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Creative Midfielder

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Everything posted by Creative Midfielder

  1. Yep, surely it is time someone put Starmer out of his misery as Labour leader - don't see how things can be allowed to continue in this vein, he has progressed beyond clueless.
  2. True, and mainly for Rocky's benefit I just thought I'd confirm that I am still picking summer fruiting raspberries on top of a hill in Yorkshire in November. Wrong thread I know, but it is unseasonably warm as KG said and Rocky seems to be struggling to process that. 🙄
  3. Well the virus has certainly proved that it isn't seasonal at all but maybe you have a point because our behaviour is still very seasonal and with restrictions largely removed across Europe I guess it makes sense that the southern Europeans are managing to social distance much more effectively than the northerners.
  4. Well, I'd be happy to report you if that helps, but I rather suspect it would trigger yet another ridiculous and lengthy diatribe from you about how unfair it is that you have no right of appeal against a ban (which I assume you haven’t in this case either though I could be wrong) 😂😂😂
  5. That, in a nutshell, is the problem with @Barbe bleu (plus the dissembling of course) and in my experience it is his standard pattern of behaviour whenever I've made the mistake of trying to discuss anything with him.
  6. I don't think you need to be so restrictive - the last time I called this government the worst government in history the only contender for the title that @ricardo could come up with was Lord North so that gives you 300+ years to play with, and fair dues at that distance it is quite difficult to do a fair comparison though Johnson still gets my nomination as worst ever. As to the u-turns the Guardian also totted up around 30 but I think they are only counting the really big screeching u-turns not all the more minor ones. I seem to remember that for a fair while last year Johnson was averaging over one u-turn a week, I think three or four in his 'best' ever week, but fair play to him its been a while since he came up with one as spectacular as yesterday's.😂 One thing Johnson could never be accused of is learning anything from his previous many mistakes.
  7. This seems to be another trait which flows directly from the example that Johnson himself sets - not only has he assembled a Cabinet of dimwits, selected without any regard for ability or experience but purely for their willingness to do Johnson's bidding, they are lazy, arrogant dimwits who think that being a government minister gives them a licence to talk absolute b*ll*cks on subjects which they know nothing about. But actually admitting to not reading the report is more what you expect from the RWNJ Tory backbenchers rather than a Cabinet Minister but then perhaps that is where he is heading - after all someone is going to have to take the blame for this enormous fiasco and it cleary isn't going to be any of the three who should be shouldering it, Johnson, Rees-Smug, or Paterson himself.
  8. In our history without doubt - in world history then I guess they have some stiff competition and definitely aren't even Premier League contenders. Mind you if you narrow the field a bit by asking 'Worst supposedly democratic government in history' then even on a global scale whilst they might not have achieved Premier League status yet, they are definitely in the mix, aspiring to promotion. 😀
  9. I asked him that a while back and he ignored me as well - as he always does whenever someone points out a gaping hole in his argument which he has no genuine, or even disingenuous, way of filling. Same with the completely inappropriate retrospective nature of what he is so desperately trying to justify - he has no reasonable answer but rather than accept that he is in the wrong ,he simply ignores the question, pretends it was never asked and then throws his toys out of his pram when he gets challenged about it - its sad and pathetic (third time lucky perhaps with that comment - maybe he can be persuaded to change his dissembling ways but I'm not going to hold my breath 😀).
  10. Pathetic and sad, but I'm happy to be able to re-assure you that you most definitely have not grown into any sort of leftie 😂 Quite the opposite in fact, your right wing credentials are burnished each and every time you take up arms to attempt to defend the indefensible actions of this corrupt government, even persisting when it seems that all your fellow travellers have realised the futility of trying to polish this particular t*rd.
  11. You seem to have slept through almost a year - we left the EU 21 months ago, do try and keep up.
  12. The suggestion of the ECJ was intended to be ludicrous to chime with the ludicrousness of your own dissembling post. You can repeat 'Any fair process in relation to serious matters should have a right to appeal' as often as you like - that is your opinion (perhaps) but it doesn't make it right. IMO you are wrong and your Government seems to agree with me since it has 11 years in which to correct this rather fundamental flaw in your view and yet has taken no action until all of a sudden this corrupt government decides they want to protect 'one of their own' from the consequences of his indisputeably corrupt conduct. Perhaps you would also care to explain why even if the system needed some reform to introduce a right to appeal, for example, that it wasn't done properly rather than ramming through an amendment with no consultation and a 3 line whip to avoid a particular MP receiving a very light but also very well deserved suspension - a 30 day suspension, a tiny rap on the knuckles for an offence which as others have pointed out would have brought criminal charges in most other walks of life. Most of all I would like you to explain why it was right to try and change the rules applying to this case retrospectively when all our legal and parliamentary principles forbid the idea making retrospective changes to process and the law. If you recall with the MP Rob Davies, another Tory scumbag who picked up a 12 week suspension but wasn't landed with a recall petition because of a technicality which even the Government acknowledged needed fixing. But nevertheless they insisted that nothing could be done in his case because they couldn't act retrospectively. That was when a Tory scumbug was getting away with it, but when another Tory scumbag is going to get his just deserts (or at least some mild retribution) it turns out they can act retrospectively. You attempted defence of this rank corruption is sad and pathetic.
  13. Dissembling again I see . I'd say its extremely controversial to say there should a right of a appeal to a decision retrospectively on receiving you and Johnson don't like, and when there has never been any demand for such a right previously. Even in many situations where a right to appeal exists it is not an unfettered or automatic right - there have to be substantive reasons that justify an appeal and there is nothing whatsoever in Patterson's case that would give any grounds for an appeal or any likelihood that a different decision would be reached even if an appeal was possible. I can't see any practical way or need to introduce an appeal process here - we have an Independent Commissioner who has conducted a thorough investigation and produced very clear recommendations which have been reviewed by a cross-party HoC committee and unanimously approved by them. It then has to be approved or rejected, by the full HoC. So, who on earth do you suggest would hear an appeal – the ECJ?? 😂 It seems pretty clear to everyone except you and this government that all that has happened here is a corrupt Government has stepped in to save one its corrupt backbenchers and of course to protect themselves against any future cases of which several are in the pipeline. There isn’t a shadow of doubt that the HoC would have confirmed Patterson’s suspension until the Government introduced its amendment with a 3 line whip. Angela Rayner was right when she called the scum although she perhaps should have spelt it out more clearly – sleazy scum rolls off the tongue nicely and entirely justified.
  14. Pound is free-fall again after it becomes clear that Bailey has been misleading the markets. Yet another fail by Johnson's government - hardly anybody thought at the time that he was an appropriate choice for BoE Governor and he keeps proving that we were right to be sceptical - he isn't up to the job (just as he wasn't up to his previous job). Seems to be a common trait for this government to reward failure with a promotion.............as long as your face fits and you are prepared to worship at the altar of Johnson's ego.
  15. I think he is perhaps getting a little confused and mixing up COP 26 with Davos. 😀 A grasp of the facts has never really been his or Farage's strong point - must admit I'd forgotten all about them, what is their pension fund, sorry company masquerading as a political party called nowadays?
  16. More pork barrel politics from our Government, or as we normally call it over here - corruption. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/nov/02/levelling-up-funds-awarded-to-local-councils-of-tory-ministers
  17. There was a lot of talk a couple of weeks ago about her quitting - the sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. She has always been pretty poor IMO, so much so that I gave us reading anything from her a good while ago, but if she is coming out with twaddle like that then she is getting even worse. Maybe she'll follow in Allegra Stratton's footsteps - Laura has always been a far more effective 'Press Secretary' for the Tory party than Allegra or her successor who also appears to be completely invisible - far better to let Laura do the talking for them 🙄
  18. If you actually have then why did you post something so ridiculous as to describe what she says as 'blah, blah, blah' - you may not agree with her, RWNJs rarely do and particularly dislike her making stupid right wing populist leaders (invariably wealthly old white men) look like the ignorant fools they are. But the fact remains that she talks about the science knowledgably and coherently, whether she got her grades or not - which doesn't seem to be much issue to the rest of the world since she's been invited to address world leaders at both Davos and the UN, politicians at the HoC and many other parliaments around the world as well as many academics and universities. She also had several books published - I don't think school has got anything left to teach her..................you on the other hand 😃
  19. Quite bizarre - I presume that you've never actually listened to Thunberg speak or read anything she has written because if you had you would realise that she actually knows and understands the science, in marked contrast to our (and many other countries') muppet politicians who are either too thick or too disinterested (both in the case of Johnson) to do anything other than 'blah, blah, blah'.
  20. You really are a prize idiot - do yours also fruit in the summer?? Or have mine magically mutated into a variety that fruits in both early summer and late autumn - should make my fortune with those then 😂
  21. Well he was given a place ahead of Dowell on several occasions and he was was cr@p so he's lost his place - that's football the world over. Maybe you are right and its back to Chelsea for him, but at the moment Farke and Tuchel seem to be saying pretty much the same thing that it's up to the player to prove he is worth a place in our team, or any other team for that matter, because Tuchel clearly doesn't believe he would get any game time at Chelsea this season. And has the player himself said anything about wanting to go back to Chelsea or is this typical social media tripe whipped up by the usual suspects amongst the pundits and the fans?
  22. Yep, very smart but you're also saying that the trains in Bolton aren't as good as this - I'm shocked.....really 😂 Still, I'm sure when Johnson has 'levelled up' ours will look just as good..........................🤣🤣🤣
  23. Seems as though our Cabinet of idiots have an ongoing 'Most Stupid' competition - donkey Truss edged into a narrow lead earlier with her fishery load of b*ll*cks but since we're already backtracking on that I imagine one of the other donkeys will have something really stupid to say at COP some time fairly soon 😂
  24. ^ This, and the embarrassing bit - surely even an idiot like Johnson could get a speechwriter for important occasions, well ideally all occasions when he addresses adults really, so that every now and then our PM could deliver a speech that contained a little more than some very tired cliches and feeble jokes. The odd promise that he actually intended and knew how to deliver wouldn’t go amiss either.
  25. Quite, is Javid an upgrade or downgrade on Matt Hancock - that genuinely is quite a tricky one. Even though Matt was useless I think Javid is probably proving himself to be even worse. Anyway the real question should be, why during a pandemic and the worse public health crisis this country has seen in any of our lifetimes does the idiot Johnson keep appointing Health Secretaries that are palpably unfit for the job.
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