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Everything posted by CANARY BRAVEHEART

  1. Norwich fans i believe at the start of next season we must get behind the team right from the start even IF Worthington is still in charge. You can have your protest at the Wolves  or whatever you plan to do but ultimately after that we must support the team. We simply can''t afford to go on supporting the club in the manner that we are. Yes this season has been poor but that shouldn''t stop us supporting the team next season.  There are positives we can look at. Dickson Etuhu seems to of hit form and if he maintains the excellent form he has shown in the last two games then him and Safri will be a right force !!Huckerby is playing fairly well and so is McVeigh and also Earnshaw scoring that excellent goal against Sheff Wed. Matthieu Louis-Jean i believe will do well providing he avoids injury next season. Shackell, Doherty, Drury seem to of formed a decent partnership. Also we have been playing well at home with six straight wins, if we can improve our away form next season then we should have a decent chance of going up via the play-offs or automatic promotion. I believe the team will be stronger next season due to the fact that they have played together alot this season and should have a better understanding as a result. So come on Norwich fans it''s not all doom and gloom like some posters on here are making out. Get behind the team or else we''ll end up having another poor season like this one.
  2. I can''t help but think given the way Birmingham''s season is going that Steve Bruce might get the sack. There are circumstances which haven''t helped Birminghams cause as they have had alot of injurys this season but I would just like to see the Norwich board bring back Bruce. After all he can''t do any worse than Worthington. Part of the reason i think Bruce would do well as a manager for Norwich is because: He''s a leader I''ve heard that hes quite good with his players in training He''s an excellent coach  He''s honest in his interviews Most of his signings for Birmingham have been good, a better record than Worthy''s ! Worthington has none of these attributes.  Bruce would be good at getting the best out of the current lot of players we have. Tactically he''d probably do better than Worthington.  I know I would like him back. What do you Norwich fans think  
  3. Yep I couldn''t agree more with you Citizen Journalist Foghorn you''re spot on about Burley.
  4. 18 years old. Been following Norwich since the 1997-1998 season.
  5. I''m posting to say that I aren''t very impressed to find that Zesh Rehman our loanee who we are splashing cash for is on the bench or not even in the squad for tommorrows game against Sheff Utd. What the hell is going on ?, Worthington (excuse my language). We have a player who is very versatile has represented England at various levels, believe it or not, (although his name doesn''t sound English) he was originally a defensive central midfielder and now we find hes playing in central defence. Whats going on with Rehman. I would like to ask you Norwich fans an opinion on this, where do you think Rehmans best position is ? personally i would say judging from his profile off Fulham''s official website that hes a defensive central midfielder. The big thing that annoys me is this, i seem to remember the same thing happening with PHIL MULRYNE, the fact that he wasn''t featuring in any way why ? Such a players with great skills should be utilised. And yes i know there are people who will say that Fleming at the moment is in excellent form at Right Back but then what about young Rehman ? Why should he of been dropped for having 1 bad game against Crystal Palace. Rehman is; a player with youth on his side a player with Speed on his side a player who is used to playing on the right side Is there a possibility that he just maybe due to his versatility skills, could temparilily fill the Right Wing of our midfield for a short time until Worthington or the next manager decides to buy a right winger ? Personally i think the answer to that is yes, give him a chance ahead of McVeigh. I would have Rehman there because i think he would be more a home there. I think that if you wanted to include McVeigh then you could have him in the core of a 4-5-1 because he would be in a central position to support the lone striker. This is my point i wanted to make. WORTHINGTON I SUGGEST YOU ARE MORE CAREFUL OF WHERE YOU DECIDE TO PLAY YOUR PLAYERS, BEFORE YOU START PLONKING THEM ANYWHERE, IN ANY POSITION.  "Belief it''s an amazing thing"
  6. I''m just posting to ask if anyone went to the West Ham reserve game at Carrow Road on Monday night. If so i think it would be interesting to know how the first team players played. Like Rehman, Colin, Thorne, Jarvis brothers, Etuhu. Anybody who went feel free to offer your knowledge.
  7. I''m just posting to stay how impressed i was with Andy Hughes he was first class out there today he would make a good partner for Safri i think, if he maintains this sort of good performance every week. I think we may finally be seeing the best of Hughes it''s taken him a while i think but now he''s settling in nicely. The question now is where does this leave Etuhu, Robinson, Jarrett. Personally i''m not sure if letting go of Jarrett is wise, it wouldn''t surprise me if he did really well at Preston. In my opinion Jarrett is similar to McVeigh in as much that McVeigh is probably the type of player who needs the manager just to put his arm around him and encourage him. What Jarrett needs is someone who is a good man-manager i.e. someone with good communication skills, motivation skills. I think Billy Davies could get the best out of him, Norwich fans i would urge you to keep one eye on his progress while at Preston. As for Etuhu well again he could potentially do well in time. Recently i went up to see him in the Reserves against Portsmouth in the 3-2 defeat i thought his distribution of the ball was average. He did get one or two tackles in which i thought was good but i think he needs to do it more often. Robinson correct me if i''m wrong but i believe he is a in the mould of a Mulryne type player, in other words a ball player. He could do a job i think but personally i wouldn''t start with him as he doesn''t put himself about enough, but i think he would do well with someone like a Gary Holt type player, maybe Andy Hughes. Basically all of these central midfielders have it all to play for. I''d say it''s like a race as to who can take their chance first when it''s given to them and in my opinion Hughes has made the best impact. Put Andy Hughes alongside Safri in central midfield with McVeigh and Huckerby occupying the wings and Norwich in my opinon would have finally have solved the Midfield puzzle. Although like i said at the start of this season we still need a proper out and out right winger to finish the puzzle, but for the moment i''m pretty confident that McVeigh could do a decent job there ahead of Johansson despite other people''s views. WELL DONE NORWICH EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE KEEP UP THE HARD WORK WE''RE ON A ROLE ON THE BALL CITY "Belief it''s an amazing thing"
  8. After listerning to Canary Call last night I couldn''t help but remember one caller who mentioned Paul McVeigh why he wasn''t in the team. Which leads me onto Norwich''s vacant Right Wing position which is after all our weakest department undoubtedly. Until we bring in a suitable Right winger i think we should focus on who could potentially do the job for us for the time being. The questions one should consider are; 1 Would the player be effective on that side ? 2 Do they have the necessary ability ? 3 And would the player be happy to play on that side or be comfortable ? The majority of the number of players who Worthington has had on the right just simply haven''t met the standards. Hughes simply doesn''t do it all he is far too defensive, poor passer of the ball. Johansson forgive me if i''m mistaken is a target man who we should be using upfront. And then there''s Marney who even though originally a central midfielder has done tremendous for me who has looked the part out of all the players mentioned, a excellent crosser of the ball, reasonable dribbler of the ball, reasonable at tracking back, although possibly in his time here i personally would of like to of seen him a little bit more often take players on. With the current set of possible candidates the only player who i think could possible do a decent job is Louis-Jean. Norwich fans haven''t seen loads of him but from what i''ve seen of him in games at home he has been brilliant at bombing on and supporting the right winger. And i believe he has reasonable dribbling skills and could probably track back as well. As for until he comes back i would probably go with Johansson or McVeigh as an alternative. I REALLY HOPE WORTHINGTON COMES TO HIS SENSES AND GIVES HIM A CHANCE.
  9. Following today''s game against Ipswich i am very annoyed about the fact that Huckerby was left out of the side to face Ipswich, Worthington should know better after all he scored against Ipswich at Portman Road. This just outlines how stupid Worthington is. We had no width whatsoever today against Ipswich playing with the 4-3-3 formation. I am absolutely sick of Worthington''s stupid team selection and tactics which is costing us results and our hopes of getting into the play-offs.  
  10. After reading about Fabrian Wilnis in the EDP i really think tommorrow everyone inside Carrow Road should give him loads of stick because he deserves it after being such a cheeky sodd last season. So do you know what i say let''s take revenge on him tommorrow and make it HELL for him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yellow and Green army let''s be in our numbers and raise the roof tommorrow against Ipswich. Earnshaw will kick ass, hatrick here we come for MR Earnie. ON THE BALL CITY  WILNIS BE READY BECAUSE YOU''RE GONNA HAVE THE EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFE THAT YOU WON''T FORGET !
  11. Well yeah i know Jason Koumas is his supply line but hey remember this, if he comes to Norwich then he has Safri as his supply line who can provide the same adequate service as Koumas so therefore i don''t see where you''re coming from on that one. Safri is just like Koumas in the way that they both can get their foot on the ball and spray the ball about on the pitch and dictate games. And hey it''s not just Safri who can provide the service to the front two, Huckerby and McVeigh can as well, with those three players playing together in the side we will be a force to be reckoned with ! And should Worthington get a decent couple of wingers on the left and right then Norwich can then really challenge for promotion. Put it this way if we get 2 wingers in the summer or quickly before the Transfer Window shuts we will be in with a chance, but looking at it from a realistic point of view i think Norwich will be stronger next season should we manage to strengthen in those 2 positions. But hey Norwich have potential in my view to be a force in the Championship we just need Worthington to shape our overall squad right and repair the damage that was done when he sold all those players who shouldn''t of left in the summer.
  12. To suggest that Earnshaw would be a better signing is stupid simply because Earnshaw will cost Norwich too much money. Earnshaw may have done well in the Championship in the past but thats not to say he''ll do it again and anyway, Cardiff want £3m minimum not worth it when Norwich could get Jerome for around £2.5m or £2m Jerome is a better player for me as he''s in top form this season as he is the Championships top scorer with 13 goals so what more could you want ? You won''t get any other player like Jerome in that kind of form with so much potential at 21 years old. Jerome is a better player overall because of the attributes he has: 1 He''s taller than Earnshaw 2 He''s more powerful and stronger than Earnshaw 3 He may be quicker or the same 4 And finally a great finisher has one hell of a powerful shot on him With the way Norwich play i think he would suit us well, although Norwich could probably do with a target man as well but hey Jerome is the type of player like Huckerby will scare defenders with his pace and power and just might lift the whole team''s spirit and give some confidence to players in the side. Jerome is definitely worth getting and in my opinion wouldn''t be a risk because of how prolific hes been this season with him being the leagues top scorer. The BIG question is will he come ? Let''s hope so, put it this way if he''s here before the Reading game then Norwich have a reasonably decent chance of beating Reading.
  13. Jas you''re talking absolute rubbish, jumping to conclusions about what could be, how the hell do you know what the future holds for Norwich City. I suggest you wait and see until the end of the season and stop jumping to conclusions. Now i know what i''m about to say is going to sound absolutely ridiculous to most Norwich fans but hey just maybe we could shock the Championship with a win against Reading after all don''t forget we beat Sheff Utd 3-1 so there is hope Norwich fans. I for one aren''t prepared for all this hype over sacking the manager again it''s bloody ridiculous. So quit speculating and support the team after all we need to be fired up for the Ipswich game, and the only way to do that is to support the manager. Yes i know that we are 8 points from the play-offs now but think back to the season when Norwich got to Cardiff, at the halfway point we were something like 9 points from the play-offs at the half way point but we still made it. However should we fail to make the play-offs come the end of the season then fair enough Worthington has to go as he''s underachieved, but in the mean time until then i''m prepared to really try and support Norwich in the hope that we can get promotion.  And anyway say we sell Green and go and buy someone decent for say £2million, because anyway Green has been hopless for Norwich the last 2 seasons after all it could make our season. I know Worthington doesn''t have the best record for buying good players, but for me i think if Worthington is given say £2million then i generally believe he could get someone fairly decent for that sort of money. Which may make the difference with that bit of quality. SO LET''S JUST SUPPORT THE TEAM AND HOPE FOR THE BEST UNTIL THE END OF THE SEASON AND THEN REVIEW WORTHINGTONS ACHIEVEMENTS THEN. UNTIL THAT TIME I''M STILL BELIEVING THERES A HOPE WE MAY GO UP "BELIEF IT''S AN AMAZING THING"
  14. Now given the fact that there''s been so much talk of Ashton leaving in the January transfer window I thought it would be nice to look at other aspects of Norwich''s game and so i''ve chosen the formation as a topic, given the way Norwich performed today against Leicester in the first half. 4-3-3 didn''t work as well as it has been today when Norwich played Leicester today even though we won the match, we were getting out numbered in midfield which is why Leicester had so much space out wide to create chances which they almost scored from. Even NEIL ADAMS in the commentary mentioned it but Leicesters wingers were failing to produce the final ball which had it of been good enough may have caught Norwich out but thankfully the quality of there side wasn''t good enough to trouble Fleming and Doherty. From my point of view I think Norwich should of switched back to 4-4-2 to stop Leicester creating so many chances out wide. I wouldn''t have minded seeing Jim Brennan come on given that he was on the bench, plus the fact that he would of been ideal to stop Leicester''s threat down the Right side. Upfront I''d probably of stuck with McVeigh and Ashton. Dickson Etuhu and Safri in central midfield with Brennan on the left and Huckerby on the right, that maybe would be the best Worthington could do in my opinion with Huckerby in a 4-4-2 given the fact that he is the only proper winger at the club, in order to accomodate Brennan or Charlton, Brennan or Charlton should of played on the left side in my opinion. My MAN OF THE MATCH goes to GARY DOHERTY absolutely outstanding  in keeping the Leicester STRIKERS AT BAY, didn''t think that Fleming did as well due to his injury. The young lad Rossi Jarvis did an excellent job coming on for Jurgen Colin as I personally felt he had a poor game out there today. But still Norwich got the win and the Saints go marching on. 1 point off the play-offs should Norwich keep up the hard work then there''s every hope we''ll be in the mix at the end of the season. ON THE BALL CITY BELIEF IT''S AN AMAZING THING
  15. So many Norwich fans keep on estimating teams in the Championship it''s stupid how do you we think we won the Championship when we went up, by hard work, being physical and playing as a team and being consistent. Southampton aren''t a bad team but then they aren''t a great team so that makes them AVERAGE. Saying there a poor team is just stupid if you look at there results they have done okay which is why they are 12th in the Championship. Fans and players shouldn''t underestimate ANY team in the Championship because if you do then things won''t go to plan, YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE CORRECT APPROACH. Admittedly yes Crewe are a poor team playing nice football, which probably isn''t the way to play in the Championship if your hoping to survive. If i remember rightly Norwich were the best time for pretty much the whole game, apart for about the 10 min period when Crewe scored but after that we were the dominent team in both halfs. On the point of our potential, yes we haven''t performed for most of the games this season and haven''t got a decent number of points. The reason we don''t have as many points as SHEFF UTD is because they play the right style of play like the rough and tumble style to be where they are now i.e. the top 2. Unfortunately Worthington hasn''t bought well in the summer, bringing in poor signings which is why we are playing the way we are playing. The new players have took time to gell with the rest of the players already at the club, and just took ages to get used to playing together, which explains why the style of play hasn''t been good enough. And which explains why Norwich''s potential hasn''t come through up until the last 2 games. Another crucial factor is injurys again going back to the fact that if Worthington had made the squad bigger then we wouldn''t have had problems with injurys. BUT DESPITE ALL THAT WE HAVE PLAYED WELL RECENTLY the style of play was good, the team was together, and we dominated both matchs which is what you need to do in order to win games. The huddle proves that we were together as Fleming confirmed last night. Also the fact that Worthington brought in a psychologist surely defy''s people who say he is ''Worthless'' as it did the trick to change things around. Worthington had no other choice but to bring him in and i probably would of done something similar. So people who keep criticizing that decision shut up and applaud the manager for bringing in the psychologist. Worthington can and will get the best out of his players as he has proved whilst being Norwich manager, REMEMBER there''s still the second half of the season for him to put it right and i believe he will, and i don''t care if other people don''t think he can, i have faith in the manager. Because i know he''s done it before and will do it again.
  16. Hey twosheds don''t accuse me of asking anyone to vote to keep Nigel Worthington because i never did. AND BY THE WAY I DON''T AND OTHER NORWICH FANS DON''T FIND IT FUNNY SAYING THAT THEY WERE IPSWICH FANS VOTING TO KEEP NIGEL WORTHINGTON. If i was them i would vote wisely, and in my opinion its foolish to want another manager after the 2 results which we''ve just had, those 2 results may not please some fans like the WORTHY OUTERS but for me that shows potential that if we play as well as that all season we have a damn good chance of going up via the play-offs. I would urge all Norwich fans to take a positive outlook on our future, the key is for everyone connected with Norwich City to believe going into games rather than to think we have no chance because if everyone thinks like that we have absolutely no chance in hell, i.e. players, the fans, the staff. Not only that but it''s the big old CONSISTENCY factor, yes Norwich haven''t been consistent in results and performances but at least now at this moment in time we have something to build on from 2 good games.  BELIEVE AND THERE''S A CHANCE TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN  
  17. To all the WORTHY OUTERS you are losing the pinkun poll, so where do you lot go from here then huh ? Well done to all those who voted to keep Nigel Worthington good to see your''e good fans. The futures bright for Norwich City things will change, i keep believing that we can make the play-offs. On current evidence of the last 2 games theres plenty to be cheerful about if we keep this up. Also a big well done to Worthington for bringing in the psychologist it certainly done the trick defying all the negativity going around. I know Norwich will fight and scrap to get results no problems there. "keep on defying all the pesimists who say we can''t, together i know you''ll do us proud" ON THE BALL CITY KEEP UP GOING LADS I BELIEVE IN YOU  
  18. Well what i''m about to say i know alot if not some will say that i''m talking rubbish. This season it''s not been great for Norwich i know over the course of the whole season and performances haven''t been what we as fans may expect. But i personally feel that if we can play like we did against Crewe second half then who''s to say we can''t beat Southampton, because when you look at the players coming back, Safri, Huckerby, Hughes then for me that''s a definite positive. I know alot of fans feel frustrated with Worthington but i personally feel he didn''t get enough credit for the 4-3-3 formation played against Crewe he did well with the formation. I personally think that if we play it again then we will have a chance against Southampton.  Because statistically if you check the stats we have not put our chances away upfront which is why i''d go with 4-3-3. In defence i''d stick with the same back four of Drury, Davenport, Doherty, Wright. The main issue for me is upfront i would like to see McVeigh in the team, and stick with midfield against Crewe THAT PLAYED AGAINST CREWE SECOND HALF so there is still hope and i personally will still be hoping that Norwich can revive their season despite negativity that is afloat among some supporters. GOOD LUCK NIGEL, WHERE THERE''S A HEART THERE''S A HOPE ON THE BALL CITY
  19. Just a question i''m eager to know the answer to: Does anybody know where the legend IAN CULVERHOUSE played in defence for Norwich. I''d really appreciate it if anyone comes up with the answer. The reason i''m asking this question is because i''ve been doing some research on past players for Norwich just looking at their records and stats.
  20. To Wizard You are talking absolute rubbish suggesting that we will have to sell Ashton and Green in January. Haven''t you followed what Roger Munby recently said in SATURDAY NOVEMBER 12TH 2005 pinkun. The question asked was > Q If realistic and tempting offers were made for the club''s biggest assets, like Robert Green and Dean Ashton, in the january transfer market window, would the club be forced to sell?  > A THE CLUB DOES NOT HAVE TO SELL ANY PLAYERS FOR FINANCIAL REASONS. If offers are made for any of our players, the board will listern to the recommendations of the manager before reaching any decision. So basically from that should indicate to you and CITY supporters that it is highly unlikely that we will have to sell unless the bid is good enough. I can not see for the life of me anyway who would want ROBERT GREEN anyway in the first place because quite honestly GREEN has been crap. AND ISN''T GOOD ENOUGH TO BE THE ENGLAND NO 2. He''s made too many errors. Then there''s ASHTON well he may leave but i don''t think he will as he''s just signed a 4 year contract. If he does then he should get stick. BECAUSE I AM SICK OF PLAYERS SIGNING BLOODY CONTRACTS AND PISSING OFF. BECAUSE IF THIS IS TO KEEP HAPPENING WE SHOULD BIN CONTRACTS. Onto your next point yes City haven''t been great but there''s still time to turn it around. With Etuhu now playing for us that''s a lifeline as hopefully he can be the next ''DAMIEN FRANCIS''.[:O] On the board''s decision not to sack Worthington i agree. As it is too late into the season now plus it would cost the club alot of money and isn''t worth it. Also i think you should take into the consideration of how long it would take for the new manager to settle and enforce his ideas. I CAN''T EMPHAZISE THIS PART MORE "WE MUST BE TOGETHER IN THIS TOUGH TIME" i think that we should try to help Worthington all we can in any shape or form. And also on the point of we can''t hammer someone well you''ve just been proved wrong CITY BEATING LUTON 2-0 is that enough to shut you moaners up? he''s made 2 signings what more do you want ? I AS A CITY DIE HARD FAN WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT WORTHINGTON AT LEAST UNTIL THE END OF THE SEASON. I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL HAVE A REVIVAL AND GET BACK INTO THE PREMIERSHIP. ETUHU''S THE MAN !!!!!!!!!!!! I''LL KEEP BELIEVING NORWICH WILL PROVE THE MOANERS WRONG
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