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  1. All quite spot on nowI cannot believe there are folk still not using an adblocker., recommended uBlocker Origin You may need to use a VPN. Even that comes free - ProtonVPN. Does the job, even though it is rather limited Entering soccer streams in to your search box will bring up loads of sites. Simple look through to find our game and off you go.... it really is that simple https://rsoccerstreams.net/fixture/norwich-city-hull-city/1162457
  2. We've nicked Howson, Johnson, Snodgrass and Bechio so perhaps ....................
  3. "........squandered opportunities to establish us in the top flight". I am not sure any club outside to the top 6-8 ever establishes themselves. But some of the signings meant we were doomed before the season kicked off. Maybe that Anastasia fellow wants a different approach. So thanks for the memories Stuart, nothing remains forever, so onward and hopefully upward.
  4. That has to be the concern. Apart from Skipp and probably Williams the recent loans have been abysmal, to say the least. And I cannot really say that Rashica, Tzolis and Sargeant have set the world alight, either. Get it wrong this time, and we may well join the long list of ex PL clubs struggling in the Chs.
  5. So no evidence what soever and a claim that we will not receive parachute payments. And we see Johnson as being a barefaced liar. "Does that sound like we have 30 million to blow?" I never stated that, You are just making up stuff again to distract from your erroneous claim. I merely pointed out the extra £50m we could be due to refute the lie';there is no money' Now point us all to that £65m loan. It must be available online, otherwise you would not know about it. Unless of course you are making it up. To what purpose, I might ask, as if the rest of us cannot guess.
  6. Quoting from the report on the 21/22 accounts ""Norwich have borrowed an undisclosed sum against 'both future media rights and contracted player receivables". No mention of borrowing against the parachute payments. I have yet to read here, or elsewhere, of anyone stating that "we will have more to millions to use". More than what, exactly ? What posters are saying is we are NOT potless with no transfer budget. Demonstrating that with evidence does upset some, as is seen by their attempts to twist it to we have tens of millions to spend. What is available to spend in the summer, what is held over until Jan and what is needed to run the club is unknown. But an extra income (above TV, sponsors and gate) of £50m plus clearly shows there is money. And the constant bitching by the usual suspects merely affirms what most on here already know.
  7. I don't think anyone is claiming transfer money received is automatically speed on transfers in - bar the usual anti-club posters. My point is that to state 'there is no money" when all the evidence shows there is needs correcting.
  8. Perhaps you could point us all to that £65m loan The club has borrowed to cover a £44m debt incurred through the Covid lockdown. However, "Norwich have borrowed an undisclosed sum against 'both future media rights and contracted player receivables" Ever season since lord knows when the club have had a budget to buy players - I VERY much doubt that has changed this summer
  9. So where will this £50m plus go tghen. Do you really expect the club to dance around singing 'e're in the money".. And as said, I doubt the three ex PL players wages are 'cheap' either..
  10. or, the advantage is we are not spending what we don't have and will certainly not be able to afford, if we don't go up. We are allowed five. Which we only pay a percentage of their wages and a 'signing' fee. If we go up we will have the money to buy. If we don't, we are not committed to a long wage/transfer contract. A no brainer really.
  11. If only we had some sort of parachute payment (£30m), or maybe a sell on payment (£5m). Is there no player we could sell (Rashica £5m plus) or one who is currently here, Aarons( £10m plus). £50m plus. That does not sound like 'no money' to me. Ex PL players will not be playing for nothing, either. I expect all three to be topping our wage bill. Free agents are grabbed early to avoid others signing them. Others who follow and are signed to other clubs usually are in a 'chain', so you have to wait. Let's hope Omo and/or Giannoulis do not leave. That might actually bankrupt us.
  12. I think McKenna will be the only name any senior club will be enquiring about. They usually have some boy wonder, they drool over, but never seems to ever hit the heights they expect of him. Mind you, they did have a youngster called Gibbs. I wonder what happened to him ? Probably flogged off to some bigger club for a decent fee
  13. I am not sure whether is Sheff U is really much of a step up as a career move. With Duffy here and Hanley likely to be back in a few months it might be thought he is surplus to requirements. Maybe keep him until Jan then sell him. A club looking over their shoulder might be tempted to offer the sort of money Godfrey fetched. Yes, he is one for the future, but our immediate future is this season and getting back into the PL. Omo's value is in his age. Duffy might be better/as good but Omo has another 10 years (minimum) in him. And that's often what you are buying.
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