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I know that it will only be decided when we stay in the Premiership, but do you think that the number of seats available will be filled if it is built, and what type of fans do you think they will be?

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I will be one of them. It will get filled, 100% certain if they carry on playing well. The extra fans can only help to increase the amount of support from the most vocal fans in the prem.

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You betcha Franco!!!!...How many new seats will an upper tier provide? About 3,000 or so, we''ve got 2,000 in a queue for season tickets at the moment and the casual fan (I hate that phrase) can''t get near the place. So I reckon an upper tier is a sound investment

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i think it may only be filled for the big games.i dont think city sold-out for last saturday''s bolton game,which i must admit slightly surprised me.mind you,people were probably somewhat reluctant to part with £30 so close to christmas,and also the fulham result couldnt have helped. so in summary,i feel it''s a good idea to continue with stadium expansion,as the extra seats will be very useful for some fixtures,if not all.

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In my honest opinion I feel that the 26000 mark capacity is just about right.

Saturday was not a sellout with a few hundred tickets left unsold in the jarrold stand which I feel was down to a few poor results over the past couple of weeks.

I think as the corner infill opens and if results continue to be more defeats than wins we will start to lose the people that jumped on the bandwagon last season and we will start to see gaps in the stands.
I had a couple of seats empty next to me on Saturday with people that could have got to the game but after the Fulham game could not be bothered (I phoned them when the 3rd went in).

And another reason not to increase the capacity over the 26000 mark is that we will start to see away fans in other parts of the ground more so for the bigger games.

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Think not all of them are sold because people didn''t know about them. Didn''t see it in EDP/Evening news. We have 2000 people on season-ticket waiting list, surely they would want a ticket against Bolton on saturday?

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I would have gone had I known there were unsold tickets.  Mind you I was laid out on the couch will a tremendous hangover after my engagement party, so maybe I wouldn''t have made it after all

I would certainly be one of the fans to be at home games if I could get tickets for Saturday games, whether fizzy pop league or Prem.


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Same here pete. i queued from 6am for the fulham game and was left disappointed.

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I was told at the match by several different people that City had 600 hundred tickets on sale on the Saturday-300 held over for casual fans+ another 300 were either returned by Bolton at the last minute, or freed up by agreeing a smaller area of segregation between the 2 sets of supporters (this certainly looked the case at the ground). As far as 26,000 being big enough i think its pretty obvious that after selling 19,250 season tickets very quickly,having 2000 more on a waiting list and another 9000 or so members-before you even think about away+ casual fans-demand still well outstrips supply. It is very awkward for members+ casual fans at the moment-they cant usually choose where they want to sit, members are restricted to buying 1 ticket per person so they often cant take who they want to, and obtaining a ticket involves constantly being aware of dates and deadlines when a ticket can and cant be bought, and often having to queue to get one. Also extra tickets often only become available within a few days of the game when many people have either given up on the idea of going or have made other arrangements. I think its inevitable that,given these difficulties, there will be the odd match that isnt a total sellout but i think that if tickets were more freely available (ie.a bigger capacity) many more would be sold. Realistically the club are not going to commit to a large increase in capacity in the near future so will have to make the best of what they have got, but i really hope they are looking into putting seats in the Barclay/Jarrold corner in conjunction with the hotel development. It would make the ground look much more complete and would meet at least part of the demand there is at the moment.

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