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essex canary

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  1. Yes. 80:20 rather than 20:80 in favour of a dynamic Football Club just that the 20% laggards are resident on here.
  2. There has still been only a litany of excuses around the valid point though rather than a concrete commitment to resolve and it isn't rocket science.
  3. Because the minority aren't allowed to be right which seems to be the rule. But then the minority often are right. All the minorities are right at this election, the Greens, the Yellows and even up to a point, though don't give him too many, Nigel Farage. Would anti Democrats like you be better off in North Korea?
  4. If MA walks away with £7 million of club money, at least I can console myself with the fact I was 1 of only 15 or so shareholders and about 3% of the total who voted against it. The sad people are the 97% of sheep. It happens all the time. The First World War was supposed to be all over by Christmas. None of the sheep realised it meant 4 years later or there would be a 6 year second half
  5. There won't be too much relaxation going around if MA walks away with three quarters season ticket money in interest payments unless the money is being wired from West Cork.
  6. It isn't and shouldn't be. If @chicken wishs to make his case though the logic surrounding Water Company customers and their relationship with shareholders maybe a better way of doing it which could put all shareholders in the firing line though primarily S&J but of course he would rather beat up on minority shareholders instead.
  7. Yes. When Alan Bowkett was on board in Premier League seasons the Wages to Turnover ratio was under 50% in 2012. under 60% in 2014 then in the season he left under 70% then we are up to just under 90% in 2022. That is why S&J should always have been tuning into financial nous because they haven't got any and like many commentators on here they dismiss it far too easily and cuddle up to people in their comfort zone. Everyone ends up losing except MA. Why opt for robustness when you can relax? Let's hope those vague assurances you otherwise tried to give us in the past about the C Preference Share interest never being paid prove to be correct. There should be hell to play if they are paid and MA disappears into the sunset.
  8. In for penny in for a pound as long as it isn't our pound. It won't be their euro for long once tested on Portuguese bureaucracy.
  9. I am sure tha @GMF will be able to identify the above as a very sincere issue for Supporter Panel purposes arising as it does from a non-shareholder. I doubt whether the AD Group are enamoured in a wider sense about the Club's record 88% wages to Turnover ratio when last in the PL. Just as a comparison Kieran Maquire lambasts Crystal Palace in his Price of Football book for their figure of 78% in 2017/18.
  10. If the benchmark for an ED salary is around half a per cent as it is at Glasgow Rangers it would be a good idea to get Zoe over to Lisbon at the double.
  11. That was the price the existing shareholders have had to pay for financing the Webber's record breaking vanity project of 88% Wage to Turnover ratio last time in the PL with none of them having an input other than S&J.
  12. The issues raised by Purple on that thread are simply a reiteration of those he has raised a long time ago so in essence the Panel has had plenty of opportunity to pick up on them if their social media scanning is that good which in fairness to you must be a tall order relative to a formal submission system.
  13. If including his C Preference Shares it must be greater than 95% but that seems absurd. Maybe the 75% refers to proportion of live grey matter?
  14. Not sure what isn't clear English ? If the Board (collectively) have no plans to retain the near 20% minority fan shareholding in future and no obligation or moral conviction to settle at higher than £25 per share, why didn't they simply settle as early as possible?
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