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Everything posted by horsefly

  1. Feel free to supply some examples. Shouldn't be a problem since there are "so many"
  2. A week as an MP and Farage uses the plight of a man with a nicked ear as a feeble excuse to abandon his duties to his constituency. Most of us knew that it wouldn't be long before the reality of the drudgery of being a backbench MP for a deprived constituency would lack the glamour necessary to maintain Farage's ego. He can do nothing to assist Trump in his recovery (He's already recovered), but of course, hanging around with the ex-president Trump can do everything to satiate Farage's desperate craving for attention. Crappy old Clacton can't compete. I hope the fools who voted him in are writing their emails as we speak.
  3. Why do you bother posting such specious tripe? You know full well that Biden was not remotely suggesting Trump should be shot. Putting someone or something in the "bullseye" is a well known metaphor meaning to concentrate one's attention and efforts upon them. You know that, but disingenuously claim this nonsense.
  4. I never said that.... some other poster did. How's it been attributed to me? That could read, we replaced him with an ageing freebie, we didn't have to. They even said it, we'd need to replace players, they know that is the case, there will be churn. That said it. Are you saying they are telling porkies? Why can't you bring yourself to believe what they said and their reasoning behind it. Is it because you know I said it first, you are so adamant and stubborn that it can't be a plausible path and you can't bear that? Your all in with the insults, (There's another 'naivety') hard to accept I suppose. Listen to what they said, against your comments here and then consider how it marries up. It doesn't. Fortunately, you don't run the club. Try reading what I actually said rather than what fits your bizarre interpretation. Of course there will be player "churn" WHILE WE REMAIN IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP. That player churn means selling off our best talent to stave off administration and replace them with inferior options. Player "churn" this season will see us having to sell off at least one (if not all 3) of Sargent, Rowe and Sara. That does NOT improve the squad. Had we got promotion we would have been looking to add players of equal or better stature to play alongside them. Ipswich have apparently spent £60m on their squad, do you think that they would have spent a quarter of that had they not been promoted? Do you not think their squad is improved by those additions? Do you not think that even if they are humiliated week in-week out next season, they will return to the Championship with better facilities and a much better squad than they would have if they had not been promoted? That's exactly what we did, and what enabled us to get promoted immediately after the first demotion. Failure to get promotion again during the parachute money period is now hitting home. No club, or its fans, enjoys getting thumped on a regular basis in the PL, but that's the most likely harsh reality for any team getting promoted to the PL, unless they can find a beneficent billionaire ready to throw a couple of hundred million into the coffers. Webber and Farke were spot on when they recognised that the best chances we stood for developing a club that might sustain itself as a PL team would most likely involve a period of yo-yoing between the PL and the Champs, incrementally improving the squad and club facilities with each promotion. What we are experiencing now is the results of failing to secure promotion again, and finding the parachute money has run out. Last year we could afford to hang on to Sargent, Rowe and Sara. This year we cannot. Anyone thinking that several years spent in the Championship offers a great opportunity to develop a PL competing squad is living in a very strange world indeed. Knapper and Thorup have rightly described the most optimistic interpretation they can spin on City's current realistic prospects. Of course they can't promise promotion this year, but neither does their longer term "plan" promise promotion 5-years down the line. Ex-PL teams like Stoke, Coventry, QPR, Watford, West Brom, Middlesbrough, Huddersfield, Bolton, Portsmouth etc, etc, will all be saying something very similar. There really is nothing else they can say. I guarantee, however, that each one of them would give anything to get promoted this season to generate the wealth necessary for club development. The simple reality for the vast majority of clubs demoted from the PL is that they spend a lot longer than 5-years outside the PL if they fail to get promoted again during the period of parachute payments.
  5. You hate having your ideas challenged, don't you! Will you be writing to Paul lambert to explain what a huge error it was for him to get City promoted to the PL before we were ready to compete (although that 's exactly what we did)? Have you written to Luton Town to tell them what an error it was for them to get promoted before they had anything like the PL facilities or a PL squad? That the multi-millions they have accrued weren't remotely helpful in developing the club and team. Have you written to Ipswich Town to tell them that they have made a big mistake getting promoted before they are ready to compete on equal terms? That it is foolish for them to think it was worth the potential humiliation just to have millions to spend on their ground and training facilities, and to spend £60m+ on squad additions. If only they had listened to you they could have spent years accruing debts by staying in the Championship, developing players and then having to sell the best of them to stave off administration. The sure fire way to developing a squad fit to get promotion and compete on equal terms in the PL.
  6. https://thecelticstar.com/troy-parrott-not-at-patch-on-irish-teammate-adam-idah-and-is-sold-for-6-7m/
  7. And let's not forget that when the FBI busted a far-right MAGA gang planning to kidnap and murder Democrat governor, Gretchen Whitmer, Trump's response was "Everybody hates her"
  8. Seems a special kind of ear piercing is an occupational hazard for those who hang about with sex workers.
  9. It's reported he was wearing the t-shirt of an extremist right wing gun owners group. Make of that what you will.
  10. And that's what every so called "lefty" has done. It's only the usual RWNJ who have done otherwise.
  11. The shooter has been confirmed as a registered Republican. You'll have to try another route to make political capital out of an appalling criminal act https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-rally-shooter-identified-rcna161757
  12. No! Just you two looking to exploit a criminal act to vent your spleen.
  13. That response sums up Ged's naivety perfectly. We developed a young player in the Championship who showed potential to be of PL quality. The result of not getting promotion is that we were forced to sell him off to a club that did get promotion. So instead of adding PL quality players to play alongside him we had to replace him with an aging freebie. And while we remain in the Championship the same story will be repeated each season. Every player we bring through who shows genuine PL potential will be a candidate to be sold off to mitigate the losses accrued from another year without the multi-millions that result from promotion. Like it or not, it really comes down to the most basic economics.
  14. What utter tripe. PL money got us a PL quality training facility. It got us a PL quality academy. It enabled us to spend big on players like Sargent and Sara. All things YOU said were essential to develop the club into PL contenders. These things wouldn't have been possible without that money. Obviously none of that guarantees success, it's football, FFS. Even you have enough brain to recognise that fans have not been happy with the last two seasons, yet you bizarrely think we're going to be overjoyed with several more seasons in the championship, losing money, losing our best players, but according to you somehow magically building a team of superstar players capable of sustaining survival in the PL even though none of them will have had PL experience. How many years do you suggest we spend in the Champs (losing money and losing players) before we have developed the super-squad and facilities to guarantee a PL sustainable club? Do we need to wait for 20+ years like Forest? Should we look to Stoke, Portsmouth, Middlesbrough, QPR, Huddersfield, Coventry, and Bolton as our role models for the success in building PL sustainable clubs through the masterplan of avoiding promotion? Feel free to lay out your detailed plan (not generalised bull ****) about how this will actually work in practice.
  15. Yawn! Still haven't read them have you? Come back when you have.
  16. Of course they said it, FFS. It's about as close to "realistic" as they can get to being "honest" about the club's prospects over the next few years. But you have to be a complete idiot to think that translates into a claim that they won't be seeking promotion this season. Webber and Farke used EXACTLY the same "realistic" language when they first teamed up. They also said their project was promotion in 5-years, but that NEVER meant they wouldn't strive for promotion at the earliest opportunity. That early promotion brought with it a huge amount of money which enabled us to spend a huge amount of money on the club's infrastructure and playing squad. We would not have the PL quality training facilities, or a top level academy system without the cash from those two promotions. Nor could we have afforded additions to the playing squad like Sara and Sargent. It's really very simple, you need money to achieve the development the club claims it is aiming for. Promotion brings that money; languishing in the Championship accrues debt and sees the best players leave. You do NOT improve your squad by selling your best players, you improve it by adding PL quality players to your ranks. The only reason we are resigned to losing at least one of Sara, Sargent, and Rowe is because we need the cash. Had we been promoted we would NOT now be hawking a player for £20m, but enjoying spending 20, 30, 40, million on new players. It's not rocket science.
  17. Awww! Snowflake who moans about others abusing him resorts to abuse. BTW, this is a social media site, not a university. I know you didn't make it to uni so you'll just have to take my word for it that they are very different environments.
  18. When you've read the Paris Manuscripts and can say something sensible about them, I'll reply. Until then, I'll let you fester in your own ignorance.
  19. Oh dear! NONE of what they said can be interpreted in the ridiculous way you conclude your post. If you think for one minute they will not be seeing promotion as their number one priority this season then you are more of a fool than I thought. It is previous promotions that provided the money to develop our first class training facilities, and invest in a first class academy system. Obviously development of a PL quality team is always an ongoing project for a club that doesn't have a billionaire owner ready to chuck hundreds of millions into the squad. It was why Webber and Farke purposely described our objective as becoming one of the "top 26 clubs" knowing that successive promotions were absolutely essential to resourcing the development of the club in exactly the same way as Knapper and Thorup have described. Failure to get promotion has left the club in debt; where in God's name do you think the money is coming from to fund the development you talk of, if it is not coming from promotion? As things stand, we are almost certainly going to lose at least one of Sara, Rowe, or Sargent. Does that make us stronger? (If we fail to get promotion again I'll guarantee none of those three will remain at the club) We are looking around for freebies to fill the left back position because we couldn't afford to keep a proven performer that both Knapper and Thorup wanted to keep. Does that make us stronger? Of course Knapper and Thorup have used the language they have to describe their "realistic" objectives. It is not remotely different from the language used by Webber and Farke. However, you have to be extraordinarily naïve to interpret that as them saying we will not be striving to get promoted at the earliest possible opportunity (i.e. next season). If you honestly believe that we should interpret their words as indicating a desire for the coming season being to achieve mid-table obscurity while we somehow magically build a PL quality team while selling our best players and increasing our debts, then I really don't know what can be said to you. The idea is utterly absurd. If that is their plan for this season (it isn't, of course) then they should let the fans know so we can apply for a refund for our season tickets. Imagine the pre-season team talk: THORUP: OK guys go out and do your best but please make sure we don't get promoted PLAYER: WTF boss, surely that's the whole point, to win games and get promoted. THORUP: No, no, you silly boy. The board said we need to to achieve mid-table obscurity so that we can take our time building the infrastructure and squad to stand a chance competing in the PL in a few years time. PLAYER: But doesn't getting promoted bring hundreds of millions into the club to build that squad and infrastructure. Doesn't failure to get promoted mean we accrue more debts and mean we have to sell our best players, weakening the squad. THORUP: Don't be so silly. Of course it does, but that's what makes the plan so unique. We'll be doing what every other club isn't, i.e. purposely trying not to get promoted. It's pure genius. PLAYER: Can I submit my transfer request please. But you crack on with your nonsense Ged
  20. 5 MPs and already one has been outed for having been jailed for beating up his girlfriend. https://x.com/MailOnline/status/1811815424465453159
  21. TBF to Calvin he still has not got past Leviticus yet. He's in for a bit of a shock when he gets to the bit where this Jesus guy enters the scene. He really isn't going to like that woke bast*ard.
  22. The title "Chief whip" only makes sense if there is a least one other ordinary whip over which he is chief, so one of Lowe or Murdock will have to take on that role, leaving just one Reform Ltd MP needing to be kept in line by the party whips. Any rude suggestions that this makes Reform Ltd a joke party are entirely justified 🤣
  23. Reform are the Emos of UK politics.
  24. By default he surely must be the left back for this Saturday (Unless they think Fisher could play on the left). Fingers crossed that he does turn out to be another Aarons.
  25. That's rather the point. We're waiting on a decision from a freebie who has not played in a comparable league to the Championship. Also we are apparently looking for more than one left back. I'm not criticising the club for this, we are where we are, and I'm happy that we have the staff in place to do the best job possible with the resources available. My point was merely to say that this is the situation you arrive at when you don't get promotion, in contrast to those who think we are better off spending consecutive seasons in the Championship "rebuilding".
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