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  1. would it be stupid to say we dont want to go up like this? personally id rather clinch promotion under our own steam and with a win, be it at portsmouth or carrow road.   im not sure about the title too in all honesty, would anyone else welcome the title in this way? cant help but feel it may tarnish or undermine a fantastic season which has been purely down to our own brilliance.   having said that seeing warnocks face would make it all worth while. yeah, seconds thoughts take the points from them.
  2. very good article. out of interest does anyone know the cost and goals ratio of hoolahan too? id hav thought that would make more impressiv reading that jacksons 9 goal return on a 600k price tag (not having a go at jackson hes been superb, just thought wes deserves some credit too)
  3. [quote user="macclesfield canary"]I''d have thought crofts he''s been great for most of the season and his wonder goal was utter class[/quote]   agreed. i think tis fair to say if you were realistically picking the best team crofts and fox would hav a great shout, needed to balance the lack of tracking back from taarabt and sinclair. seeing as this is just the best 11 players defensive midfielders will rarely creep in.
  4. Wes and Holty in championship team of the season, congrats boys and rightly deserved I say. But if another of our men made it in who would you say?   Personally I think Russ Martin is unlucky to not make it in. Id say another may be Cofts who has been excellent, but obviously players like Taarabt and Sinclair make a lot more noise than someone more defensively minded.
  5. [quote user="I am a Banana"] ippy win just derby win pompey draw coventry win.   cardiff to slip up vs QPR & burnley. [/quote]   cant really see why pompey would have enough desire at that stage of the season to really put up a fight. just be glad to have survived both relegation and liquidation, which both looked possible for a while, settled at mid table vs a side (hopefully still) on top form chasing auto promotion to prem looking to go into a final home game in the driving seat for 2nd place (with a possibly golden boot chasing striker).
  6. tidy feet and loves a reverse pass. saw him vs scunny and thought he looked very competent, id say his only downside is being in a midfield with fox and crofts you stand out for a stray pass and while he is indeed very good on the ball, with the odd adventurous ball behind the defence not coming off everytime it stands out more than it should.   great player who fits into a robust, battling yet very classy at times midfield. him and landsbury both clearly come good stock as they can really pick an incisive pass which i think has been a great strength of ours this year. still up for debate however whether surman would continute in the side should we go up.
  7. actually its a lot more simple than that. we win our final four games against teams with nothing left to play for (altho ipswich is somewhat different being a derby) and all we need is cardiff to drop points somewhere along the line, most likely at qpr.   the teams we should be supporting is anyone who can stop qpr''s promotion until they play cardiff and therefore will be all out to beat the bluebirds.
  8. As I''ll finally be graduating this summer and moving south I can get my first season ticket in 4 years. It doesn''t seem to mention prices on the official site, as I expect we''re waiting to see whether we''re selling premiership tickets (touch wood) but could anyone let me know around what they paid this year/ last premiership season?
  9. I noticed someone mentioned something along these lines on twitter during the barnsley game. Personally this surprises me but i didn''t notice many disagree and since i''m yet to go this season i won''t criticise. Can any regulars embelish on this? From what i''ve heard i''ve been impressed with Crofts and Fox, and Surman has done well when hes come back, but premiership standard?
  10. took a few mates to leeds the other day, first time theyv seen city. every1 had a good one but iv been getting stick "over on the ball city", does any1 hav any idea wot the lyrics mean? and wot is a scrimmage?
  11. possibly a poor anallogy, and i appologise if i offend any1, but somtimes i feel like the fans of this club act like a beaten wife. going bcak every season. "itll be different this time". all that ever changes is we get worse. time to grow a pair and let the board no were not having it anymore. thanks delia, but no thanks. boo sirs. boo indeed.
  12. is this wot the club actually needs? now delias legacy is finalised, of an unambitious, passionless team of bottlers happy to collect a pay cheque at the expense of the club and fans, it seems like they may be on their way out. on canary call after the match they certaintly sounded like changes were on the way, hopefully meaning them. i no wev heard it all b4 from them but darkess hour before the dawn, rain b4 the rainbow and all that. i think this is the time the club turns its way around. get rid of the prima donas, bench warmers and loanees and build a team of players who appreciate the club and manager and play for the shirt. build a team of the likes of mcdonald and smith who owe the chance of their fledgling careers to the club and will run and work, and players like lee who been given a second chance and need to repay the faith. i think with delia and the current set up were still looking back over the last few years to wen we wer in the prem and kidding ourselves, lets get rid of the players who were here then and distance ourselves. get out of this mindset and get back to reality and build from the bottom up. the time for feeling sorry for ourselves and being taken for a ride by a team of nobodys popping over for som wages and a run about for a few months is over, and the time for winning starts here.
  13. im all for norwich being a family club, a club where ex players can feel at home and come home and apply their experties but i cant help but feel this is getting carried away and simply highlights gunns lack of connections. im not slating gunn, i quite like him and its yet to be seen whether hes "right or wrong" for the job but being that hes a first time manager and has hardly travelled round many/any clubs since his retirement i worry he has a lack of decent connections capable of bringing in high quality players/ staff, especially compared to roeder. in recent weeks this seems to have been highlighted. jobs for friends, like i say, is a great ethos for any football club to run by but the fact that wev only brought in staff who used to player for us is raising my little eyebrows. crooky sounds like he was jumping a sinking ship anyway and is paul crichton really the best we could get as a new gk coach? the fact that every new staff member wev employed is a former player is making me think wer only bringing them in because theyr ex players, regardless of the cv. the players wev brought in would seem to support gunns lack of numbers in the phone book. the usual scottish card is being played and wev started clearing out rangers and celtic ressies. and now wer bringing back former players in shacks - gunny "bumped into him last week" and realised he wasnt in micks first team plans. hardly cut throat wheeling and dealing. atleast wen we had roeder u felt he could pull a few strings and bring in som prem quality for a few months at the least. i like gunn, hes definately likable. then i liked grant and he was never up to the job. we need someone more savvy, and sjt cos roeder didnt work out doesnt mean we shud turn our back on outsiders. someone please reassure me and tell me im jst getting carried away, or has anybody being thinking the same thing?
  14. while fozzy seems to be doing well rite now you cant help but feel its jst a man of the moment kind of thing, like hooze last year. at the end of the day hes still not going to carry us to the prem but if he can help change our form and work hard then good for him but hell never be quite good enough. he wont be captain by the end of the next season, quite possibly not even at the start
  15. matt ballamy from muse vs glenn roeder
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