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TIL 1010

A Promotion Rival Is Looking For A New First Team Coach.

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Graeme Jones has today left as First Team Coach at Bournemouth and joined Steve Bruce at Newcastle. Looks like an offer he could not refuse as he comes from Gateshead but comes just as Bournemouth are having a bit of a stutter so any disruption helps i suppose.


Edited by TIL 1010

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Agreed, but Graeme Jones has given (when he was Manager of Luton) some of the most bizarre interviews I have ever heard. He was trying to come across as almost revolutionary with his views and opinions on the game/his players, but he just came across as a bit of a n**.

He might be a great coach though 🙂 

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3 minutes ago, TIL 1010 said:

Graeme Jones has today left as First Team Coach at Bournemouth and joined Steve Bruce at Newcastle. Looks like an offer he could not refuse as he comes from Gateshead but comes just a Bournemouth are having a bit of a stutter so any disruption helps i suppose.


That might not be the only thing he joins Steve Bruce in. The sack will probably come pretty soon, unless he's gambling on Eddie Howe being appointed as replacement.

Strange move but every little helps.

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Bournemouth's new coach learning to park the bus

with a formation of eight up top

and two suited to a holding (the mascot) role in the middle of the (car) park

(that's enough cliches, ed)

Yellow Buses unveils two open top services for summer - Deep South Media

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