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The Real Buh

Whos giving their season ticket to a Liverpool supporter?

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I’m going tomorrow and I can’t wait I think it’s going to be ace but sure as s41t will be Liverpool fans in the home end. 

can’t stand watching a game with some gobby big club fan out for his once a year jaunt celebrating goals against us and the brain dead stewards naturally doing absolutely nothing.

the saddest thing is the majority of these fans are clearly sold or given their tickets BY season ticket holders.

last time we were in the prem 2 arsenal fans who had their tickets given to them started actively supporting their team in the snakepit. The SNAKEPIT. 

These causal “sky sports” fans, high as a kite after watching “green street” and “the wheel football factoreeeze” all night come to a game and do not know how to act. I’m confident me of them are confused that there’s a real life version of the FIFA computer game.

When is the club going to cancel season tickets of fans that do this. Turn up to the game, give your ticket to a neutral or Norwich fan or just stay at home or go and watch rugby or something. You literally don’t deserve e the seat.

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Hopefully this won't happen but I suspect it might. I remember Van Wolfy's debut vs Everton, there were two utter ****ing **** Everton fans in the river end giving it the big'un all game. They were very open, jumping around screaming when Everton  scored etc and directly aggressive and threatening towards anyone who said anything to them at all. Several around them watched much of the game from the concourse steps as they were intimidated. Stewards did nothing, police did nothing, it was absolutely pathetic. The **** bolted as soon as 87 mins ticked over. No idea if they got away with it or not. Totally ruined the game for probably 30 or more people that day.

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Personally, I think any ST holder who is found to have given their ticket to an away fan should have their ticket revoked.

I'm sure there will always be well-behaved away fans who sneak in who are friends of the ST holder and are happy to sit on their hands, but you'd be nuts to sell your ticket to an away fan you don't know.

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8 minutes ago, Feedthewolf said:

Personally, I think any ST holder who is found to have given their ticket to an away fan should have their ticket revoked.

I'm sure there will always be well-behaved away fans who sneak in who are friends of the ST holder and are happy to sit on their hands, but you'd be nuts to sell your ticket to an away fan you don't know.

You get it when we are in the championship and it never seems to be an issue. It’s the big club fans that come and cause issues and it’s going to end badly one of these days. You’ll have a United fan jump up and celebrate a goal in the middle of Barclay e block and what happens after that happens you know.

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I had to sell my ticket back to the club, not sure yet if they have sold it. £15 if sold.

sadly I did know anyone who needed one. Club sell it for £48!  I would much rather have given it away to a true city fan.

Problem is unless you give it to someone you actually know, you may be taking a risk !


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