone else, you attention-seeking non-entities. We don''t need you. [/quote] You need urgent therapy pal.............or anger managagement..............hopefully both!. [/quote] That was a bit strong.   Calm down Calm down. [/quote]   No reason to be calm when cretins like Wiz and Jas fill the boards with rubbish. They are not true supporters of this club. No one who truly wants the best for this club would spend so much time and energy writing the nonsense that they do. They''re just sad, lonely, bored bumpkins who are desperate for attention.
  6. [quote user="jas the barclay king"][quote user="1st Wizard"] Cost cutting and panic staff wages removal by a club which is broke!. One day you lot will learn to listern to us prophets.[:|] [/quote] nail.. head.. hit! jas :) [/quote] All that''s happening is the inevitable. Grant talked about the club needing a massive overhaul, and now Roeder is actually doing it. Instead of being so glass-half-empty all the time, why can''t you take a positive from this? It means Roeder has the intention to stay here at the club and hopefully build it into a Premier League outfit. All you buffoons do is bang on about how everything that happens must mean we''re going down the swanny.
  7. www.norwichcityblog.blogspot.com Some salient points indeed.
  8. This is absolute nonsense. Anyone who''s seen him play more than once will know he''s a good player.
  9. [quote user="1st Wizard"] [quote user="King Juan of Spain"]You''re asking in the wrong place, aren''t you? Most of the whingers here have never been inside Carrow Road.[/quote] I''ll put my record next to yours anytime!. [/quote] The only thing you''d have over me is your age, sunshine!
  10. You''re asking in the wrong place, aren''t you? Most of the whingers here have never been inside Carrow Road.
  11. Under Chase we were in the black. Then he left us in the red. Which meant that under Delia, we''ve never had any money But at least we haven''t gone bust. End of story.
  12. but i like his image of delia and doomcaster..   www.norwichcityblog.blogspot.com
  14. [quote user="Arthur Whittle"] Well that''s just great isn''t it? Sums this pathetic lot up, we''ve got half a dozen first team Lonee''s in, and we sell a potential future England Keeper to...Ahem...Peterborough for less than half a million. We''ll be fine fine, we''ve got a couple of Reading youngsters in [I''m sure we sold Flecky to them for eff all],oh how the mighty falls hey? Well at least we''ll have the best 5 a side team in the land next year, must be great for confidence.I love it when they say ''''Dave the striker cost us 1 million [oh yes, make it out that we''re spending the money,and, when it suits them....wait...it cost us...two hundred grand!!].....Spin bloody spin.....!! OOOOH i forgot...we''ll hads of money to spend in the summer....as a * feeder club to READING.!![/quote] PAY ATTENTION TO ME! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! SOMEONE, PLEASE FILL THE EMPTY VOID THAT IS MY LIFE AS ARTHUR WHITTLE!
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