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ron obvious

Brilliant article

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good article stating the obvious - that the prem/champs chasm is ever increasing, and that reading''s chairman realiseshe is only a ''poor millionaire'' and is looking for a billionaire  to invest in the club to take it forward.,/yeah - its crazy economics, but this is the truth of the matter.,/ the prem is the richest league in the world,and by some margin.,''plenty of speculative investors have put money into champs teams to have a punt at joining this top table, but they can''t all win, and my betting is that we will see a champs club in admin by the end of the season, or next at the least.,''meanwhile our ''poor millionaires'' board have dug deep to give roedy a ''meagre'' war-chest, that lets face it,he''s done well with...i''m hopin roedy gets his hand on a proper front-man (probably loan) to complete his jigsaw./,

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