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The Lord

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  1. i was actuually quite serious in becomming a sports journalist but i already know how tough it is to get into it, i wrote off to the edp for an information leaflet in what to do but perhaps andrez you could help? im currently sitting the last of my gcse''s and shortly going off to college what sort of grades do you need to go into a journalism course and am i right in thinking that you cant just go into a particualr area of journalism straight away? thanks for any information and expereicnes youve had in your quest, The Lord
  2. of getting a ticket to the first away match of the season, im a season ticket holder but with there already being 1000 tickets already sold about 1500 im estimating will be left. this would give me a very slim chance indeed!thoughts p.s anyone know how i would get into sports journalism? cheers worth a try!
  3. wouldnt that be the way to enter the creme dela creme! no i hear you cry ? would could be better then a long journey down south bathing in the hot sunshine in a lovely traditional terrace with no roof coating us with sunshine could are stand be any more yellow? or i suspose we could have a trip up north to old trafford trapped inside the enclosed stadium blocking all the delightful weather outside like mice in a trap, we get hammered 5-0 and thats only the pre- match enteretaiment with the under 12''s. anyway ive added my choice to my first premierleague away match, what yours? and extra marks are avalible for reasons why and punctiation and spelling (sorry currently sitting GCSE''s it takes over your own mind at times) p.s i imagine youre going to be damn lucky to get an away ticket this year especially for the first match anyone know the priorties?after the away season ticket holders (1000 of them) that is
  4. does it really matter if she likes football or not. here are 3 reasons why not too care 1) if she''s fit and funny like you say she is could you really turn her down? 2) how many season ticket holders go and see ballet and netball matches? 3) give it time and shell come round anyway...problem solved (p.s the force is strong at carrow road my padwanna friend)
  5. sorry but the best place to sit is block TL RIVER END (cant blame me for trying!) it is most famous for containing MR CHEESEBOARD! recently we have emerged as the most noisiost block in the whole river end (achieving 0.01 on the whisper scale)we also dare to stand up on some corners and sing the whole of the otbc song at the start and sometimes we gets the ''cheeseboard'' chant going ...yes i know you cant beleive it but its true....well apart from being the best place to sit of course!it all depends on what your personal preferences are and although i prefere the atmosphere hence sitting behind the goal rather then at the side i have to go for the cheapest ticket so that i can afford to see the football! ive been lucky enough to sit all around the ground apart from the new stand and it is best to sit in the barclay for atmosphere though i dont like the upper barclay as youre to far away from the pitch and on misty nights its hard to see the pitch and theres little noise if were honest. snake pit and barcvay lower are as seen , noisy with chants most of the match, n+p where i have sat for 3 years now is conveient for me as its cheap with the occasional song again the upper river end is the same as upper barclay, the city stand has great views of the pitch but dont even start about atmopshere (some dont even stand up when we score) i have also been in the ambassadors box and had a meal before hand (just the once as friend had a spare ticket) its was obviusoly very nice but wearing shirt and tie to a football match is not for me. well i leave you to decide but we could do with a few more retired barclay boys in the river end just to help and remember block TL the rebels of the river end
  6. fao mouse , hes sits in block TL- the noisiost block in the river end (if there is such a thing) and MARTIN EMMS if as you claim your dad is the cheeseboard maestro then can you get him to start some songs in the stand as we need a leeder then people will join in!
  7. dom jay? i seem to remember seeing that name on the 606 message boards am i right? and youre right about the third line i was thinking for ages to try and get the right amount of words in but i couldnt quite manage it. how about ''CAUSE CARROW ROAD IS THE ONLY PLACE TO PLAY''
  8. if you sit next to him then i dont see how you cant see the signs susie created he himself handed out loads at the second to last home game but im sure youll see more at the start of the season and susie b do you go to away matces i havent seen a sign away from home yet? anyone see the two norwich shirts at headlingley yestersay when trescothick celebrated his century?
  9. this post is designed to see how many people use these boards so please post a post on the mentioned thread currently with 20 replies p.s thought id give the post some pr as its not really obvious from the post and would probably not get as many replies
  10. i think the general opinion is that yes people would want them but not if it were to take away money from the transfer and wages budget. if we were to have one theres no question it would be betwen the barclay and south stand but i see it as highly unlikely and of course one way to get money back on purchasing the screen is to have adverst on it. REMEMBER why they are used. they are used for FANS to get a better view and clubs might see this as a waste of money
  12. well ive only been to two matches away from carrow road, one being cardiff (millenium) and the other reading ..i have to say they were both brilliant days and didnt witness an ounce of trouble. In cardiff when we lost i must have shook about 20 birmingham fans hands as they said ''unlucky u played well'' and theyre was the usual banter but no fights or anything.. then in reading me and 3 other friends walked all away around the ground, club shop and down from the ''hill'' the stadium is built on and dint even get a dodge look. on the way back on the coach we got a few hand signals to which we replyed with a ''cherrio'' wave but thats it. though reading is not reknowned for trouble i was glad to see birmingham beat millwall in there play off semi final as i didnt really fancy seeing 30,000 millwall supporters in cardiff!
  13. can we get any pre releases of pictures of the cheeseheads on the internet any where right now or do we have to wait anothere month!
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