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After A Performance

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I'm much more tidier at gigs nowadays. When I was younger the plastic pint pots would go on the floor, especially if in the middle of a crowd. Cinema or sit down concerts I keep hold of my rubbish and dump it at the end. There are some filthy pigs though, cinemas are pretty ropey at the end of a show.

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Always tidy up after myself, but you get some real window-licking reprobates nowadays.

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I guess in the dark you’ll always get things like the biscuits crumpled into the ground accidentally. But would always take bottles and bags etc with me.

Will say though, most places there isn’t anywhere to throw your rubbish. One of the cinemas near me has a chap on the door at the end with a bin bag, but most there isn’t - not an excuse but I’m sure it would be a bit tidier if there were more receptacles.

Separately, I saw him in this on Saturday night - had forgotten/not known he does “real” theatre too and has a pretty good voice. Jack and the beanstalk a bit of a strange panto though!


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Vue cinema tells you to leave your rubbish at your seat nowadays.. however I hate doing it, maybe managing pubs made me want to clear up after myself more, because there's nothing more infuriating than a person who leaves glasses then walks past the bar to leave instead of just bringing them back with them. 🤷🤷

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