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Ken Aries

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Everything posted by Ken Aries

  1. anybody feeling sorry for pompey fan yet? no? neither am i. i bet he''ll think twice before posting garbage on other club''s message boards in future. i wonder if he''s still reading the many responses that his original diatribe engendered.there''s one thing, he''s given us all a good laugh in this rather depressing stage of our season.he certainly could never have guessed that he would provoke such a reaction to his posts.
  2. well done pompey.you finally saw sense and persuaded your dear old mummy to write something for you.it might have been better for everyone if she had composed the original meessage, though.
  3. portsmouth fc is a crap club,in a crap town,populated with semi-literate oafs.
  4. that''s an incredible number of shirts sold, dont you think?i know some people probably bought 2 shirts(home and away),but im still well impressed with how many fans were preparedto shell out over £40 to help support the best club in theworld.this is rather an obsession of mine,but i often wonderwhat size crowds we''d be attracting to carrow rd this season if we had a bigger stadium.it goes without saying the attendances could be somewhat greater than 25,000.
  5. [quote]Talk about Delia walking on the pitch pleading for the twelfth man. Where have all the controversial posters of long standing disappeared to on this message board. Have you lost the fire in your belly...[/quote] yes, the board (bored) has become a bit flat and lifeless of late. there just hasnt been much to discuss apart from the delia incident, i suppose.
  6. scanning through the league tables in yesterday''s paper, i was amazed to discover that only 5 teams in the premiership have a better record than city in the "goals for" column.unfortunately every team has a superior record when it comes to goals against. as we all know our main problem is poor defending. anyway back to goals for; amazingly,man utd have only scored 3 more than us at home and chelsea only 2. there are then a number of teams who have scored considerably less than us, who occupy places above us in the table.i dont know if most of you already knew this, but i was quite surprised when i saw it.
  7. with people mentioning sincil bank on another thread, it set me thinking as to which of the few grounds ive visited was my favourite, or least favourite. i think the worst ground ive been to is probably selhurst park, for no other reason than the stadium is situated in a particularly souless and depressing part of london. i think my favourite ground is craven cottage, largely because of its pleasant river side setting but also because it''s not one of those massive, modern characterless stadia. what do others think about football grounds they''ve been to. incidentally, heres a chance to brag;are any of you anywhere near to ticking off all 92 grounds? my slightly pathetic tally is around the 30 to 35 mark, it depends if you count old grounds like filbert st, maine rd and 1 or 2 others or not.
  8. [quote]That there are now as many if not more chelski shirts than manure shirts walking around the villages and towns within the last 12 months . Just goes to prove what a bunch of cardboard cut-out glory-hu...[/quote] i hadnt really noticed. i dont think too many people locally "support" man u, anyway.there seem to be a large number who have an allegiance to the gooners,much to my annoyance.until the arse'' went into something of a decline last october,they were just too arrogant and unsportsmanlike for my liking.then there is of course the legendary selective myopia of arsene whinger.
  9. [quote]I know that this has been refered to before, but dont you think we should get a new score board? The progress of the building at carrow road is on everyones minds at the minute, but still....[/quote] forgive my ignorance,but why do we need a new score board,anyway?
  10. i bet sky will use every opportunity to zoom in on delia sitting with the fansin the barclay today.they''ll be looking very closely at her reactions to the match.wouldnt it be good if we could manage a goal or two, then armchair viewerscan watch her joyous celebrations, while at the same time seeing mourinho throttlinghimself with his own scarf and kicking the dug-out in frustation.
  11. [quote]Fergie: It''s not over yet In his latest mind game, Sir Alex has told Chelsea that Norwich away is a tricky game. Good one. The Guardian. Today. ON THE BALL CITY.[/quote] pity he cant lend us a few of his squad players for the game, we wouldthen be able to help his cause as well as our own by achieving a win!
  12. [quote]leave him alone. theres nothing wrong with him.[/quote] are you a qualified psychiatrist then ?
  13. i know this is total trivia but, does anyone how tall swp really is ? he''s supposed to be 5ft 6in, but to my eyes looks no more than about 5ft 2in. it makes no difference either way, as he''s a very good player and very difficult to play against, as we found to our cost last night.
  14. [quote]Whether he''s a wizard or a captain he''s still still a few planks short of a full deck.[/quote] he certainly seems to sail with several sheets to the wind !
  15. it would be lovely if they stayed in the fizzy league, but sadly i feel they''ll probably make it to the promised land. still, we can look forward to having a good laugh at their expense as they lose one game after another. im sure they will struggle in the premier, just like we have.
  16. hate to say it but relegated. we dont have enough quality in the team, simple as that.
  17. yes, saturdays with no norwich city action can be a little bit boring. still, there is always the evening to look forward to - a few pints of quality real ale at the trafford or the fat cat or somewhere of that ilk.then a nice curry or a large portion of cod and chips to round the night off. of course, i hope all of you who do venture out stick rigidly to those safe drinking guidelines, just like i do sometimes.
  18. [quote]Question for you, which stands and tiers are open for reserve matches?[/quote] the south stand and the lower tier of the barclay. around 5000 turned up for the chelsea match and there was enough room.they did tape off both ends of the south stand though, so the centre section was fairly full. i do hope people turn up earlier tonight,as it was quite annoying being hassled to stand up to let late-comers in, up to half an hour after kick off.
  19. should i bother turning out in the cold to see the reservestonight, or stay in and watch man utd v chelsea instead ?
  20. When posting messages on this board my real name appears rather than a nickname/pseudonym or whatever you want to call it. i would prefer anonymity, so how do i go about making the change so that my real name no longer appears please.
  21. It''s Robert Fleck for me. He was such a bubbly character on the football field and he scored some spectacular goals into the bargain. Dave Stringeronce described him as the best volleyer of a football that he''d ever seen,and i dont think that was too much of an exaggeration. If my memory servesme well, at his best,most of his shots were either on target or pretty close, and were struck with tremendous power.
  22. [quote]the huge hole is for craig bellamys head in preperation for when we sign him on his 36th birthday[/quote] i thought the original idea was to have the access tunnel under the hotel. far preferable i should have thought, thereby allowing more seats in the new corner. surely it''s not a case of needing an access tunnel at both ends, is it ?
  23. i have a suggestion to make as regards The Pink''un newspaper. i quite often buy the pink''un to read as much as i can about my favourite football club. but the thing ive noticed in recent years is how sparse the letters page has become. my idea (and it may not be original)is, why not bolster the letters section considerably, by printing a selection of the best postings from this bulletin board ? ah ha you say, what if people dont want their posted opinions printed ? i have the answer to that. you either email hem seeking their permission to print, or you could ntroduce a system whereby people indicate their willingness to have their work published, by simply appending their posts with the word;PRINT (in capital letters). i feel there are a good many well argued and written pieces on this message board, but the only people who can read them are those who are on-line. what do you think ? good idea or crap ?
  24. he''s a merchant banker and a james hunt. he also seems pretty thick, judging him on his rather inarticulate performance as a half-time expert on one of the live matches. let''s just be grateful that he''s never been involved with our club.
  25. i agree,the game was quite simply appalling, one of the worst ive seen in fact. obviously the pedantic ref didnt help matters at all by reducing our team down to ten men so early on. my enjoyment of the game was not helped either by the large number of people who arrived in the ground very late.some didnt make it into their seats until about 30 mins after kick off.then the idiots just couldnt settle, they were constantly squeezing past me either to go to the loo,the bar or to get something to fill their faces with. the worst offenders were the kids, who seemed to show very little interest in the match-maybe understandable on last nights performance admittedly. anyway, i shant be hurrying back to another reserve team fixture for a while.
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