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  1. Anything with a round ball. Mishapen balls are for sportsmen lacking in skill, who have to rely on muscle and speed.
  2. After the last 2 weeks of all sorts of rumours, I can''t see any other option than the above being the PR line used in the next press conference. I think that AN has a tough job to get the squad together again. But in the short time I''ve known about him, I am optimistic. OTBC.
  3. Absolutely. At last a sense of perspective. Frustrating but not worth getting too down about! OTBC
  4. Desperate to get tickets, i bid a silly amount of money and won a pair. It turns out they are in the Boro end!!! What''s the best thing to do? A) sit in boro end - really wouldn''t like this. B) try and swap them with a tout for city tickets. However, I am petrified of getting fakes, or cancelled duplicates... And ending up with not getting to the game at all. Any advice on what to look out for? Any advice, hugely appreciated. Help a fellow Canary!
  5. In the morning Jenks, pass on the negativity nacho''s and try the positivity porridge. You might like it. Maybe you won''t.
  6. "Hoola-hoop brace secures top spot at Portman Road. Top of the league & havin'' a Laff... Not great, but there''s a start....
  7. Hence why he might fit in as head coach with an experienced director of football alongside. Just a thought. Personally I don''t work in the game so I have no idea if he is better or worse than any of the other suggestions. I just hope DM is seeking opinions from a wide number of credible sources before the board make their decision.
  8. Hope so, just popped a couple of quid on him. Wouldn''t be averse to it either, although if might be a gamble.
  9. https://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/news/football-police-investigate-cocaine-scandal-major-club-england-150111200--sow.html If you look at the timings of both stories & the ''contrasting & somewhat strange'' reasons about their suspensions, you can see why you could put 2 & 2 together & come to this conclusion. Add to that, my Villa mate is convinced it''as them, then who knows?!
  10. Remember the two members of staff suspended by a ''top football club'' a few weeks ago for drugs? I''ve heard it''s no coincidence that culverhouse and Karsa were suspended around the same time.
  11. Jenkins. Loving your optimism. Will be joining u in the glass half full bar for the rest of the season.
  12. So do want a Chelsea win to keep all their thoughts on a champs league final. Or a loss to Liverpool followed by a loss in the semi, creating a very despondent mood among all at the bridge?
  13. Curious to know what the majority of posters thought of this, if given the choice. For me it is very simply heart v head. Head says England winning the World Cup would be a once in a life time occasion, a reason for the nation to celebrate as one, a very special event indeed. Plus Ncfc might bounce back next year. Heart says NCFC to stay up. It''s all too easy to see our club sink back into the dark years. I''m probably wrong having stated my reasons above, but I can''t help it! Heart wins. NCFC for safety.
  14. I didn''t catch what Eadie said, but I honestly don''t think Moyes could dare to ''chuck'' a game right now! As previously pointed out, all elite sportsmen our competitive and will want to win. However, the thing we must take advantage of is that their tails might go down sharpish if we start well and get a goal, plus their fans will be poisonous. It''s all about staying in the game as long as possible, and not gifting them a lead early doors.
  15. I get the feeling today was the last straw for all utd fans. They hate Moyes. They have nothing to play for. Talk of player unrest. Next game on TV against us, fighting for our lives, and going in with confidence, well as much as you can on the back of a few losses. Bizarrely, it feels like all the pressure is on them. And at least we look like we can score again. Here''s hoping that next Saturday evening is an absolute horror show for Moyes, and we take some points back to the fine city.
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