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  1. Just wondering why the icons showing when sky,bt etc were showing games have been removed from the fixture screen? Used to be a handy feature. Cheers
  2. This has hit the nail on the head! I’m quite happy to pay £10/game for a decent broadcast. Likewise if you live abroad you can buy a season ticket and I’d be happy to do this. It’s the constant lag and poor camera work. I’d be happy to pay £15/game if it was sky sports/bt quality. Produce a quality product then people will be prepared to pay/pay more for it.
  3. Morning all. Now the premier league have abandoned pay per view @ £15/game why are we having to put up with £10/game on the dreadful I follow! The camera work is terrible and the only decent thing is radio norfolk commentary.
  4. hi, I fancy going to the Bolton game tom but all my mates have bailed out, so planning on driving up & watching it. Luckily I get free fuel so if anyone wants a lift in the Billericay area let me know Phil
  5. watching it on fire fox no icon for full screen, i''m not that daft :-)  
  6. Any one know how to make it full screen?
  7. This is off topic from football a bit, but my niece was nearly abducted in Blythburgh this morning by a bloke in a car (i haven''t got all the details yet). She was waiting for her school bus and he tried to get her to jump in his car,luckily she had more sense and got away, just wanted to warn anyone with kids to be extra carefull this wierdo gets picked up. Thanks
  8. I can''t listen on radio 5 extra, just getting the message dueto contractual rights  or something this program is unavailable, arhhhh  
  9. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/coventry_warwickshire/7260710.stm   saw this on the news, seems Leicester fans have been involved in more trouble, went to the Leicester game and unfortunately had to sit with the Leicester fans,nightmare!
  10. For all people outside norwich, you can get free commentry on bbc radio Wales on sky!! yah!
  11. [quote user="Cluck "] [quote user="philbuzz"]You lot really make me sick, what have you ever done for the club? bought a few tickets? Smurf hasn''t even been to a game for 2 years yet alone put any of his money into the club. Delia saved this club and when we got promoted she was worshipped,as soon as things get bad lets turn on her! When you lot start putting in your savings to the club,then you can have the right to slate her! Its so easy for the likes of cluck and smudger to throw insults from behind their office chairs. The woman has promoted us nationally,far more press than we would have normally got. Yes things aren''t great at the moment,but once we get a manager in and start climbing the table again will you still be posting the same bile?[/quote] You clearly don''t have a clue do you mate?  I''d stick to threads discussing imaginary team formations in future as you''re obviously better at dreaming than dealing with facts...... Worship her? Turn on her? Saved the club?.....Ha ha ha.....You have got it bad haven''t you?. Unbelievable...... [/quote] Obviously not Cluck,in your great present I am a mere mortal. Obviously posting over 2,696 threads in just over a year makes you an oracle of knowledge! I''d suggest perhaps you haven''t got enough going on in your ''real'' life so you result to throwing insults at fellow posters,the board in order to make yourself feel better. I''m not going to enter into a battle of wits with an unarmed man,so I bid you good day sir.
  12. You lot really make me sick, what have you ever done for the club? bought a few tickets? Smurf hasn''t even been to a game for 2 years yet alone put any of his money into the club. Delia saved this club and when we got promoted she was worshipped,as soon as things get bad lets turn on her! When you lot start putting in your savings to the club,then you can have the right to slate her! Its so easy for the likes of cluck and smudger to throw insults from behind their office chairs. The woman has promoted us nationally,far more press than we would have normally got. Yes things aren''t great at the moment,but once we get a manager in and start climbing the table again will you still be posting the same bile?
  13. so no one is out watching the game in Notts tonight then??
  14. Where is everyone watching the game on mon eve?Fancy meeting up in a pub somewhere?? Phil
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