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Ken Aries

Forget Chelski Result

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i did post last week to say: let''s accept defeat at chelsea and then move on,or words to that effect.seems like a lot of you dont want to see it that way.i just think we cant expect to get anything from the big boys.obviously we expect the team to work hard and put in their best efforts against every team,but there are some teams city should take points off,and some where it''s unrealistic to be thinking in terms of anything better than a draw.so let''s forget the chelsea debacle and look forward to all three points at home to Spurs.OTBC

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Look forward to all three points at home to Spurs?!?!Brilliant! The sane Spurs that have won 5 on the trot, sit 7th in the table, that has the England Keeper, Centre-Back and striker, the all-time Irish record goalscorer, TONS of cash to spend and a big squad.I think this sort of "optimism" (lunacy in my opinion) is what makes us all so frustrated when we''re outclassed by better opposition.I my humble opinion, it would be more sensible to look forward to the occassion of playing Spurs at home in the Premier League (which is what we all wanted), and cheer the boys on to give it their best shot.If that ends with 3 points then I would be over the moon (and amazed) but a point would be a brilliant result.

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and don''t forget if it hadn''t have been for Greeno''s super show at White Hart Lane, we could have been 4-0 down at half-time!!  Spurs are a far better team under their new manager and their new players are gelling well.  I have to say I would take a point from this one as well. 

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[quote]Look forward to all three points at home to Spurs?!?!Brilliant! The sane Spurs that have won 5 on the trot, sit 7th in the table, that has the England Keeper, Centre-Back and striker, the all-time Iri...[/quote]

I think bananaman is right.  Spurs at home is going to be spectacularly hard.  Really really tricky. If we get a point I''ll be chuffed

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The christmas games do look very tough. Spurs have hit form at the wrong time for us (however they were 4th when we played them at WHL and we got a ''shock'' point so 3 could be possible). Pompey are very strong at home so that does look any easier and Middlesborough is probably our toughest game of the lot. We are then back home to Liverpool who tore us to shreds at Anfield (a performance very similar to stamford bridge - but with fewer positives)

4 ponts from these fixtures will be very hard to find but by no means impossible.


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3 points over Xmas would be a good haul - that mean''s 2 draws at home and 1 away (ie only one defeat). Any victories obviously make this an easier haul to achieve.

What predictions for baggies, Palace, Southampton and blackburn over the next 4 seasonal games?

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I really think we need to sort our defence out.  Our midfield spend so much time doing defensive jobs, they spend very little time getting forward to attack.  I would be quite happy with 0-0 with Spurs at the moment but with the way we are but with the way we play I just don''t think we are good enough defensivly to shut-up shop and counter-attack.

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Yeah can see us bottom of the league or thereabouts after the new year as cant see us getting anything against Tott or Midd and maybe scrape a point at Portsmouth but looking at their performance yesterday cant even see us getting that.  I know I''m a pesamist but believe we are playing Tottenham at the wrong time as they now seem to be be playing Champions stuff and with Middlesborough also being caried along on their European adventure believe we playing them at the wrong time also.

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