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Was there any protest or anything after the game?

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Was there any action after the game?

With the vociferous chanting about the football and "are you watching delia" it certainly wasnt a minority. But, was there actually anything after the game?

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The Barclay sang a rousing ''''On the Ball City'''' twice after they scored to rally the troops, after that there was a loud ''''Are you watching Delia'''' followed by ''''what a load of rubbish'''' at the end with some booing.

I didnt see any protests before or after the game, well not near the main entrance anyway.

But if I''d have know Smudger was going to wait around to shout and bawl at Michael then I would have stayed to watch, I thought he was safley tucked away in a nice pub somewhere with his mates Arthur and Clucky having a good laugh.

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After watching that rubbish, i was so excited to wake up this morning to realsie i was only 2 days away from going to watch Grants useless brigade play again. My personal favourite chant " was stand up if the footballs ****" but by that time i was laughing sarcastically with head in hands,  only to give otsemobor a piece of my mind as my temper flared when marshall threw it out for a throw.

God help us!

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[quote user="cityangel"]

The Barclay sang a rousing ''''On the Ball City'''' twice after they scored to rally the troops, after that there was a loud ''''Are you watching Delia'''' followed by ''''what a load of rubbish'''' at the end with some booing.

I didnt see any protests before or after the game, well not near the main entrance anyway.

But if I''d have know Smudger was going to wait around to shout and bawl at Michael then I would have stayed to watch, I thought he was safley tucked away in a nice pub somewhere with his mates Arthur and Clucky having a good laugh.


You are precisely why I would not bother to protest CA.....With your closetted mentality I really wouldn''t cross the road in an effort to make things better for you....as the only way you are going to learn the hard lessons in life is to experience them first hand.

Unbelievably naive....

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So, what exactly would you do to make things better? You, Smurf and Bricardo are quick to criticize but slow to come up with any ideas or direction as to how to go forward. Idiots bring problems, brighter individuals bring solutions - I wonder which boot fits you...

Unless you''ve got something useful of meaningful to say, please don''t bother to post your drivel. 

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As a group of fans walked past the players entrance area they were shouting we want grant out and what aload of rubbish, but it wernt exactly a protest

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