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Everything posted by city-till-i-die

  1. Please keep the updates coming I''m not in the facinity of a radio or laptop Thnx people
  2. Never good read thnx Ricardo Agree RE the short corners it drives me mad. Why get all the big lads up just to waste it by pussy footing around.
  3. So if you cannot get to the game for what ever reason it makes you less of a fan ????? Really. You massive Dlck
  4. Pi$$ of back to poor man rd dross bum I mean boss drum !
  5. BOOM get in. Come ok you yellows. Come on you yellows
  6. Can''t see ipshlt all the way down there from The sumit !!!! Ha ha ha ha
  7. John Ruddy. Thank god for you Come on Norwich sort ya shit out !!!
  8. [quote user="Faded Jaded Semi Plastic SOB"]Adams knows enough to be able to beat Ippo in their half empty, rented dump........[/quote]NEED A LIKE BUTTON LOL
  9. We have to start faster. Can''t keep giving teams hope. Better teams will finish punish us. Come on city !!!
  10. Redmond shoots WAY off target "shocker" If he can add goals to his game we huave a £15 Mil+ player on our hands
  11. Redmond shoots WAY off target "shocker" If he can add goals to his game we have a £15 Mil+ player on our hands
  12. Gotta show some composure come on City. Passing game.
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