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Pete Raven

NAME THAT TEAM - Ipswich (A) 1968

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This is SO hard!

Before my time, but I am quite impressed that I''ve got the goalie and a centre half!

This will definitely require cheating with my Canary Citizens book!


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I remember it well.  Midweek, pay on the gate, and with five minutes to KO there''s still about 5,000 trying to get in. We''re like sardines, arms jammed to sides, when the crowd picks me up, carries me helpless for about fifteen yards then drops me - right by the turnstile. Scares the hell out of me now, especially post-Hillsborough, but at the time it was all part of the excitement. That was just for starters, a pulsating game under the lights, standing on the terraces, 4-2 to City, what more can you ask?

But who on earth is the 9-letter central midfielder. (Perhaps that''s why I''m confused, midfield hadn''t been invented, it was five forwards, three half backs and two full backs. Still can''t remember though.) Gissa clue.  

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