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  1. Gutted I''m not going to be there. Was really keen to meet Sebastien... Big thanks to the great organisers of this new initiative. Hope the evening goes well.
  2. Sebastien knows Kalidou Koulibaly and that might be a plus point when he decides who to sign... Both big, strong central defenders. Could be quite formidable.
  3. There are no general refunds being offered... Contrary to the Evening News report, East Midlands Trains are only offering a refund to people who reserved a particular seat and could not sit in it! I just phoned their customer service department and asked if they were going to respond to the official complaint I submitted in which I told them I am in my 60''s, and need regular access to a loo. Being crammed just inside a door and unable to even turn round where I was standing for two hours, was ridiculous. But, whist they said sorry, that was it! (But they did say they might consider a good will gesture when they get round to answering my complaint...)
  4. There are no general refunds being offered... Contrary to the Evening News report, East Midlands Trains are only offering a refund to people who reserved a particular seat and could not sit in it! For the rest of us who were crammed just inside the doors and couldn''t even turn around let alone sit down, tough!!
  5. Purple - I''m pleased to hear that, but it certainly does not come across in his article this morning which displays the same arrogance as many of their fans yesterday.
  6. WHAT A SELF-OPINIONATED PILLOCK is Brian Glanville the sports writer for The Sunday Times. In his article about our match with Arsenal, he used every condescending adjective in the dictionary to lambast Norwich City. He says we were outclassed and guess what, our defenders had the audacity to clear balls off the line! What does football expert Glanville think they are employed to do? Interestingly, in Glanville''s biography on Wikipedia, it says, "Away from writing about football, Glanville is a life-long supporter of Arsenal F.C."
  7. Thanks... I reckon that last bit is the crux. I remember reading that we had permission to approach Lambert, but I bet a certain person will be denying that because it was not in writing... Perhaps?
  8. I have been trawling through Google, but cannot find it. Any idea what the rule says?
  9. Cowling has now claimed that in a lttere from our legal team to his, we have admitted being in breach of rule 20... Does anybody know what rule 20 is?
  10. That''s interesting AJ, i had not seen that.
  11. Having worked with the media for many years, I have seen the way ''less than honourable'' people occasionally feed stuff into the world of newspapers, radio and television just to ''stir things up''. Political parties, especially those in government, are very good at ''leaking'' information they later pretend to be shocked about. And what better way of causing problems for the opposition, be they companies, organisations, political parties or football clubs, is there than to damage their credibility with a few lies dressed up as ''a newsworthu story'' such as in yesterday''s News of the World. Now I would urge anyone reading this missive of mine to think twice about the wording of any replies because that in itself could become libellous. However, I can''t help being suspicious about how and who might have started the ball rolling in producing a fabricated story that, if it was true or believed to be true, could lead to the deduction of points from our football club...
  12. A reliable source has told me Tilly is close to putting in a bid for Delia''s shares!
  13. It is interesting to see LQ that your first post on this subject was made within two minutes of the thread starting. You are also well known for supporting anyone of any importance at the club until they leave, like all the last managers. Then when they have gone, you move on to the next one. The fact you are still supporting Doncaster suggests you know he has not gone, otherwise you would not have sprung to his defence.
  14. I renewed my ticket before the deadline in the hope we would not be relegated. I renewed it with the intention of watching Champiuonship football next season. We were relegated. I almost decided to cancel my season ticket, but decided I would support the club by renewing it, albeit at a reduced rate. I believe I am being generous in actually renewing it.
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