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  1. Remember the damning comments Roeder made when we played Plymouth last year?This is the comment of Plymouth manager Paul Sturrock yesterday: "At the end of the day sometimes you make mistakes with selections and in hindsight it is easy to see that I did that today. I hold my hand up. "I am seeking honesty from my players and some of them are not giving me that and they have been told that in there. I called all the players in and told them that - and that, out there today, was not good enough. "You are hopeful that their character and their attitude and will match your own, and your desire to win, but I have got two or three who I don''t believe are equal to that task." Look at the trip Roeder has taken us on since that last debacle against Plymouth.
  2. She probably told him to ask again when he was sober - my wife told me that four times before I got the message and she said yes!
  3. If Norwich lose 3-0 to Plymouth in two weeks and some players do not pull their weight what will be the outcome?
  4. I don''t agree that the EDP story is sensationalist crap.The reporters always know more about a story than they can firm-up with the necessary quote to substantiate, so they have to write a story around what they have been told or what they have uncovered.I am sure they know the right questions to ask but if Munby will not reply to them what can they do?No, I am sure there is more to this story than has appeared in the paper - and all will be revealed over time.But, please, don''t take too long, boys!
  5. I see goal machine Danny Crow has just had his contract cancelled at Peterborough.I do not know what went wrong but is he worth having on the books again?
  6. I am  getting confused with the type of target man Norwich are looking for.If it is a big, tall man who will act as a target man then surely that must mean reverting to the delights of the ''hoofball'' type of football so reviled by supporters in recent years.Or is there a different kind of target man?
  7. Remember it well - especially when one of the prats on the roof fell through and on to the terraces.He just got off and continued dismantling the place!
  8. I notice it when the schools are on holiday and the young kids are let loose.Probably they are sitting in the bedroom writing their nonsensical stuff while their parents are sitting in the front room worrying what they are up to!
  9. The Continent has always had mad cow disease - they just get round everything by calling it a different name!!
  10. There is a great feeling of optimism about the place with the season just two days away.But everything to me mirrors last season when Peter Grant was recruiting everything that moved for what was going to be the season Norwich pushed for promotion.No-one needs me to recount what happened after the first ball was  kicked.Anyway, with all this buying and loan recruiting some occurred to me:If after ten games Norwich are bottom of the league and four points adrift, what happens then?
  11. Last night''s 5-1 hammering must also have been a major disappointment for the hierarchy now in control of Carrow Road.After creating an air of secrecy and mystery surrounding events at Colney; after seemingly abandoning the traditional unveiling of the ''new'' team; abandoning interviews with anything and anyone associated with Archant; I believe that last night was the big unveiling.Here was Roeder saying to the media and the fans: ''Here you are. This is what we have been secretly up to and this is what we have produced. A new super Canaries'' side.''He sent let lose his new team of lions out to play with the big boys confident that they would be able to match superior skill and fitness with guts and fight. What did he get? A 5-1 hammering for his team of lambs.Where does he go to from here? It''s certainly back to the drawing board, only this time with an air of urgency and panic with the new season fast approaching.He certainly hasn''t much time to turn this lot around into a championship challenging outfit.Yes, I believe last night''s defeat was also a big disappointment for Roeder and his backroom  staff.
  12. All this talk about £250,000-odd coming from the pockets of three directors.There was a ''seven-figure sum'' put forward for Newcastle''s Carroll.What or Whose pocket was that coming from then?
  13. [quote user="kevin brighton"]At the risk of ----ing other posters off I have titled the post the way I have to get as many fellow supporters to listen to the interview Delia gave to the BBC earlier this year. She`states that she would give the fans a chance to vote on any contentious offer made by any potential investor. I am not anti Delia but if ever Archant wanted a great time to request Delia and `Co to put the record straight this is it. I know that I have repeated an earlier post but one of the contributors has commented that he thought the responses were low given what Delia said in the interview. The Link Is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4MjxRKhYCk We do not have a squad to compete so come on Delia & Co give Glen the money or find a way of allowing someone else to.      [/quote]PM Brown promised everyone a vote on the EU constitution. I see we have signed it - although Brown snubbed the official signing and crept through the back door later in the afternoon to sign it.So what now the national referendum? What now a vote on what NCFC do?Always empty words.
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