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Everything posted by horsefly

  1. Except that Trump and his MAGAts have been pumping out the story that the Obamas hate Harris and wouldn't support her.
  2. You just posted a video of Trump insulting Harris, you halfwit.
  3. Nope! He looks old, senile, obese, and in need of a Tena sponsorship.
  4. Oh do come off it! The man was prone, face down, unmoving, arms at his side, with a very elderly woman at his side placating him. I don't care how hyped you are, the very obvious action for any police officer in that situation was to cuff him and render him incapable of potential further resistance. He will have been trained extensively to do precisely that. Your attempt to justify his actions is patently absurd.
  5. Sorry to disappoint the conspiracy theory RWNJs on this site, but Barrack and Michelle have just published a ringing endorsement of Kamala Harris
  6. If proof were needed that Reform Ltd.'s MPs are not fit to serve in parliament then one only needs to read their comments lauding the police officer's actions in kicking and stamping on the head of a prone suspect. MPs are our law-makers, their first duty is to ensure that the rule of law is upheld. Every other MP has managed to call for calm and a proper investigation into this police officer's violent behaviour; only Reform Ltd MPs have actually praised him for a prima facie breach of the law. It couldn't be clearer that their primary interest in parliament is to promote division and hatred. Their behaviour is beyond reckless and irresponsible, and is very obviously premised upon the belief that their best recruiting strategy is to foment and exploit civil unrest. Like it or not, such a strategy is straight form the playbook of Goebbels and the 1930s Na*zi Party.
  7. If you want a good laugh: https://the72.co.uk/2024/07/26/leeds-united-chase-norwich-city-gabriel-sara/
  8. As I mentioned above I did spend some time working with police trainers, so remain pretty confident that our training is very different from that. I think the real problem lies in two connected areas; recruitment of too many of the wrong kind of people, and the insidious effect that those wrong type of people have within the force. I was alarmed to find out that Johnson's desperate drive to recruit 20,000 new officers meant that candidates for training were being selected without any kind of interview whatsoever. It's no surprise that thousands of those have already left or been kicked out. There are some brilliant officers in the force, sadly there are also too many that aren't, and who enjoy the power it offers for them to pursue purely personal interests and prejudices.
  9. Indeed! The Trump campaign team are really wetting themselves. It is entirely irrelevant who is running for the Democrats, the presidential debates should take place irrespective of the opponent. Clearly they are looking for an excuse not to allow their cognitively challenged convict and sex offender get trounced by the much younger "Brat" Harris in debate.
  10. I find your comments here frankly strange. As Gunny has just pointed out, police officers are highly trained individuals. That training specifically involves acting in highly intense situations like the one encountered by this officer. The focus is always upon bringing such situations under control as quickly as possible with the minimal force required. Had the suspect been on his feet with a weapon in hand, the kind of force we witnessed could well have been justified. But he wasn't; he was prone, face down, with his arms straight beside his body. It was about as perfect an opportunity as could present itself to an officer to cuff the suspect and bring the incident to a safe close. Instead he sought violent revenge, thereby risking escalating the incident, and further endangering the public. Without even considering the ethical issues, this was a truly appalling operational judgement from the officer concerned. To add some personal context here, in my last year as a lecturer I worked with police trainers on a policing degree (I wrote their professional ethics module). All of us put a huge emphasis on the issue of what was required to think and act as a police officer in contrast to acting as an everyday citizen. We all put emphasis on the kinds of characteristics (virtues) required to act impartially in upholding the law in contrast to the sort of partial emotions that might be expected (and justified) in ordinary life. This fundamentally important distinction is reinforced at every level of police officer training. This video revealed an officer wholly incapable of working according to that distinction, and thereby an officer who is both a threat to the integrity of the police force, and a threat to the general public over whom he exercises the extraordinary powers that are the privilege of an officer of the law.
  11. No one has said Biden is perfect. Far from it. All of us "lefty" Trump haters have for months been calling for him not to run precisely because of his gaffes. Try reading the relevant threads. Those of us who supported Biden over Trump did so because he was by far the lesser of two evils. But you will see, if you bother to look, that we also said we wished this was not the choice we had to make, that we wanted a younger candidate to take on the orange crook.
  12. Not only that example, but who would have thought they could have predicted Elon Musk's latest Tesla beauty
  13. It's very simple. A police officer is empowered to use force in order to preserve law and order, not to break the law in an act of revenge or retribution. This violent thug should be nowhere near a police uniform, let alone a uniform armed with a gun. We are all too aware of the consequences of people like this being allowed into the force, and using that privilege as an exclusive opportunity to unleash their personal desires. The suspect was prone on the floor, unmoving, within his arms by his side. There was a very clear and easy opportunity for the officer concerned to cuff the suspect and bring the incident to a close. Instead he decided to exact violent retribution. That was not only prima facie illegal, not only risked killing the suspect, but risked further escalation of the incident, thereby further endangering the general public. There is no plausible excuse for this behaviour from someone who has undergone police training. No one should conflate their contempt for the violence of the suspects with the bizarre idea that this police officer's violent retribution represents some kind of instant justice. It is fundamental to law and order in a democratic society that police officers are not vigilantes. Their job is to uphold the law, they have no role to play in delivering actual punishment.
  14. Young voter registration has reached record levels in the last 48 hours since Harris declared her intention to run for president. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/young-voter-registration-spikes-to-record-numbers-in-48-hours-after-harris-takes-helm/ar-BB1qy3J5?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=8bef541b88d042edbc54ec3560a88389&ei=60
  15. Unless there really is an incapacitating health issue that makes it impossible for Biden to continue, I would be amazed if this happens. It would simply confirm the Trump narrative that Harris and the Democrats had all along been supporting a president who was actually incapable of performing his duties. Harris would have nothing to gain from such a move, and a lot to lose.
  16. Those 7 stood as Labour Party candidates and knew exactly what Labour Party policy was on this issue. They knew they would defy the whip over this issue after the election so should have shown some integrity and stood as independents. Of course, they knew full well they wouldn't have got elected into their £90k a year job had they done so, so they didn't. There have always been those on the far-left of the party who privilege the adoration of their comrades for ideological purity, over actually getting things done to improve the lives of the people they claim to fight for. This is nothing more than smug posture politics. Starmer has done exactly the right thing.
  17. Never laid a bet in my life, and I don't have the remotest desire to start.
  18. Reuters poll puts Harris ahead. So much for those posters here claiming she is hated and doesn't stand a chance. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/just-in-harris-leads-trump-in-first-poll-taken-since-biden-quit/ar-BB1qv9WB?ocid=msedgntp&pc=LCTS&cvid=2dc2e9299480419698c7626db7c999d9&ei=11
  19. I guess you don't understand the words "in fact". Words he preceded with "make no mistake" when he described Trump's sexual assault as rape.
  20. https://x.com/glooface/status/1815709345104945622
  21. Easy mistake to make, given the name, but Lionel Shriver is a woman, Sonyc. Wrote a great novel "We need to Talk about Kevin", but is infamous for very right-wing views (has appeared on BBC QT). Her "shredding" Harris is entirely par for her course. Her commitment to the truth is somewhat questionable.
  22. So what you're pointing out is that she was professional enough to carry out her legal duties as a district attorney despite her personal opinions. And that is to her detriment in what way?
  23. Sadly, I don't have all day to keep posting footage from Trump, so I'll stick to this compilation:
  24. And here is why Trump and the Republicans are wetting themselves.
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