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Pete: An idea that may help

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Why not just have a seperate subforum entitled ''Fightclub'', whereby if any thread descends into a fight/heated argument and becomes offtopic it can be moved into there where it can happily continue.

Then, those that want to have a shout at one another can do so, and those that dont want to see it all can stay clear and enjoy the main ncfc chat.

Leaves no excuse for anyone being overly aggresive in the main forums, and you are well within your right to ban them if they continually get out of hand in the main sections.

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Don''t be silly Skijumptoes,

the first rule of fightclub is, you don''t talk about fightclub..

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Would have to be......FIGHTCLUB!!!!!! COMEON THEN SUCKAS!! ;)

..Oh, wouldnt it be great to actually say that on here, and get into full-on verbal fisticuffs?!

I may cre-ate my own forum technoligy, whereby each argumentee has 4/5 posts to get there point across, and if the argument is not settled, a public vote is called!

Then the rest of the forum posts their verdict via a vote sistem. Would be like, WELL WICKED!

Would end in public whomeelashun!!! :)

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I''ve got a few more great ideas for you, Pete:

Save money on water by washing your hands in the cistern before flushing

Wrap a tray of potatoes in foil and store them away in a cupboard. That way if your house burns down you''ll have a consolation snack ready to eat

Hanging a pair of oven gloves over a cats back makes an ideal portable storage device for cans of beer and TV remotes

Name your kids "Small" "Medium" "Large" or "Extra-Large" to save time writing their names onto clothing tags

Eat "Space Dust" whilst listening to an MP3 player to add an authentic crackly vinyl sound to your music collection

Pretend to grow your own vegetables by buying some from the supermarket, burying them in the garden and then digging them up again whenever you need them

(Courtesy of Viz magazines "top tips" pages btw)

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