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Everything posted by horsefly

  1. Christ Almighty! How many do you need?
  2. Try it yourself RTB. It's been one day since Biden ruled himself out, and already she is significantly more popular. The race is now too close to call: "Harris and former President Trump are in a race that is too close to call with Trump receiving 49 percent support and Harris receiving 47 percent support," the poll found, according to a release. "There is no clear leader as the lead is within the margin of error." And now she has raised $81m in just 24 hours, a new fundraising record. Feel free to keep wetting yourself.
  3. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/harris-smashes-fundraising-record-with-81-million-dollars-haul-over-24-hours/ar-BB1qrgnC?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=d56f492ed08843d8adbdcc080e7a1bac&ei=22
  4. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/first-poll-puts-harris-ahead-of-biden-in-striking-distance-of-trump/ar-BB1qrQeG?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=853bf348c5f741bd8cf8ee52c135ff49&ei=10
  5. Indeed! I'm sure she's well aware that she needs to negate the "California issue" so would expect her to be very wise in choosing her VP. Josh Shapiro or Roy Cooper look the most likely bets. I think you're right that this election has now become a very close contest. The VP debate may turn out to be far more important than normal, and Vance's extreme form of Christian fundamentalist nationalism may turn out to be a real problem for Trump. Trump has already been trying to row back on his promises to the evangelicals, and it is rumoured that he is already very angry with his VP's RNC speech. What couldn't be clearer is that this is the last thing Trump wanted to happen (something Piers Morgan has claimed Trump admitted in a personal phone call). Renewed hope for every Democrat and Trump hater; Interesting times ahead.
  6. Trump can wimp out, but that's exactly how it will be seen. Harris will endlessly mock him as a coward if he refuses to debate as originally agreed. Harris hardly needs exposure. There's not the remotest possibility that she will lack that for the next 4 months.
  7. Except they don't predict he will win comfortably. And we are still 4 months from the election where Trump was praying that it would be Biden that he is up against. As for Harris's public speaking being cringeworthy, I'll raise you ten times the cringe worthiness rating of Trump's rambling insane gaffe prone tripe. Even his own fans walked out of the last one it was so long and bad. You also seem to need reminding that Biden got 8 million more votes than Trump in 2020, and that despite all the Hunter Biden laptop shi*te. This time the US public will have a choice, not between two compromised old men with cognitive issues, but between a 20-years younger state prosecutor and a very old rambling criminal and rapist, whose own VP nomination previously described as the US version of Hit*ler. We'll see what that does to the polls in the coming weeks. Trump is already wetting himself about facing Harris in a debate
  8. Except ALL of us on this site did. The joy now is that there is only one very old gaffe-prone candidate left, and the Democrats can now unleash on him.
  9. Indeed! The polls remain very close, which is a clear sign of just how appalling the choice offered to the US public has been. Between a man seriously cognitively compromised by his old age, and another just slightly less so. Trump's MAGA base (in every possible meaning of that word) will support him whatever he does. They would hold his coat and fan his back while he shagg*ed their wife. Absolutely no point appealing to that bunch of idiots. However, the MAGA base is nowhere near enough to get him over the line. Trump made a huge error in making Vance his VP, all he brings is exactly the same MAGA vote and alienates every non-Christian fundamentalist man and woman in the country. If Harris chooses wisely (I'm sure she will), then the Harris ticket will offer a very real competent alternative. It will be important for Harris to offer a positive platform (as you say), but also important to emphasise the threat to US democracy and the Constitution that a Trump presidency would entail. They should repeat time and again the key proposals of Project 2025, and the words of Vance on abortion which demand that your raped child be forced to give birth. Reports are now coming out which claim that Biden made his decision after commissioning private polls which suggested he had no chance of winning but that Harris definitely did. So I'm fully expecting Harris's poll ratings to improve if, as almost certain, she is confirmed as Trump's opponent.
  10. Utterly irrelevant. Biden failed to get nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate on at least 2 previous occasions before he trounced Trump in the 2020 election. You have no idea what "half the Democrats" think about her. The idea that the very old and increasingly gaffe-prone Trump would "destroy her" in debate is beyond hilarious. Apart from that ...
  11. You seem obsessed with betting odds. They are not anything like a reliable guide to voting intentions. They represent a function of where people have decided to gamble.
  12. It's politically naïve to think that Harris' poll ratings as VP to Biden are a clear indicator of her popularity as a presidential nominee. Inevitably she has suffered as a result of being intimately connected to Biden's disastrous campaign. She is now released from that burden, and has an opportunity to present a very different alternative for president. Compared to Trump she is going to come across as young, dynamic, intelligent, and completely sane. I suspect an awful lot of swing voters will find themselves rapidly rethinking the temptation to vote for Trump on their previous grounds that he seemed to be the least senile of the two very old candidates. The truth is none of us really have a clue how this is likely to pan out. But what is pretty much certain, is this is the last thing that Trump wanted to happen. And that is good enough for me at this stage of the campaign.
  13. Now Biden has gone the Democrats can now unleash the attack dogs on the very old, gaffe prone Trump. 20-years younger and far more intelligent than Trump, the crucial swing voters now have a genuine alternative to the convicted criminal and self-confessed sex offender.
  14. I don't think anything is now a foregone conclusion in terms of the result. In particular the Democrats will be unleashed to attack Trump for his plethora of "senile" gaffes that they have had to hold back on because of Biden. The evidence to date suggests there is no great love for Trump, that his lead in the polls was largely due to Biden's frailty. Trump is now the very "old" man competing with a much younger and energetic opponent. The crucial swing voters will now have a very different choice to make.
  15. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/president-joe-biden-finally-bows-out-of-race-after-weeks-of-democratic-party-pressure/ar-BB1qn3vv?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=86a1e88770ac450db2a134e3bb52c028&ei=14
  16. My impression is there are more positives than negatives to take from the games so far. Chiefly the way the youngsters look very confident and composed playing the tight passing game under pressure.
  17. Disgusting racist comments from Lee Anderson. Who would have thought https://x.com/LeeAndersonMP_/status/1814189175387672848
  18. The Maitlis interview (and others) seriously pricked the pomposity of pipsqueak UK politicians desperate to ride on the coattails of Trump's grotesque politics. Pathetic and embarrassing.
  19. Was he using a stick of rhubarb?
  20. What are tonight's lottery numbers?
  21. Indeed! Anyone who bothered to read Reform's fantasy manifesto would have written them off as a complete joke. 3x more expensive than Truss's budget that trashed the economy (2x more expensive than Corbyn's derided 2019 manifesto). Their promise to reduce NHS waiting lists to zero would have required more hospital appointments than actually physically possible (perhaps they believed the Tories had built the 40 "new" hospitals). 40,000 more police officers, Big rise in minimum pay, all while raising the tax threshold to £20,000, etc, etc. They would have bankrupted the country within days.
  22. Yawn! Conventionalbore: "Your lack of comment regarding...supports my suggestion that you are seemingly content with...". So, according to you, it safe to assume that a person's lack of comment on any particular issue can be taken as confirmation that they support it. That is probably the dumbest thing anyone has ever written on this site; beyond disingenuous, and utterly pathetic.
  23. When you bother to answer a single question I have posed I might consider responding to your rubbish. My record on support for Enlightenment values couldn't be stronger, so feel free to defend your abusive accusation that I am "content that there are five Islamist MPs in the HoC". In the meantime you carry on denying that 80% of what you post is nothing more than pathetic bleating about about abuse in order to distract from any attempt to respond to the questions and issues others raise. I must, however, apologise that this post has extended beyond the 2 sentence limit which you consider to be the mark of an essay and way beyond your ability to concentrate.
  24. So, Trump says he wasn't concerned when he was shot in the ear because he knew he had God on his side. I presume he means the same God who let a 20yr old loon take several shots at him in the first place. 🤣
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