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A view from abroad...

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I live in Tenerife, so am unable to see many home games. Therfore the Burnley game was my first chance to see for myself what we had to offer this season. Here are my thoughts.

Gallagher - Good shot stopper, but no control inside the box. Didn''t come for one cross. Reminded me of Green.

Boyle - Totally overwelmed by the occasion. Looked like a scared kid.

Colin - Looked weak and could be blown over in a stiff wind.

Doc - Good in the air, but slow and clumsy on the ground.

Flem - Full of commitment, but showing his age.

Croft - Lots of running, but poor final ball (apart from the excellent cross to Earnie)

Robinson - Was he playing! Didn''t see him!

Safri - Looked swamped and lonely.

Hucks - Gave his all even though he didn''t look 100%

Earnie - Full of running. With the right partner up front will be excellent.

Dublin - Not match fit, however showed some great awarness. If he gets fit could be a great partner for Earnie.

Thorne, Hughes - Thrown in an impossible situation. Felt sorry for them.

Shackell - Looked better than Doc.

Overall lacked pasion and direction. Glad to see Worthington gone. Good man, but it''s time for a breath of fresh air.

I''m intersted to see what all of you who see them week-in, week-out have to say about my comments. Am I far off?

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It''s fair to say that there has been a significant dip in form in the last few games.  Looks like my belief in Worthingtons'' management abilities have been misplaced.  Oops.

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Would agree entirely except for Colin. I thought he had a really good game. His block to (initially) stop them going to 4-1 was world-class defending in such a compact space, and his general play was pretty good too, especially as Croft ws blowing out of his arse and unable to track back and help him out a lot of the time.

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[quote user="blahblahblah"]It''s fair to say that there has been a significant dip in form in the last few games.  Looks like my belief in Worthingtons'' management abilities have been misplaced.  Oops.[/quote]Can I quote you on that, blah? [;)]Seriously, though...I watched the game from Leeds'' Sports Cafe, but missed the first half an hour.  It was also only the second game I''ve seen this season, the only other one being Preston at home.  To be honest, I wasn''t really paying that much attention to too many individual performances, as I mostly had my head in my hands in utter despair.What I did notice, however, is that the usual trio of Hucks/Earnie and Croft all seemed to be having a good game, despite it being glaringly obvious that Hucks wasn''t fit enough to play - a last minute gamble by Worthy I said some days ago would happen.The back line were mostly a shambles, however I notice now that I didn''t actually see Colin do anything desperately bad.  Fleming was all over the place and looked like he was going to kill someone, but suddenly picked it up when we were down to ten.  Doherty... well, Doherty... was more like his Prem performances than those last year.  And that rugby tackle... genius... Boyle looked okay, but kept getting caught out of position, but then maybe that''s because Hucks was getting so far forward in the second half.  Shackell looked solid when he came on, but it was too late and we were down to ten by then.Hughes and Robinson again looked like their last season incarnations, and even Safri didn''t seem to have a handle on the game.  Dublin looked out of practice and a little unfit, but otherwise he certainly wasn''t the worst player on the pitch.  Gallagher made some good saves, but with the defence in front of him stood little chance throughout the game.Of course, this may all be wrong as it''s kinda different when you watch it at the stadium...

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So I can take it that alot of the players had an ''off day'' and that i need not worry. Bring in an insperational new manager and we''ve got the squad to push for the play offs?!? Please tell me it''s true...

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I wish you had seen one of the early home games, we looked a different team.  We could in theory, turn this drop of form around, because this team are capable of good performances, the away fans are probably the best people to ask though, they''ve been travelling a lot of miles to watch old bad habits, if they see an improvement on our travels we have a chance.  I hope that our players get a few things out of their system before the QPR match, who under John Gregory could be tough at Loftus Road.

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