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Comparisons: Conservatives (pre Labour) - NCFC

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Norwich City FC and us the fans have become just like England since the Conservatives came to power in the late 70''s and i''m not anti Tory!

The unionist have been crushed and squeezed out of the club, we as a whole have become too comfortable just like a fat cat after having all the cream and now so overweight and lifeless nothing seems to move or motivate us enough into any form of action.

A nice stadium, training facilities etc, a full house consistently stunts any kind of ambition at this time...

Is it better to be a mid-table possible challenging Championship side or a lower reaches Premiership side always fighting off relegation (which we seem to be doing now in the Championship)?

These issues are haunting the board just as it did Robert Chase and look what happened to him, we know its money so something has to change.

Yes we should be thankful to Delia and Michael because we wouldn''t even have a club but in these ever challenging times its seem that we are going to implode just as the Conservatives did by the early 90''s.

As a whole our ambition falls way below what we discuss and crave, is it time for something to give or do we believe there is still some cream out there?

We must all stand together and solve this....


OTBC since 1969

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The difference is this:-

Delia wants a nice little happy club where we all get along.

While Maggie prefferred to kick ar$e to get her way.

I think I know what we need right now.

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Funny that. I have always said that Delia, who is a New Labour disciple has run the club exactly the same as this government has run the country, even down to the spin!

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I was discussing comparisons only, so no one is bringing politics into it, please read it again rather than the headline points i was making!

we are all one here


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[quote user="Seaman Staines"]Can we keep politics out of it please? Not everybody on this board is a Tory you know. In fact I shall never be a Tory as long as I have a hole in my bum.[/quote]

Yep that just about sums up new labour[6]

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In fact I shall never be a Tory as long as I have a hole in my bum.  Seamen Staines

You ARE a hole in the bum.  And the name you have chosen for yourself suggests you use protection to avoid any STDs.

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