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An idea for board harmony

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[quote user="lucky green trainers"]pleasant harmony as such is a laudable aim, but unfortunately not possible on this forum or any other, since some posters deliberately use these mediums to create negative tensions and atmospheres to feed off.  simple really, they post, argue, and never agree, all to gain a perverse enjoyment from the ensuing unrest and chaos they cause. 


No we don''t..........

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[quote user="ricardo"][quote user="Saint Canary"]

In all I think this forum benefits from extreme posts, however I think it would benefit everyone if people stopped taking a differing opinion to be a personal matter.  We far too often see the old (in a Michael Palin voice) "Help, help I''m being opressed" from people who have been challenged in their opinions on football.  Differences make this forum interesting, who does not enjoy one of Mello''s off the wall musings?  Who does not get the urge to respond to Cluck and Smudger because they disagree with them so strongly?  If they were to post along the lines of "Things at City are only slighty wrong" no one would reply because it just wouldn''t hold your interest.

I look forward to someone telling me I''m talking rubbish![:p]


In the interests of continuing stimulating debate I would like to tell you you are talking rubbish.


Unfortunately I have to agree with every word you''ve written.


I can''t disagree with you either because that would make me wrong!

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[quote user="lucky green trainers"]pleasant harmony as such is a laudable aim, but unfortunately not possible on this forum or any other, since some posters deliberately use these mediums to create negative tensions and atmospheres to feed off.  simple really, they post, argue, and never agree, all to gain a perverse enjoyment from the ensuing unrest and chaos they cause. 


A scary thought LGT but very true. Isn''t it strange how open mindedness gets left behind once the PC is swithced on for most.

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How about a new rule moderators? Any individual may post as many replies to a thread as they wish, but every individual is limited in the number of threads that they can start?

That way, deliberately provocative posts won''t keep jumping up to the top of the list. Eveyone still has the right to unlimited posts, but no-one can hog attention.

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We do have a setting for post flooding (turned off), where we can control the time between posts, but that applies to all posts and not creating new threads. Even if it was just for threads, a poster may have three or four completely different threads to start in a short amount of time (e.g. after the match but just before teatime... on player ratings; a shocking foul; someone on Canary Call; and the taste of their alf-time pie) all which could be justified.Most of the threads started do have some point/angle to them... and someone has to start things off, and starting sooner is probably better. You can always ignore them.Looking at the current page 1 and 2 of threads, there doesn''t seem anybody who is dominating by starting threads.

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[quote user="-.-. .-.. ..- -.-. -.-"][quote user="GazzaTCC"][quote user="Shack Attack"]

[quote user="GazzaTCC"]There seems a presumption in some quarters, if the comments get past the moderator, then it''s ok to post in a certain manner or style with no regard to internet etiquette.[/quote]

For the uninitiated of us could you perhaps explain what internet etiquette is. [/quote]

Interesting question Shack Attack and some interesting comments. I thought, in the dim and distant past, this site used to have some notes on internet etiquette, maybe it''s still there and I can''t find it. No matter.

Anyway, you asked, so here''s something I found for those who''re interested.

Certain rules of unspoken etiquette are recommended to be followed when using Internet forums. They include:

  • One should read all the rules and guidelines established by the community.

  • One should always be courteous.

  • Before creating a new topic thread, one is advised to search to see if a similar topic already exists.

  • Contributors should follow standard grammar and spelling rules and avoid slang.

  • If the forum is categorized, one should strive to post in the correct section. 

  • Contributors are asked to stay on-topic.

  • Contributors should avoid double posting and Crossposting.

  • To avoid appearing self-absorbed, one should respond to topics started by others more often than starting topics of their own.

  • Contributors should avoid the use of all CAPITAL LETTERS in posts. All CAPS is considered "shouting" and causes readability issues.

  • One is advised not to resurrect a very old topic if nothing significant will be added. This practice is known as revival or Necroing.

  • One should try to refrain from lashing back at a poorly behaving member or participating in a flame war; instead, notify the messageboard''s staff of the event.

  • When quoting a previous post, one should only include the relevant portion of that post. Contributors are requested to keep in mind that their audience can likely still see the message they are quoting on the same screen and can read it again if need be.


Is this the same bloke that threw a Gary Glitter jibe at me only a day or so ago?

Get your own house in order before coming the old PC crap on here eh?........Bilge.



I respectful suggest you re-read the original thread with "that" particular jibe again before you attribute it to me. [:@]

Just for the record, no it wasn''t me who said it (it was actually made by another some time after my last contribution to that particular thread) and I don''t condone comments of that nature and, like you, find them offensive.

My reply was to a question raised by another poster. If you want to take issue with it, feel free to enter into meaningful debate, friendly banter and / or humour, but please don''t "rubbish" my comments with such a defamatory, untruthful remark which could clearly mislead others to believe I was the author of the said jibe.

I aim to treat others with the same respect that I like to receive and, yes, I do try to follow most of the rules on the list, most of the time. Clearly, if I overstep the mark with inaccurate comments or name calling, then I''ll will apologise.

In my humble opinion, you''ve overstepped, but it''s probably too much to expect an apology in return???

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Gazza...I will most certainly apologise to you for incorrectly stating that it was you who likened me to Gary Glitter.....but then hey....it''s all just Rock and Roll to me.............[;)]  In mitigation I can only claim that with the number of insults regularly coming my way...it''s very easy to get confused regarding their source.

I do disagree however with the whole etiquette thing. I haven''t been "censored" many times by the moderators and feel they do a really good job in keeping us all in line. A few minor "swear words" are allowed such as ****   and *****.....which is good to see [;)] and a bit of adult banter never hurt anyone. I have never reported one thing posted about me to the mods...(a) because I know everything is filtered before getting posted...(b) I take it all as a bit of harmless fun....(c) it probably gives others on here a few laughs.....and (d) most of you would like to sleep with me given the chance........[;)]

Apology made then....[Y]....


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[quote user="Canary02"]Anybody else find it ironic that I haven''t touched this thread for a few days since I wrote it and it keeps falling onto page two or three, but gets bumped back up by the same attention seekers...[/quote] Im not replying to this thread......ok.......well......maybe a little.....The board, NCPLC own our club, they do as they wish without regard for the fans, remember the chairmans words about their off the pitch ambitions being top of the list. What happend to FOOTBALL?


FOOTBALL must come first

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[quote user="-.-. .-.. ..- -.-. -.-"]

and (d) most of you would like to sleep with me given the chance........[;)]

Apology made then....[Y]....



Cluck, would that be in the nest or on a perch, because my sense of balance is starting to go a bit.

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[quote user="ricardo"][quote user="-.-. .-.. ..- -.-. -.-"]

and (d) most of you would like to sleep with me given the chance........[;)]

Apology made then....[Y]....



Cluck, would that be in the nest or on a perch, because my sense of balance is starting to go a bit.


He he he....even mid air is possible if you are a Trill seeker............[:)]

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[quote user="-.-. .-.. ..- -.-. -.-"][quote user="ricardo"][quote user="-.-. .-.. ..- -.-. -.-"]

and (d) most of you would like to sleep with me given the chance........[;)]

Apology made then....[Y]....



Cluck, would that be in the nest or on a perch, because my sense of balance is starting to go a bit.


He he he....even mid air is possible if you are a Trill seeker............[:)]



Not the first time this season that Canaries have received a stuffing then....

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[quote user="-.-. .-.. ..- -.-. -.-"]

Gazza...I will most certainly apologise to you for incorrectly stating that it was you who likened me to Gary Glitter.....but then hey....it''s all just Rock and Roll to me.............[;)]  In mitigation I can only claim that with the number of insults regularly coming my way...it''s very easy to get confused regarding their source.

I do disagree however with the whole etiquette thing. I haven''t been "censored" many times by the moderators and feel they do a really good job in keeping us all in line. A few minor "swear words" are allowed such as ****   and *****.....which is good to see [;)] and a bit of adult banter never hurt anyone. I have never reported one thing posted about me to the mods...(a) because I know everything is filtered before getting posted...(b) I take it all as a bit of harmless fun....(c) it probably gives others on here a few laughs.....and (d) most of you would like to sleep with me given the chance........[;)]

Apology made then....[Y]....



Apology accepted. Thank you Cluck.

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