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Andy Carrol is an animal!

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[quote user="CanaryRyan"]

Glad we didnt get him now!


Could of just ruined his professional football career!


Oh come on Ryan what rock do yuu live under?A CAUTION would suggest it''s hardly the crime of the bloody century oh saintly one. I''m not for any assault on any human and certainly not a male on female but he''s a football player and things happen these days with players...you work it out.

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Ruined his career, my assss. It was a caution and it would have been a minor assault, I.e common assault, so a caution is ok. Yes, as Art said no one should hit anyone, but we don''t know the true extent of the assualt, it could have been a slap, a pinch or even a shove. People need to get of their high horses and looking at this, this way just because they are footballers.

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You mean ruin his career like a bit of crime ruined Joey Barton when he was at Manchester City after which he was sold off to some little tinpot club in the North East on an even bigger wedge than he was on at Manchester.     

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Oh sh*t i do apologise, i didnt know it was just a caution, i thought he had been propaly arrested!

So yes this post is useless, feel free to have a go :P

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[quote user="timncfc"]cant see newcastle giving a sh*t about it, think he will b ok might get a new contract out of it[/quote]


Why on earth would the reason for a new contract be ''he assaulted a woman''...

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[quote user="NCFC_Shaun"]

[quote user="timncfc"]cant see newcastle giving a sh*t about it, think he will b ok might get a new contract out of it[/quote]


Why on earth would the reason for a new contract be ''he assaulted a woman''...


dont get me wrong hes a tosser for doing it but it seems that when you play for newcastle u can get away with anything

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[quote user="CanaryRyan"]

Oh sh*t i do apologise, i didnt know it was just a caution, i thought he had been propaly arrested!

So yes this post is useless, feel free to have a go :P


He has to be arrested and then interviewed, accept and understand the caution, so you are right in a way mate. All a caution is a yellow card, its not a criminal record although it is held on the PNC.

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[quote user="CanaryRyan"]

Oh sh*t i do apologise, i didnt know it was just a caution, i thought he had been propaly arrested!

So yes this post is useless, feel free to have a go :P


Wouldn''t matter if he had been arrested, being arrested isn''t the same as being found guilty in court is it now??? If you get arrested it is beacuse you are in suspicion(sp?) of a crime.


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[quote user="timncfc"][quote user="NCFC_Shaun"]

[quote user="timncfc"]cant see newcastle giving a sh*t about it, think he will b ok might get a new contract out of it[/quote]


Why on earth would the reason for a new contract be ''he assaulted a woman''...


dont get me wrong hes a tosser for doing it but it seems that when you play for newcastle u can get away with anything



Oh I see what you were getting at now ... lol

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